Emily wearing Legna's clothes

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In the vampire kingdom, Emily would be hanging out with Legna and Kasumi as the pervy goddess was trying an outfit of her friend as she was checking herself out in a mirror before turning to the two females.

Emily: *had rise a brow of curiosity at her two friends's opinion* How do I look?

Legna: *hums lightly, her hand under her chin* Not bad.

Kasumi: *would smirk playfully, glancing over at the white hair female then at the pervy goddess* I say you are rocking it better than Legna.

The vampire shortstack glance over at her human girlfriend and was surprise to see that the white hair human was pouting towards her.

Legna: *huff lightly towards her vampire shortstack* Not cool, Kasumi. *crossed her arms and look away from her* None of my blood tonight.

The vampire shortstack flinched in horror at this and tug her arm while apologizing to her and beg for her forgiveness with the white hair female soon smirking at this.

Emily: *blink in confusion at this and tilt her head* Is her blood that tasty?

Kasumi: *looks back at her and nodded rapidly, making her breasts bounce a few times* You have no idea.

The white hair female giggle lightly at this and reach down, ruffling the vampire shortstack's hair.

Legna: *stuck her tongue out playfully* I'll think about it later.

The vampire shortstack pouted up at the white hair female who closed her eyes in respone.

Meanwhile, with Mitsu
After freeing the people and getting off the ship, Mitsu would be escorting the people towards a safe area as she heard the sound of weapons clashing along with Ema grunting from crashing into a wall.

Mitsu: *look around for a safe area and going to her thoughts* How am I going to get here now that I think about it. 

The fox girl felt a violent tremble throughout the cave and fidget a bit before groaning to herself.

Mitsu: *had a small aura form around her*  I can at least hope this work.

The fox girl would start to flare her power, hoping that somehow that help would arrive as Callie had pinned Ema against the ground with her tentacles with the squid girl glance over at where the fox girl was.

Callie: *shook her head* It's not going to work. We can't be sense thanks to the cold temperature-

She would stopped at sensing multiple power source heading towards their location, confusing at how they know were to sense the fox girl's with Ema smirking slightly at her, also sensing her friend were coming.

Ema: *tried to free herself but the tentacles tighten their grip on her and spoke in a taunting voice* Seem like you were wrong.

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