Chapter 45: Noodles With Delphie Pt.2

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"Heh, this place isn't too bad. I used to come here all the time back when our family was doing well..." Delphie trails off. "Anyways, I know the manager so let's get some lichen noodles!"


We meander inside with the tinkling of a bunch of unique garlic-shaped, silver bells hanging by the door. With a swish of her dress's sleeve, Delphie taps on the counter while waiting to be attended. There are probably only about five other beings inside this room, all Nephilim with the characteristic violet hair. Their kaleidoscope eyes sparkle as they follow my entrance to the room. However, when they see who I'm with, they look away politely, though I see them sneaking glimpses from time to time. Man, this is one thing I don't miss from being a high-level. Everyone watching you. The stress. Seems like Delphie's family is rather important in Meteos City.

"Coming!" From behind the counter, a thick portly Nephilim with a chef's apron and spatula walks out. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Miss. Delphie! Please, please, take a seat. And you brought your friend? Wow, I was beginning to think you had gotten tired of my noodles. Come on then, let's get you fed!" This particular Nephilim's eye pattern is a bit different. It's kind of hard to say how, but it doesn't gleam quite the same way. His short hair tied up into a bun under a net, he gives a small start as he sees my own black hair and my one regular eye. Ignoring the eyepatch, he shakes my hand. "What's your name? I'm Midas. I keep telling Delphie to bring her friends here, but she rarely does anything besides eat alone. Refusing to help a poor man keep his business afloat, that's cruelty, no?!"

"I'm Hei. Nice to meet you."

After the introductions are made, Midas leads us to an open table in the corner. I note that two of the Nephilim sitting nearby hurriedly toss some System Coins beside their half-finished bowls and leave the shop when we arrive. Seeing how uncomfortable and dismayed Delphie's face gets, I decide it'd be better not to ask what that's better.

"Okay, okay! Well, my shop only serves one thing, so two bowls coming right up!" The owner rubs his hands together and rushes away cheerily, though something about his voice sounds a little forced. Clearly, he's noticed but is trying not to say anything. The conversation grows awkward as Delphie stares out the window glumly. Though I'm not much of a talker, I can emphasize. It sucks being ostracized.

"So, tell me more about the Underworld. For instance, if I wanted to go back to the surface. How would I get there?" I try to change the topic and though Delphie still looks a bit put-out, she quickly warms up to it. Braiding her violet strands into some sort of elaborate coiffe over her head, she explains things to me.

"Well, I assume you mean your surface as opposed to any surface. The Underworld is full of various connection points and gates which can go to many places. Take the wrong one, and you might end up somewhere in a flaming hell or be murdered by Angelic Sabliques. However, the human gates are generally pretty well known. Rather there is a problem though..." Delphie chews on her lip with an awkward expression though her fingers continue to effortlessly braid a masterpiece that the best Hollywood hairdressers would be hard-pressed to replicate. "You see...the human gates we know of...they only come in. Not out."


"Yea...sorry. That's just kind of how it is!" For the first time, her fingers miss a strand and half the elaborate hairdo falls apart. Blowing her hair out of her face, she holds up her palms apologetically. "Sometimes the System just works that way. But I mean, it's not impossible that a new one will open. Or you'll find an undiscovered gate. Happens all the time as a matter of fact. For instance, I have no idea what gate you came in through. Must be one that's not on Meteos City's maps."

"Ah...crap." Muttering angrily to myself, I shake my head, and now I'm the glum one. So, this explains why I can't remember anyone coming back from the Underworld. Just like Tiendas. This place must just be hard to exit. But at least it's not a deathtrap, right? I mean there's even other Hunters here. There has to be some way out. The System always leaves a glimmer of hope, after all. Unless System Admins are involved.

"You alright?" Delphie waves her hands in front of my face. At some point, while I was thinking dark thoughts, she finished her hairdo, and I have to work to keep my face even. Goddamn...the Nephilim would have killed it in the movie industry. The coiffe she's managed to work her violet hair into, without the aid of a mirror, resembles something you'd think the nobles of previous centuries would wear to a ball or gala. However, unlike those fake, corny, representations of human desire, this is the real deal. Nephilim...fallen angel. Maybe there is something to that after all.

"Y-Yea." Hiding my awestruck feelings behind a yawn, I cover my face as the noodles arrive. The owner returns with two steaming bowls on a black tray he carries out personally. The aroma of the shop grows intensely stronger as he sets the down in front of us.

"There you go! Two of my famous green-lichen noodles with medicinal soup!"

After the shop owner leaves with a smile, I take a deep breath of the strange smells coming from the bowl in front of me. The noodles are indeed somewhat green, if faded in color, but the black soup inside has been infused with countless droplets of vegetable oils. Taking a sip of the boiling hot broth, I find it to be uniquely delicious in a way that can't be compared to any soup from my past. Huh, I could see why people become vegetarian here. This is pretty good!

"Good?" Delphie watches me with an eager expression. "Try the noodles!" One of the benefits of the System is that my tongue is on another level from before the Calamity. Lifting the scalding noodles to my lips, I slurp one in and find it a new experience which surprises me. The lichens which form the fine fibres of the noodles have an indescribable chew and spongy texture that shouldn't be good, but really is. If I had to compare it to anything, maybe it would be like chewing gum, except delicious and oddly satisfying. Before I know it, my hungry body makes the bowl disappear. Delphie laughs, also digging in and the awkward atmosphere from before is finally forgotten.

"Ohoho, what's this? The Young Miss of the Violets eating dinner with a strange man? So, the rumors are true!" A loud voice chortles from the doorway. As my head swivels to see who it is, I notice Delphie's ears turn a vibrant shade of rosy violet. Interesting. In the shop entrance, an unfamiliar Nephilim stands with her hips cocked and a hand on her chin. Her eyes have an interesting kaleidoscope swirl in them which reminds me vaguely of an hourglass. The dress she wears is a dark indigo which covers a whole lot less than Delphie's. Her eyes follow mine down and I hastily bring them back up. "Hehe, your friend has good taste. The noodles here really are the best. Excellent texture and flavor."

"Absolutely." I agree softly as this new Nephilim walks over with a flouncing step, like she's skipping across air. She's taller than Delphie, the tip of her head coming up to my neck, maybe. Her hair is also done up elaborately, and I wonder if all Nephilim women are master hairdressers. My companion turns around and I notice that while she seems a bit nervous, her reaction doesn't seem to be hostile. Maybe she's a friendly?

"Hey, Sophie. How are you doing?" Delphie greets her and stands up to give her a kiss on the cheek. When Sophie sees my gaze widen, her small nose twitches and she returns a kiss on Delphie's cheek...following it with one on Delphie's lips. All while staring possessively into my eyes. Okay...maybe more than a friendly? Completely unaware of the looks being exchanged over her shoulder, Delphie introduces me, "This is Hei, by the way. He's from the surface."

"So, I gathered. I had heard that you were taking in strays, but I wanted to see it myself. Tell me, Hei, what's a surface person doing all the way down here? Come to charm my Delphie away from me?" Sophie goes to stand by our table, and Delphie quickly moves to grab her a chair, but the other Nephilim shakes her head. "That won't be necessary. Jokes aside, I'm not here to talk pleasure. Well, I suppose I do have time for that in the future, if you want to bring Hei along sometime for the garden parties. But now's not the time. I came here to warn you, Delphie."

"Warn us? Of what?" The innocent Nephilim's eyes flash as she scrunches up her face. "This doesn't sound good."

"'s not. Your brother, Delphie, is a royal pain. I told you to get rid of him years ago, but now it's gotten out of hand. He's contracted the Roses...I shouldn't be warning you, but I don't care." Sophie's face grows serious and all the playful seductive side of her disappears in an instant. Suddenly, I can feel the bloodthirst hidden behind the smiles. "You know my family won't stop once we've been contracted by a client. Your time is running out...!"

"Damnit, Taer. You actually called in an idiot, I only brought Hei in to heal him, not to use against you. What threat could a wounded wanderer bring to you! IDIOT, IDIOT!" My host grows increasingly angry as she realizes what her brother has done. She drops a couple hints which tell me that some of this might be my fault. Huh, that's unfortunate. "Okay, I can rant later. Tell me, Sophie, how much time do we have?"

"It's my family, Girl. Your brother came to us an hour ago. The blood seal is on its way through as we speak. Once I leave this shop, you're on the menu. I'd recommend skipping dessert, today. And going out the back." Sophie's hourglass shaped swirls rotate wildly as she looks out the window. "Two Fallen are already in place. I need to go or I'll be accused of interfering with Yun's business. And I have enough on my plate already. Anyways, good luck! Bring Hei with you next time. I'm sick of seeing your brother. You should get rid of him...soon. Before he finds a way to get rid of you."

"Ugh...Taer, what have you done!" Delphie moans into her hands as Sophie calmly walks back out of the shop. As she goes, she blows a kiss over her shoulder at us and I'm not sure why but it's kind of hard to tell if its for Delphie or me. The wink and wave as she opens the door doesn't help clear it up. What a vixen.

"Oh yea, one more thing." Sophie pauses at the door. "That guy's back. We can talk about it later. Oi, you, Hei, right? Take care of her. I'll blame you if anything happens!"




The garlic-shaped bells ring as the strange Nephilim leaves and suddenly, I feel Basic Prescience begin to thrum a warning in my skull. Someone outside just decided they want us dead. Tapping Delphie on the shoulder, I step away from the window and crouch down low.

"Does this place have another exit?"

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