Chapter 35: Ghost In The System Pt.2

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The inside of the Hunter's Guild in this town is larger than I would have expected.

Another sign that I've been out for longer than I expected.

Gradually one emotion returns to me.

Irritation. Yes, this is irritation. If I could speak, I could get answers to all my questions faster.

Following Sierra inside the main guild lodgings, we leave Rita and Jie behind. Her little sister stays behind to keep Jie from doing something stupid while he's grieving. The older sister brings me to her superior first.

"Mr. Q, behind this door is my boss, so I'd appreciate it if you'd be polite..."

"H-Hei." My croaking voice doesn't sound like how I remembered it. Although to be honest it's been so long since anyone called my name that I could be remembering it wrong.

"What? What are you trying to say?" She asks curiously, seeming very surprised that I'm talking. Pointing at myself, I try to communicate in as few words as possible.

" name..." Stinging pain shoots up my throat and I begin to cough. It hurts to talk at a level other people can hear clearly. Fortunately, Sierra seems to get it. The girl's ferocious expression softens slightly as she understands.

"Oh, that's your name. Well, alright, Hei. Nice to meet you!" She sticks out her hand but quickly panics as my coughing grows worse.

*Cough Cough*

"Let me get you some water!" Sierra runs away, leaving me in front of her boss's door. An unfamiliar voice comes from inside right as she departs.

"Is someone out there?"

*Cough Cough*

My eyes begin to fill with tears as I try to hold it in. But before the damn girl can return, the door opens and I'm faced with a stern auburn-haired man looking down on me. He looks me over, the flaming hawk insignia on his chest belying his authority as he tries to figure out why I'm outside his office.

"Can I you?"

*Cough Cough*

Rolling my eyes, I point at my throat and try to show that I can't speak right now. The man only becomes more confused.

"Is something wrong? Who the heck are you? Why are you outside my office?"

"...Ack..." I croak out indignantly, as Sierra returns. Her angry boss immediately notices her coming but she doesn't see him. Unfortunately, due to how hard I'm coughing, when she holds out a cup of water, I accidentally knock it over.


A rain of glass and some green liquid goes everywhere, including her boss's expensive white suit. wasn't water. It was tea.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Sierra goes into salvage mode. Her boss is already apoplectic with dignified rage. He raises an eyebrow and chastises her while she tries to pick up the pieces of the broken teacup.

"Sierra...what's happening here? Why is my best suit covered in green tea?" He barely manages to contain his rage, fist shaking, as he glares daggers at both his subordinate and I. For her part, Sierra recovers as gracefully as she can under the circumstances. Picking shards out of the carpet, she gives him a shaky smile.

"Um, this is Mr...Q...I mean, Mr. Hei!" She explains as fast as she can, as if afraid he might explode before she finishes. "Our team found him outside Tiendas City, and you said to report anyone high level who came out of there. Mr. Hei needs registration card. Additionally, Jin's father is dead, Sir. We encountered some sort of creature which killed two parties."

"I've heard the rumors...but I didn't think it would really happen again." Sierra's boss mutters something strange. Sierra looks confused and he backtracks. Considering how often I've made the same mistake; I begin to realize he knows more than he's saying. "Alright, well, now because of you, I need to change my suit. So, if you would please leave me be...Sierra? Take a hint."

"But Sir, aren't you going to oversee the power grading process?" She asks with confusion. Her boss angrily turns around, with a disdainful look at me as I finally manage to suppress the cough.

"Please...did you see the way he reacted just now? You know the watch parties are just to keep high-levels out of the training zones while the Guild Leaders are on the frontlines." He sneers as I finally manage to get a breath of air. "This guy clearly isn't a high level. I'll allow you to run the registration on your own. If you'll excuse me!"


The door shuts in our face and I'm left standing outside with Sierra as she picks up the pieces of her teacup.


Huh...would have the Flame Hawk Guild would be a little more friendly. But then again, the way I met these guys was because they were harassing me. Leaders set the example for their followers.

"Hic." Sierra makes a suspicious sound and I look away. It appears, she might cry. "Mr. Nigel is a bit much sometimes. I can't believe I messed up like that. Shoot." She throws one of the porcelain shards on the ground and steps on it, crunching it into dust.

You're awfully devoted to someone who just treated you like crap.

Kind of reminds me of some office workers I knew in the past.

Shaking my head, but unable to say anything, I bend down to help her clean up the mess.

"Oh no, Mr. Hei! It was my fault!" She vigorously pushes me away, dropping some of the pieces from her hand as she does. The well of tears building behind her eyes almost breaks through when the shards crack and shatter into an even bigger mess. "Damn it!"

Ugh...I hate watching girls cry.

Every time I try to help, she pushes me away so I give up and just stand by the wall, watching, as she finishes the job. Then she leads me away from her boss's office. As we go, I give one last suspicious glance backwards at the shut door.

Something doesn't add up. It almost seemed like Nigel wasn't surprised that people had died. And his reaction wasn't normal. He knows more than he's saying. Whatever though, it's not my business...

Accompanying Sierra to the Grading Room, I fill in my details for the Hunter Card. It's not like it matters if they know my name.

Even if the System God made the world hate me, he also erased me from everyone's memories. So, it's fine to use my real name.



Home City-Tiendas

I randomly choose that city on a whim, even though it isn't my home. It's something of a private joke to me.

After all, this person who no one can remember, was born there. It might as well be home now.

"Alright Mr. Hei, that's all we need for details. The Hunter Guild Alliance is not too picky. Now all that left is the power and combat grading. Remember, please do your best, if the results are not sufficient, you'll have to return here to try again in the future." She kindly warns me. Perhaps it's the blank look on my face but she seems to get an inkling that I'm not really interested. "Mr. Hei? Are you ready? I'm about to begin."

I nod, barely paying attention to the System Artifact they're using for the examination. Unlike her, I actually know it works.

Daemonic All-Seeing Orb:

Changes colors based on the grade of mana received.

The Daemonic All-Seeing Orb appears like a giant clear, marble with an eyeball in the center. It was the same thing they used to measure "System Power" in the past. The way it determines is actually pretty simple. It doesn't actually calculate anything based on your level. Instead, it measures the output of mana you can summon from the System. Which is directly correlated to your intelligence stat as well as your natural willpower. If you're a high enough level you'll naturally gain points and mana. But the Daemonic All-Seeing Orb can overrate mage-types since most mages focus on the stat it measures.


Putting my hand on the Daemonic All-Seeing Orb, I let a small amount of the System's mana flow out of me. The eyeball in the center of the crystal marble spins wildly, trying to see through me. Gradually, the entire thing turns a pasty yellow color before fading out and going clear. Seeing it, Sierra turns apologetic.

"Oh...I'm sorry, Mr. Hei, you can always come back and test again once you a level a bit more. Rita and I won't mind helping you while you're an F-Class." She strides over and checks the orb. "Jie might seem a bit rough, but I think he'll probably need a break after his father...anyway, until the funeral at least, we should party together."

F-Class. The lowest tier. I'm actually Lvl. 11 which means even my base intelligence should have been enough to register as E-Tier, but I guess since I didn't try whatsoever, it came out as the lowest possible level. Now all that's left is...

"We can skip the combat and skills assessment I think." She says it with an expression that might be pity. "As a matter of fact, how about you go out with Rita and I on a hunt? We'll just count the results of that as your combat evaluation."

"Mmm..." I shake my head. So troublesome.

"You'd rather just take F-Class with the lowest combat and skill rating? Double F-Class? Hei, even if it isn't much of a difference, this is your future, you should care a bit more, don't you think?" She chastises me but when I don't respond all she can do is sigh. Going over to a backroom, Sierra flips her hair and points at me, "Don't go anywhere! I'll be back in a second while your card prints."

It's not like I can run're a higher level than me.

I examine the room while the sound of a whirring magical artifact comes from the background. The guilds have managed to plunder a number of things from various System monsters at this point which means that we've entered a new stage of the Calamity. However, the weird thing is, that the Flame Hawk's don't seem to have much equipment.

Based on Sierra and Rita's levels, assuming they're just average guild members for an average guild, I'd expect that about a year has passed, maybe.

But it felt like much longer inside that place...did it warp my perception of time?

Or did I just go insane...?

*Tap Tap Tap*

Footsteps on the wooden floor of the examination room interrupt my dark thoughts. Looking up, I see a thick burly man with a huge broadsword stride into the room. The insignia badge on his chest is a black raven and I see he does not belong to the Flame Hawks. When he sees me, he stops, a surprised expression on his face.

"Oh? It's a newbie? You here for a grading, buddy?" He walks over and holds out his hand. "I'm Bern, it's good to see someone new here!"

"H-Hei." My voice comes out without making me cough more than a little this time. I shake with him and back away. Bern is the kind of man who has no sense of personal space. He stands too close for comfort.

"Hei? That's a good name! Oh, is that Sierra? She grading you, huh?" He waves over to the girl who has returned from the printing room. A fresh Hunter Card is in her hand, but when she sees Burn waiting beside me, Sierra quickly hides it behind her back. Her deception is not lost on the big man, however. "Hey, no hiding the newbies, we're all allowed to recruit here, this is the Hunter Alliance, not the Flame Hawk's training grounds. Lemme see his grade!"

"'s not that." Sierra awkwardly squeezes my card in her closed fists. She looks at me to see if it's okay and I nod. Finally, she relents and holds it up for Bern to see. "Mr. Hei's rating is a bit low since he's a new Hunter. And he doesn't want to take the combat and skills test so..."

"Oh." The big man takes one look at my Hunter Card and immediately pipes down. "My bad! My big mouth always has a way of making me do things I shouldn't." He takes a softer tone now that he knows I'm rated double F. "No matter! I'm sure you'll get stronger in no time. During this Calamity, it doesn't matter how strong you were in the beginning. All that matters is how hard you're willing to work in the end!"

It's just because I can't let see the Demon Lord's Devouring Hunger...not because I'm incompetent, you oaf!

Bern slaps my back, and I instinctively dodge out of the way of his bear-like hands. The man gives me an odd look.

"Nice reflexes. You an agility-main? I can give you some tips, the Mocking Raven Guild is accepting newbies, regardless of grade. We'll treat you better than the Flame Hawks, come on, what kind of signing bonus is she offering you?"

"Signing bonus? Mr. Bern, I think you're misunderstanding something." Sierra says doubtfully but Bern just plows on anyways. "We're not trying to recruit-"

"One thousand System Coins to anyone who signs this week!" Bern goes for another shoulder clap and I duck out of the way. "Ohoho, I'll put in a thousand of my own as well. How about it, two thousand System Coins and all you have to do is join the Black Raven Guild. We'll even sponsor your equipment and help you level up. In these hard times, it's not a bad deal!"

"" I keep my face blank as I respond. Something about the way I say it causes Bern to freeze up. The winning smile on his face goes away and he backs up a step.

"Oh...well, that's too bad, Mr. Hei, but if you want to join at any point, please do let me know. I'm going to go now. Lot's of recruiting to do!" Bern strides out of the examination room with a worried glance backwards. I hear him muttering to himself as he goes. " can't have been him. But what was that killing intent...?"

A drop of sweat rolls down the back of Bern's hairy neck as he goes. Once the sound of his boots has disappeared, I turn to Sierra.

"Mr. Hei, you can talk!" She smiles genuinely and I nod. "I was going to look for a healer in town, but it's good that you're improving. Even if I borrow from Rita, I wasn't sure if I could get enough System Coins to afford one..."

"I...w-will. B-e fine." I manage to choke out and then give up in frustration. Miming writing, I ask for a pen and paper. Sierra quicky pulls out a notepad and a pencil. I scribble an important question.

"What is the date? Year and day please."

Sierra doesn't understand why I'm asking, but gives me the benefit of the doubt.

"Uhh, was Mr. Hei lost for a long time? I suppose that would explain a lot. It's 2022, January 13th, I hope you didn't miss New Years!" She tells me. Pressing my fingers to my temples, I sit down on the floor, thinking.

Yep, it really has been over a year. A lot has changed since then. However, is it me, or are things progressing faster than they did in my past life? If my memories are correct, then the number of people who have classed up should be countable on one hand. Yet I've already seen one, and Sierra, an average Hunter is already Lvl 18. Extrapolating outwards, then the top Hunters might be mid thirties or even low forties by now. That's just too fast. It hasn't been THAT long. Unless...unless because the people who should have died in Tiendas City survived this time, the Calamity has been accelerated? That's one possibility...

Musing the vagaries of time with myself, I ignore the poor girl in front of me for a well needed think. However, before I can get my thoughts in order, someone else interrupts. The oak door opens again and someone strides into the white examination room.

"Sis, Jie went home." Rita runs in from the cold outside whether. Her pigtails bounce despite the unhappiness on her face, "He was still crying..."

"That' be expected, I guess." Sierra sighs, "Give him time. We can't ask him to go out hunting with us for a while. But without Mr. Chiang, and Jie, we're pretty out of luck."

"But then we're going to fall behind. We're only one week from the Monthly Hunter Checkup! If we don't participate in another mission, we won't get our System Coins for this month!" The young girl grows even more distraught as she points wildly outside, "We'll be evicted!"

"Rita, it's fine. I'll figure something out. Worst case...we can sleep outside for a few nights. It's not like we haven't done that before, right?" Sierra leaves me to go put her hands on her sister's shoulders. "Calm down, we're going to be okay!"

"Sis! We lived outside in the Summer! It's snowing out there!"

"Well, we're Hunters now. So, I mean, I guess we'll just have to level up a bit and point more points in stamina. It might be a bit rough, but we'll survive." Sierra's own voice sounds doubtful even to her own ears. "Ugh, but it's going to be hard to complete any other missions without Mr. Chiang and Jie. We just don't have enough people. Mr. Hei, I know it's a lot to ask but would you mind helping us. You wouldn't have to do much, Rita and I will do the fighting!"

"Who's Hei?" The little sister follows Sierra's gaze and locks in on me. "Oh, is that your name. Can you talk now, Mr.?"

Rita's good-natured smile and Sierra's worried expression cause a pang of worry to pop in my heart for the first time since coming back. Though the Flame Hawks have caused me nothing but trouble, they haven't had bad intentions. It's for that reason that the frozen ice around my heart shifts a little. It doesn't quite crack me open, but maybe just a little bit I can help out. I scribble on the notepad and show it to them-

"I'll come. But I won't fight."

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