Saki babysitting Naleste

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Saki would be sitting on a couch, having a small frown to herself at what she was doing and glance over the small child that was crawling around.

Saki: *let out a small sigh* Why do I have to watch over the brat?

The swordwomen would look to see the child was staring at her that made her rise a brow.

Saki: *glare lightly at the small child* What the hell do you want and why the hell are you staring?

Naleste would smile at the swordwomen who froze at his smile, felt her heart skip a beat with her blinking at this and shook her head.

Saki: *stood up and made her way over to the child* The fuck was that? *stood in front of him, kneeling down* You got some power or some shit brat?

The vampire hybrid held his arms wanting to be picked up by the swordwomen who only tilt her head at this, unsure on how to hold a baby and shook her head.

Saki: *stood up and rubbed her hair a bit* I'm assuming you want something.

She open a portal that lead into her room with her looking inside at the collection of plushie she had, deciding on which one she was going to give him and saw a monkey plush that she grab and give the small child who squeezed the plush.

Saki: *shook her head while having the portal close* I don't need that plush so you can keep it. It's my least favorite anyways.

She look back to see the small child had fallen asleep, using the plush as a pillow with the swordwomen staring at him then glancing around and move to pick up the sleeping child briefly hesitating but scoop him up and walked towards his room where she gently put him down in his bed.

Saki: *had close the door behind her* This shit better not made me soft in the future.

She scoff at what she had said and head back to the livingroom.

Meanwhile, at a cafe
Neja would pull off her straw and look over at her best friend who decide to take a small break from watching over her son.

Neja: *had a small concern at leaving her stepson, remembering that swordwomen didn't look pleased at being asked

Celeste: *had use her breasts for her cup with a relax smile* It'll be fine. *
If anything was wrong, Azazel would call us by now.

Alma: *was sitting beside her daughter's right* But that swordwomen is much stronger than her no?

The vampire queen sweatdrop at her mother's point and glance over at where her castle, sensing that her son was in his room that made her rise a brow briefly but smile softly.

Celeste: *took a sip from her cup* There's nothing to worry about.

Her best friend stare at her for a moment and decide to trust her while the elder vampire smile slightly at seeing her daughter's smile.

Alma: *open the book she was reading* I agree.

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