Wrong twin

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Frostwing would walk into laundry room and saw his wife was struggling a bit in the dryer and decide to mess her with a bit.

A few seconds later, the saiyan would be sitting a the table with a few bruises across his face along with a broken arm.

Frostwing: *sweatdrops to himself* I deserve that.

Emily: *smirking smugly towards him* I can't you spank Ema. *giggles playfully* Prefer I'm influence on you a bit? *reach over and poke his cheek, making him wince lightly*

Frostwing: *close one eye at her poking his cheek* She sound just like you when she was stuck.

Emily: *smiled with her eyes close* Be lucky it was just Ema and not Tina.

He would pale slightly at though of the dark skin girl as Ema would walk pass them, rubbing her butt before wincing a bit at being spank again and glance back to see Tina flashing her a small smirk.

Tina: *was leaning against a wall with her arms crossed* Nice ass.

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