Aiden messing with Frostwing

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At a pool, Frostwing would come out of the water and move to out but stop at seeing a hand slammed into the wall beside him and turn around to see Aiden who was giving a seductive smile.

Aiden: *licked her tongue out while pushing her breasts against her boyfriend with a wiggle of her eyesbrow* Look like you need a life guard.

Frostwing: *blushed slightly at her action along with seeing the look in her eye* But I wasn't drown or anything.

Aiden: *snickered lowly* Oh you will after I'm done with you.

Winter would be watching with her soon pouting lightly at this and made her way over to the two and grab the saiyan's left arm, putting it between her breasts.

Aiden: *blinks in surprise at this but smirked challenging towards the shy fox girl* You got jealous? *give her a smug smile*

Winter: *stare up at the slight taller  female and squeezed the saiyan's arm while pushing more of her breasts into his arm* N-No.

The pink female would push her breasts, covering Frostwing's face so he couldn't say as the two females stared off against each.

At Emblem's shop
Emily and Alex would be staring at Emblem who be servicing a few customers while having a different outfit that surprise a few customers.

Alex: *glance over at her pervy friend with a sweatdrop* Do I even want to know?

Emily: *had her arms crossed and smirked slightly* Birthday.

Alex: *sweatdrops even more* You two really just alike..well when it comes to no shame.

The pervy goddess shrugs with a playfully smirk as the two female watch the purple hair girl with the fox girl feeling a bit self conscious and glance over at the pervy goddess.

Alex: *in a small embrassed tone* H-Hey.

Emily would look over and rise a brow towards the fox girl who had turn around.

Alex: *had a small blush of embarrassment as she suddenly felt self conscious of her butt* What do you think? Is her butt bigger than mines?

Emily: *didn't hesitate while having a serious look* Yes. It's more plump.

Alex would shocked at how fast her pervy female while soon sweatdrop, forgetting who she had ask.

Emily: *spanked the fox girl with a wiggle of her eyebrows while snapping a picture* I didn't take you of a thong girl. *thoughts* I wonder which picture is going to get flagged.

Emblem would glance over at the two females and sweatdrop lightly at seeing Alex rubbing her butt with her twin having a perverted grin.

Meanwhile, with Salisa
The former fusion would be leaning on her stomach, feeling a bit bore on what to do to pass the time.

Salisa: *hums to herself while her tails twitched slowly while kicking her legs back and forth* What can I do today?

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