Sasori meet Laxus

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In a large forest, Tenten and her sister would be sitting in open area in the forest, waiting on Laxus who Sasori wanted to meet.

Sasori: *glance over at her eyepatch sister* So is this Laxus person a good person?

Tenten: *scratched her cheek* Yeah she is. Think of her like Saki but somewhat nicer.

Sasori: *rise a brow at this* That's kinda hard to image.

The spear wielder female would glance over to the right, sensing someone approaching them with the eyepatch swordwomen smirking slightly at who it was.

Laxus: *smirk towards the eyepatch swordwomen while leaning down* Yo, Tenten. *smirks playfully* you summon me, what is your wish?

The eyepatch swordwomen chuckled lightly at this with her shaking her head and point to her sister.

Tenten: *in a joking tone* I wish that you meet my sister, Sasori.

The orange hair dragon girl rise a brow at this and look over where her friend was pointing at.

Laxus: *blinks a few times* You sure this isn't a clone of you?

Sasori: *stood up and circle around the dragon girl who watch her circle her* So you're Laxus.

Laxus: *put one hand on her hip as her tail wag around and soon stop the purple hair female with her tail* I'll appreciate that you stop circling me.

Sasori: *hums slightly with one eye close, sensing the dragon girl's power* You are strong.

Laxus: *huffed proudly and puffed her chest out pridefully* Of course I'm strong! I'm a dragon for fuck sakes!

The spear wielder snickered lightly, already liking the orange hair female with the eyepatch watching the two.

Tenten: *grins softly while putting her hand on her knee* Seem like Sasori taking a liking to Laxus already. *shakes her head with a small sigh* If only Saki and Laxus could get along.

The eyepatch swordwomen would continue to watch her sister talk to the dragon girl.

Meanwhile, at the mansion
Alex would be heading towards the bathroom and open the door, stopping at seeing Daisy who was in the tub.

Daisy: *sat up, holding her breasts and notice the fox girl and soon smirk playfully* Yo, sis, what's up? You wanna bathe with me?

Alex: *stare at her younger sister's breasts and covered her own breast, feeling a bit jealous* Well, nothing much.

Daisy would tilted her head confused at her jealous stare and shrugged lightly.

Daisy: *kneel a bit on the tub* So how was your date with that saiyan hm? Did you have fun? *rise a brow* Did you thank Emblem yet?

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