1. the minor setback

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3rd POV

"What the fuck!?" AN almost gaunt child exclaimed, looking at his surroundings.

He didn't seem to be sure of what happened here, finding himself suddenly covered in blood, a man's head was crushed by a sizable lump of gold, and bits of gore splattered on both him, the bed, and a little bit on the wall as well.

"What the hell did I pop into?!" He muttered, quickly dismounting the unidentifiable corpse.

He nearly slipped on an empty bottle on the unclean floor and had to maneuver to an empty spot to stand on.

Deciding to put the dead man aside, he caught his reflection in the mirror; he's guessing this body could be barely 13 years old to him, but he couldn't help but note how the dull purple eyes, ghostly purple hair, and pale skin made him look more dead than alive.


His attention darted towards The slow opening of the door as a kid looking almost a few years younger than him leaned in.

"Faffy?" called out the boy as he entered, "you done it? Is he dead?"

The older boy furrowed his brow at the name he thought sounded ridiculous, so he decided in his own way to introduce himself to someone he should know but doesn't, even as the younger boy finds his sudden shift in mood strange.

"Well in case you don't know who I am, I'm RN. Buuuuut, you can call me Xero Bloodmoonedgegodkiller as my nickname. Nice to meet you!" 'RN' struck a pose.

"Wha-at...?" The boy said, a bit perplexed.

He couldn't be sure whether to be concerned that 'RN' has his nose bleeding like a faucet, the fact that his brother of all people would make such an outrageous name for himself, or that he was smiling and acting like a fool as he said that.

However, that went ignored by 'RN' "now what's your name, my fellow cool kid?"

If he was at a loss for words seconds ago, he was sure he might be hallucinating this somehow. Barely an hour ago the brother he knew was orchestrating a simple murder plan and the both of them were dead serious about it, but now said brother was acting like a different person entirely.

(Did-... did killing father break him?!)

"Fa- Xero," he decided to try and keep the potential psycho calm, "I'm reginn, your brother. Don't you remember?"

"Oh! You're my bro!" YN acted as if he remembered, "But uh. . . You know who killed this guy?"


is what reginn wanted to yell out, but restrained himself and nervously tried to be casual. "Well it sure wasn't me, but I'm sure you know who it might be?"

He let out an anxious laugh but YN didn't notice, "well if you don't know, then let's go avenge him!"

YN suddenly thrusted his forward and a scythe larger than himself appeared out of thin air, more to the bafflement of his brother. He saw the look on his brother's face and thought he was astonished at the very normal looking scythe when he was really stunned that fafnir would even want a scythe to begin with.

"Ya like it? I conjured the scythe that sunders the fabric space! I see you're looking a little jealous, but worry not! I can make you one too-"

"What the hell are you on about!?" Reginn couldn't play along for much longer and shouted at his brother.

"What I am on about, is getting you some drip!" He tumbled a bit after a step, "ugh, I don't feel so good."

(Wow, what gave that away?) Reginn sarcastically thought.

That sarcasm was quickly replaced with small concern as his brother collapsed to the floor.


"I'm fine, I'm fine," he managed to groan out, "and stop calling me faf-"

He looked up and noticed reginn was gone, along with the room they were in; instead he found himself in vast darkness, and that wasn't the strangest thing currently.

That would be him appearing as an adult rather than a child.

"-Nir. . ."

". . . g__e . . . _t b__k. . ."

Not noticing the apparition behind him, he went on and walked through the seemingly endless disorientingly colorful abyss.

"Maybe there was a problem with the process?"

The apparition became more clearer, appearing as the form of the child YN previously had.

"g_t _ut!"

"Where am i-"

"It'S MiNe!!!" the distorted, monstrous image of the child screeched.

"yeesh you don't need to- ack!"

The boy pounced YN, trying to tear him apart.

The real world

While the older boy was in his mind, reginn was trying to wake him up after he fell down for seemingly no reason whatsoever. This went on for minutes until he quickly shot back up, eyes flickering and glowing. But the moment he woke up, an ethereal miasma left his body and floated out the room, which went unnoticed by the both of them.

"Fafnir, what was that? Are you ok?" Reginn looked with concern.

Seeing his brother next to him put him at some ease, even as he felt the presence of RN in the back of his mind.

Fafnir plopped back down on the floor after sweeping junk out of the way, "well, I think I am. Don't know what that guy's deal is though."

"Okay but what was that thing you, or that guy did? I just saw that scythe appear out of thin air."

"Scythe...?" Fafnir raised an eyebrow but quickly caught onto what his brother meant, "Ah. Must be his cheat or something "


"Yeah, cheat. Apparently he got powers from some lady; might have something to do with creation and dreams." The boy huffed before getting an idea, "Wait, let me try something."

Sitting up and holding his hands out, he tried visualizing random things to start with if his hunch is correct. After a short moment, he heard something drop on the floor and opened his eyes to what happened.

In front of him was a small pile of knives, candy, food, and money, making him smile. The fact he didn't even feel a "drain" of sorts from making those objects made him more intrigued.

"Eh?" Astonished, the younger brother picked up what looks a chocolate bar and took a bite as fafnir looked in anticipation.

Then he took another...

Then another...

Then another...

Then reginn took another out the pile and dogged down at it as fafnir had a look of slight satisfaction.

To see that he had such a useful power filled him with glee. Even with the somewhat modest creations he imagined, he was sure some practice here and polishing there would take such to new heights.

And if power over the concept of dreams were as loose and absurd as he thinks it is, then its potential should be immensely high with the right amount of dedication and creativity to reach such unprecedented heights.

And with the memories RN had, those alone would-


Fafnir lost his train of thought and reginn stopped munching from the door knocking. The brothers glanced at each other with confusion, and then weariness before slowly nodding, the former grabbing a knife and the latter materializing a pistol before heading to the door.

"Can you open the door, RN?" rang a mysterious reverberating voice only one of the boys knew.

Fafnir took aim at the door, aiming where he assumes the chest area is at and making sure both hands are trained on the gun so they won't fracture from the recoil.

Then he pulled the trigger.


"Shit!" He cursed as held his gashed hand.

Neither of them knew what happened; They see a bullet hole through the door so that means something did hit. Perhaps the stranger somehow reversed the bullet to fafnir?

A glowing eye peaked through the smoking hole, "well since you were so rude as to shoot me instead of saying no, i'll just let myself in."

Despite their protest at the notion, she seemingly phased into the room and stared right at the one who shot her (at least fafnir assumes) in full view of the boys, albeit in different perspectives.

To reginn, what he saw was not that of a person simply phasing through the door, but what seemed to be a blaring error in reality; instead it appeared to be some silhouette shape of a creature that highlights the area past it in neon colors like a lens of sorts. And that's not counting the distortions in space around it.

To fafnir, he was seeing a completely different thing instead of a transparent figure; he could make out a somewhat feminine figure on her upper-half but noticed her lower-half before he got the details. Her legs ended at bladed stumps instead of feet of any kind, her arms were reaching the floor more than her "legs" could, and had large hands with claws that look dull yet paradoxically sharp at the same time. Her head bears no face to speak of, but had long, dark flowing hair, filled with eyes that sees everything around her, with an animal skull worn like a hat of sorts.

"mind emitting unusual energies, foreign soul, and... half the chaos magic i given." The entity tilted her head, whether out of curiosity or a tic, fafnir did not know, "if it's not RN I'm speaking to, then who are you?"

Fafnir was still unsettled at the sight of her, but learned more about her through YN's memories and reluctantly introduced himself. "Fafnir, Fafnir hriedmarson."


Hey guys! It's been a long while since I made an actual story, but I wanted to get one out before the year's over, so here's a chapter for the time.

It took so long because I simply can't tell what world to base this fanfic on, so I made it somewhat ambiguous as to what it is until I can choose. So if y'all have a world, it'd be good to hear what you suggest.


1640 words

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