New hire

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Inside of Emblem's cafe, Emily would be standing at the counter, a bit bored as she was on her phone.

Emily: *let out a small sigh* It's so boring today. *hum to herself* Should call Frostwing to pass the time.

The pervy goddess soon heard the door being open and glance to over to see a female.

???: *her tail wag around nervously while being 6'7* I-I see that you were hiring. *fidget nervous* M-May I please work here? I-I really need a job.

The pervy goddess would listen at the cow female while staring at her massive breasts.

Emily: *smirks with her eyes close* You're hired!

???: *blinks in surprise, thought that she would be ask a few questions* Eh?! I-Is there a few questions if I'm qualified for the job?

Emily: *put her hand on her chin* You can produce milk right?

The cow girl would blush fully at this and look away from the pervy female who's smirk grow more, already planning for her.

Emily: *thoughts with a small giggle* I'm sure Emblem wouldn't mind me firing people.

She would go out of her thoughts after seeing the new girl muttering something and tilted her head.

Izzy: *look away from her* My name is Izzy. *bows politely* I'll be in your care.

The pervy goddess would smirk at her softly at this and nodded while introducing herself to her new coworkers.

Meanwhile, at a small beach
Coco would take a few steps across the water before looking up at the sky with a smile.

Coco: *let out a small relax sigh with one eye close* Now this is life!

She would reach in between her breasts and pull out her phone.

Coco: *her tail unwrap her leg and wah around* I should get a picture with Kiryu and Tiamat.

She would glance over at Kiryu who was meditating then at Tiamat who was fighting a few sea creatures.

Coco: *wave her hand while speaking a bit loud* Kiryu! Tiamat! Get over here! I want a picture of us.

The two females rise a brow at this but nodded to the blue hair female and made their way over to her as she soon took a picture of the three of them, using her tail.

Coco: *smile softly at the picture, planning to make it her background* We got a good angle. *hums with her tail twitching around* I should post this online for some views.

Tiamat: *rise a brow at this* Why should you do that?

Coco: *did a double peace sign along with a grin* Easy money.

The redhead dragon girl blink a few times before glancing down at her left thigh, seeing a piranha like creature trying to bit into her thigh and flick it away.

Kiryu: *look over at the redhead dragon girl, seeing the large sea creature she was holding* That's our meal?

Tiamat: *grins brightly with her nodding* Hell yeah!

The mix hair color female shook her head at this, having a small smile towards her redhead friend and took it from her where she throw it on the shore.

Kiryu: *pull away from Coco, walking back* I should try cooking then.

The two dragon females nodded to her as the mix hair color female smacked a tree, summon a spear that a few fruits drop on, having their drink for their meal.

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