Chapter 12: I'll Be Back

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"Hei?" Yin is confused by my sudden hatred but finishes it off regardless. Now there are no more dead wolves. Just living ones which have begun to circle the Corrupted Bear while eyeing us warily. They're too scared to attack anymore. I pull Yin back to the fence of spears I planted up on the hill as the wolves abandon their prey and turn on us.

"AWWOOOO!!" The lead wolf howls and the last five beasts charge us. Hiding behind our spear wall, I grab the prepared weapons on the ground and begin lobbing them at the enemy! My strength as a Lvl. 5 Hunter cannot be compared to before. The Basic Combat System Skill means that my aim is inhuman and I make sure not to target their skulls...I want them alive for Yin to finish!

"Take that!" I yell out, enjoying each painful whine as they fall. "Eat this!"

"Hei? You're scaring me..." Yin surveys the damage while blushing. "I-Is this really okay?" Despite all that these things have done to her, she remembers nothing. Only I can remember the pain on her face, the way her body broke under their teeth. My revenge is for both of us but only I get to enjoy it. Even still, I intend to make sure they pay a bitter price!

"Hahaha!" I laugh as the last wolf falls just beyond the edge of our spears. Five wolves, including the pack leader lie pinned to the ground by my accurate throws. Ripping the last spears from the dirt, I hand one to Yin. "Finish them off. They're worth a lot of xp."

"What about that thing?" Yin stares with undisguised fear towards the massive Corrupted Bear. Despite the terrible wounds inflicted on it, it's managed to drag its broken body towards us and is struggling to climb up the slope towards us. I heft a spear in each hand. "'s huge!"

"Don't worry, it's all yours too." I toss the spears one after another, aiming for the bear's shoulders. Even with the system's aim assist, the thing manages to lunge forwards and I fail to incapacitate it. Squinting, I remember how deadly it was in the past and how hard it was to kill. I take out my cleaver. "Actually, hold on. This one's mine!"

Dashing forwards, I see Yin sprinting to finish off the wolves in the corner of my eye. The wild thrill of battle hums in my veins. It all went perfectly. For once, no one's hurt. I barely have a scratch on me, and Yin's safe. She's finally hit Lvl. 5. All that's left is to put this stupid bear down!


It roars at me, and tries to swipe when I come into range. But I'm Lvl. 5 now, it isn't so easy to catch me! Whirling to my right because its left paw has been impaled by a spear, I duck around it and then vault up into the sky!

"This time." I growl back at it, swinging my cleaver as I spin around in the air, "No one can save you!"


My cleaver buries into the meaty neck of the bear with a squishing noise. Instantly the hulking beast drops into the dirt. But I'm not taking any chances. I know how tough this thing is from experience. Letting go of my cleaver, I jump up again and send a spinning axe kick onto the handle. On the way down, I see my reflection in the beast's milky white eyes. A black blur crashes down towards its neck.


The whole, giant, head of the bear falls to the ground. Corrupted black blood spews from the hole and I hastily grab my cleaver before it falls into the puddle. Jumping off, I brush my hands off. In the corner of my eye, I see that I'm most of the ways to Lvl. 7 now. Behind me, Yin is standing by the corpse of the wolfpack leader. There's a spear in its eye. Her mouth is open.

"'re a beast. Have I ever told you that?" She says with a slightly nervous smile as I stride over. Looking at the corpses of the infected wolves, I try to decide if they're edible. However, it's still early in the Calamity. I'm not a hundred percent sure the levels of virus on them are low enough yet. "If only Donovan hadn't been such a prick, he probably would still be alive right now..."

"Sorry." I mutter reflexively. Yin gives me a strange look but doesn't suspect anything.

"Not your fault. Those guys just weren't lucky enough I suppose." She quickly reins in her sadness after a moment. "Thank you, Hei. This is a lot to take in, and I don't know why you're so nice to me, but thank you so much. I hope to repay you one day."

"You already did..." I mutter under my breath quietly, thinking back to all the times Yin's tried to save me despite facing terrifying enemies. "Alright, let's not worry about butchering the meat yet. What level are you?"

"The m-meat?" Yin looks at me confusedly for a second. "Um, Lvl. 9."

"Not bad. The system probably awarded less experience since the bear wounded all those wolves first, but you're a lot higher level than me now. I'll tell you what to do with those stat points later. Come on, there's somewhere I want to go tonight."

I lead Yin away from the Corrupted Bear's den.

It's been a successful mission for sure.

My blood is still pounding from finally beating those bastards.

At this point in the Calamity, there shouldn't be anything stronger in this area, so we should be safe for tonight if we don't actively go out of our way to find undead.

Basically, it's like we've beaten the local bully and now we control his territory. That'll change soon as new undead are reanimated and stronger things mutate but I'm satisfied.

It's time to move on. There's just one place I want to go first.


Outside Suzy's sepulchre, I stare at the endless fields of white bones lying in the leaves. Yin gazes out at the skeletons with her mouth open in a soundless gasp. Seeing her shock, I just nod at her and close my eyes, remembering the person inside who convinced me what it meant to be alive. To fight for Yin regardless of the pain. A tear comes to my eyes and I'm about to wipe it away when another blossoms.

She must be so lonely in there...

"I'm sorry I can't come and talk to you now." I call out into the woods. Somewhere inside, Suzy is in there. I wonder if she's sleeping, or if she's awake and she's heard my voice.

Naturally, she doesn't know who I am, but I like to think she'll understand that I'm a friend. Yin looks away, giving me some privacy. The perceptive girl seems to have picked up on something even if I don't tell her why I'm here.

"Listen, it may be a little bit, but hang on. I've decided...I'm going to break the limit! I'll find out how to get someone to Lvl. 100, and when I do, I'll bring them here...and help you destroy this cage! So, don't be sad! You won't be alone forever! Just hold on a little bit longer and watch me and Yin through that mirror of yours! I promise you, one day soon, I will come back for you!"


The wind blows suddenly, and the bones rattle peacefully on the ground as my words echo into the sepulchre. I add one last thing under my breath so Yin can't hear.

"I know you can see it. The thing inside of me. I'm counting on you, Suzy. If I die and it comes out, you have to help stop it. No matter the cost, trust me..."

Having said my piece, I wipe the tears from my cheeks and turn to go. Yin walks beside me, leaning her head onto my shoulder and holding my arm, offering her silent support. All the way back until we make it to the river, she lets me think. By the time I see the gently burbling water, and the clear sky, I've calmed down. Grabbing Yin's hand, I prepare to finally leave this forest behind.

"You sure you're ready to go?" Yin asks with concern in her eyes. I nod quietly, swallowing as she squeezes my hand in hers. Taking the first step, I smile, feeling like a great weight has left my shoulders.

"I'll be back."

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