Ben 10 v.s. Reinhard, an unwinnable war.

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Ben didn't waste time..  to waste time would be to give Reinhard even a single opening. 

And to give someone of Reinhard's caliber any opening at all, would be nothing but an insult to his name and reputation. 

Ben went all out at the start, unleashing Jetray in a flourish of green light, zooming all around Reinhard with such immense speed that he created multiple afterimages. 

'Hypersonic Neuro Assault!!'

Jetray's eyes and stinger erupted in a barrage of green beams of energy, firing from all directions as he zoomed around Reinhard at high speed that were quick enough to created multiple sonic booms from the destruction of the very sound barrier. 

Reinhard's fierce eyes seemed to hone in on each Neuroshock beam as if in slow motion as he kicked up an ordinary sword that had been dropped by a knight who had been knocked out by Humungousaur before, slashing it through the air at high speeds, slashing each and every beam out of the air. 

"Good, this sword seems to be in fine condition." Reinhard said as he looked at the burning metal that was still smoking from colliding with Jetray's attacks. "Those beams would've burned through any ordinary armor."

Another green flash and Reinhard had no more time to think as Rath shot down from the sky, slamming his fists down at the red haired man. 

Reinhard merely stepped back, eying the massive bipedal tiger without remorse or disrespect, while at his feet, the earth ruptured from the powerful alien's fists. 

"LET ME TELL YA SOMETHING REIN- ack!!" Rath didn't have time to say anything as Reinhard jabbed three fingers into Rath's throat. 

"KAPOWWWWWWW!" Reinhard slammed his knee straight into Rath's Jaw, sending him flying high into the sky. 

Rem covered her mouth with horror as she watched the alien that had given Elsa such a hard time being easily thrown like a rag doll into the air. 

"FOCUS MASTER!" Roared Looma. "Don't talk! There are no room for words in a fight! CLOBBER HIM!!"

Rath shook his head as he fell through the air, trying to regain his senses.

"You really should listen to the red four armed woman." 

"EH!?" Rath looked up to see that somehow Reinhard had appeared above him in mid air with extraordinary ease. 

"Against a more skilled opponent, forgive me, you can't afford to waste your breath on words." Reinhard said as he slashed the stray sword into Rath's chest. 

"KACHIIIIN!" The sword shattered against Rath's tough body. 

"Ooops." muttered Reinhard right as another green light flashed and suddenly an ultraviolet laser from Chromastone was blasting point blank into his face. 

Reinhard threw aside the broken sword and blocked with his dragon sword's sheathe,  the energy beam splitting around it as he landed on his feet below and Chromastone flew down at him, leaving an ultraviolet energy trail. 

Reinhard's eyes narrowed and he drew a small knife from his pocket, twirling it around in his fingers. "Not a sword, but it'll do."

He slashed to and fro at Chromastone, leaving ultra powerful shockwaves with each strike.

Chromastone stumbled a little in reaction to each strike, small cracks appearing on his body, but otherwise no serious injuries appearing.

"HRAAAAH!" Chromastone hurled a punch at Reinhard, whose eyes widened in surprise as barely dodged it. 

"I see, that's one durable form." said Reinhard. "You're not the type of person I can afford to go easy on when I can't yet draw my sword against you."

Reinhard's knife burned with heat as he let out a volatile slash that exploded with such force that an intense burning heat razed across the courtyard. 

Ben transformed just in time, turning into Big Chill, who phased straight through the blast like a ghost before resolidifying and grabbing Reinhard's face. 


Reinhard's body immediately was coated in chilling freezing ice. 

But the ice suddenly shattered, and before Big Chill could turn intangible, a hyperspeed kick slammed into Big Chill's chest. 

Big Chill coughed up blue colored blood as he was sent smashing into the courtyard, throwing up cobblestone as he went. 

Reinhard sighed as he threw aside his now melted and useless knife. "Is that it Ben Tennyson? I expected far more from somebody like you. If freezing me in ice was your only ace in the hole, then you're not even close to being worthy of this sword." 

"Says the guy who can't even fight properly without a sword in his hand." Big Chill wheezed as he stood up tiredly, his wings limp at his sides. 

"Heheheh, can't you say the same about you and that Omnitrix?" asked Reinhard. 

"Huh, touche." Big Chill gasped right before another green light surrounded him. 

Reinhard looked at one of the knights who was watching in utmost amazement and nodded. "Your sword if you would please."

"R-Right." the knight threw Reinhard another sword which he twirled in his hand. "Hmmm a good blade, a pity this one might not last long against you either, Ben 10."

Jetray was already flying at Reinhard again like a bullet.

"The manta ray again?" Reinhard muttered. "And a full speed frontal assault? What is he-?"

Suddenly another flash of green light erupted right as Jetray surpassed the speed of sound, and Humungousaur emerged, still going at hypersonic speed through the air, raising his fist. 

"A catapult attack!?" exclaimed Reinhard. "That's-"

'Hypersonic Extinction Meteor!!'

Humungousaur's  fist collided with Reinhard's sword, shattering it and exploding straight into his body.

"UGH!" Reinhard was sent smashing straight through several buildings behind Knight Headquarters. 

"H-He-!?" stammered one knight. 

"C-Caught Reinhard the Sword Saint by surprise!?" yelled another knight. 

Humungousaur panted, wiping blood from his chin as Reinhard emerged from the dust, popping his neck and dusting off his now partially shredded knight's uniform. 

"Utilizing your transformations in such a creative way." said Reinhard. "Rather than just using them one by one, but combining their powers with rapid transformations. Truly you've earned my respect utilizing amazing tactics like that. You're formidable Ben Tennyson. Truly worthy of the title hero- eh?"

"KAAZZZAAAM" A powerful blast of Brainstorm's lightning narrowly missed as Reinhard barely dodged the electric assault. 

"You talk too much." Brainstorm exclaimed as he levitated into the air and all the swords in the area were torn from the hips of their owners, magnetically drawn to the alien. "You like swords so much, well here's some more!!"

Multiple swords were hurled forward by magnetic propulsion at Reinhard. 

Reinhard moved so fast he was like white and red lightning, grabbing a sword out of mid air and using it to deflect all the other blades thrown at him. 

right before another green light erupted and Swampfire was diving under his arm and hurling a flaming punch into his jaw.

Reinhard was sent flying into the air by the punch as Swampfire thrust his hands out and aimed a point blank fire blast. 

Reinhard quickly recovered, slashing the flames apart, right as Ben transformed again, and Eatle was slamming his powerful horn into Reinhard's blade, sparks grinding from the impact point. 

Reinhard let go of the sword as it shattered due to its lack of durability and he side stepped Eatle as he moved forward, aiming a hand chop at Eatle's head.

But another green flash of light later and Jetray ducked under Reinhard's strike, much to the hero's shock, and twirled in mid air around Reinhard at hypersonic speed, firing a Neuroshock blast from his eyes right as he stopped twirling. 

The neuroshock blast sent Reinhard flying backwards, causing him to grunt in pain, as in spite of his immense durability granted by his blessings, Jetray's neuroshocks stung straight at his nervous system. 

Another flash of green light as Jetray moved forward, and Echo Echo clones split from the point where Jetray was moments before, surrounding Reinhard in mid air. 

'Echo Chamber!!'

Powerful sound blasts collided into Reinhard from all directions as Reinhard crossed his arms together, grunting as he endured the immense attack. 

But still Ben didn't let up

He knew if he gave Reinhard any breathing room at all, it would be over. 

Again he transformed, his Echo clones disappearing as Humungousaur towered over the red haired man. 

"ROOOOOOAAAAARR!!" Humungousaur's roars shook the entire city, but not as much as his punches, which he unleashed in a merciless high speed barrage into the man before him, the entire capital experiencing an earthquake as his fists collided with the ground over and over. 

"That was quite an attack, unfortunately that particular form is a bit too slow to catch me, using him as your final strike was a mistake."

Reinhard appeared in mid air behind Humungousaur, completely unscathed except for parts of his clothing. 

"No way.." Humungousaur growled, right before a kick from the red hero sent the alien flying and smashing across the courtyard, more blood flying from his mouth. 

Reinhard picked another sword from the ground and leaped into the sky. "It is over Ben Tennyson. I will remember your name, and that is a promise."

Reinhard slashed a powerful burning shockwave of light from the sword, shattering the thing that wasn't even worthy of his power in the process.

Humungousaur looked up just in time for his vision to bathed in tremendous light and the entire courtyard was blasted apart except for those who were watching on its edges. 

"BEN-KUN!" Rem screamed as she watched Humungousaur's enormous form fall through the earth into a vast maze of catacombs below the city, now exposed by Reinhard's attack. 

Humungousaur let out cries of pain as he smashed through multiple floors of passageways floor by floor. till he smashed into a stone alter that was nestled under some crumbling wooden beams.  

"OW, jeez, who knew this was all under here." Humungousaur muttered.  

"That is a good question, I actually didn't know this was under here to be honest. I'll have to explore it later."

Reinhard was walking out of one of the passageways, smiling as he held his shattered stub of another ruined borrowed sword. 

"Okay, I admit it. You're insane. You're totally completely insane." Humungousaur said, grinning. "Like a whole other league! You're this world's Chuck Norris, only difference is you're not just some meme. You're the real deal."

Humungousaur rose up. "Looks like I have to go all out."

He slammed the Omnitrix Badge on his chest and immediately the badge transformed, growing four prongs, glowing with immense intensity as a shockwave exploded around Humungousaur, transforming him.

His skin turned dark green as his armor thickened and his muscles grew more massive. Armored plates appeared on his chest and back, with metallic armored spikes. while more armor encased parts of Humungousaur's head like a helmet, giving him an ankylosaur-sh appearance, his fangs growing thicker. A thick morning star with spikes grew out of the end of his tail. 

"ULTIMATE HUMUNGOUSAUR!!" The evolved alien roared as a shockwave blasted out from around his feet, causing Reinhard's hair and coat to flap as if in an intense hurricane. 

"I see..." said Reinhard. "So this is what you are like when you are serious. "Perhaps I'll finally draw my sword against you."

Reinhard put a hand to the hilt of his blade and pulled. His eyes went wide as he felt the blade shift for the first time in a long while. "Well well.."

Reinhard drew the long brilliant blade from its hilt slowly as the air turned heated, a burning feeling tingling in the souls of all within the city as Reinhard's full power was finally realized by the will of a sword that had finally found a worthy opponent to kill. 

Ultimate Humungousaur let out a ferocious roar as he hurled a massive punch at Reinhard.

Reinhard barely blocked in time with his blade as a green armored fist sent him flying, and the shockwave from the strength of the punch alone, blew away massive sections of the exposed underground labyrinth, the sun shining brilliantly upon Humungousaur's new armored body. 

"You're strong, but it's still not enough. It seems the sword only recognizes you just barely." muttered Reinhard. 

Ultimate Humungousaur and Reinhard charged each other, and it became pandemonium. 

Those watching from above would then claim it was like two gods had come down to Earth to do battle with each other. 

Ultimate Humungousaur let loose a barrage of blows, creating more shockwaves that blew apart more and more parts of the labyrinth, turning it into one giant crater of rubble in the center of the Knight Headquarters, as Reinhard moved like lightning itself, slashing apart all the shockwaves with his brilliant godly sword, having yet to try unleashing his full power. 

"Not yet.." Reinhard breathed, his eyes shining with respect and enjoyment as he dodged and deflected more intense strikes.  "I don't want this fight to end yet. Even though I know I can end this, I am thoroughly addicted to this fight. Your skill, your power. Yes.."

Suddenly, Ultimate Humungousaur's hands morphed, turning into five barreled cannons, from which missiles made of explosive bone fragments fired outwards, screaming whistles trailing from them as they flew down at Reinhard and turned into explosions that shook the city. 

Reinhard emerged from the smoke, slashing through it, parts of his body bruised and covered in ash, his sword glowing with immense sacred power. 

"SHIT!" Ultimate Humungousaur roared as he morphed his cannons back into fists and leaped high into the air before landing with powerful two legged stomp down on Reinhard.

Reinhard felt his teeth rattle like nothing before as he blocked the attack with his blade, and deflected the giant alien into the air with a strenuous swipe of the legendary sword. 

He couldn't hold it back anymore.

Reinhard raised his blade to the sky, and a piercing light light up the sky, blasting the very clouds apart with its power. 

"Even after all that, he was holding back?" Rem whispered as she fell to her knees and saw the battle below. "A-all this time."

 Ultimate Humungousaur was bathed in light powerful enough to destroy the Beast of End itself.. and the world seemed to shatter in the giant crater that was deep enough for the Sword Saint to fight without holding back. 

Reinhard sighed as the world went silent and dust settled around him.  "It's over.

"That's what you think, but Dog Pee Boy isn't one to give up so easily."

Rem's eyes widened. "R-RAM!?"

The smoke cleared to show none other than Ram standing there, grinning as blood streamed down here forehead, a glowing horn flickering there, a huge scar where she had barely deflected Reinhard's assault burned into the earth next to her, Ben in his human form also covered partially in blood right behind her at her feet.

"R-Ram you-!" Ben exclaimed. 

"GET UP BEN TENNYSON!" Ram roared as her horn disappeared and she fell to one knee. "This is the last time I can.. UAAGHH!" 

Ram vomited blood as she fell face down. 

"That oni girl! She was able to-!?" Reinhard exclaimed. 

"POWER!? vs POWER!? Don't fuck with me!" Ram roared from where she lay. "That's not the advantage of your power Ben Tennyson! You have so many abilities! Why do you have to win fairly!?"

Ben gritted his teeth. "Yeah THAT'S RIGHT!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!"

Ben let out a scream as Reinhard blinked and stepped back. "That battle plan was just something where I relied on pure power.. but that plan didn't work. So that means I have to rethink it.. I gotta redo it all.. FROM ZERO!!"

Ben lunged forward, running at Reinhard full speed.

"You aren't going to transform?" Reinhard asked as he easily sidestepped a punch from Ben. "That human form of yours can't do anything. Transform and make this a fair fight."

"Exactly mr. Hero! You're a fair fighter! That's your weakness! Even your sword is damn fair!! Look, it's already decided I'm too weak for you to pull it out!" Ben laughed as flecks of blood flew from his injured body. 

Reinhard blinked as he noticed that his sword had indeed sheathed itself. No matter. Ben was in no state to fight him in any form now.

Reinhard sighed. "I'm sorry, it seems you've gone a bit insane from the fight. I might've gone too hard, forgive me- ack!" 

"Such an upstanding guy!" Ben said as a familiar glowing green flail smashed between him and Reinhard. "So upstanding you weren't expecting that. You don't get it. A Hero isn't somebody who fights fairly no matter what! A hero is somebody who does anything to save the innocent and those crying out for help! Even if he has to cheat a little!! And if there's anything the Omnitrix is good at, its CHEATING THE GAME!"

Ben dove forward as Rem leaped down from above. 

"BEN-KUN!!" Rem yelled her horn fully emerging as she leaped down at his side. "I'm with you!!"

"LETS DO THIS! REM!!" Ben roared as Rem grabbed him and threw him with all her Oni Strength.

"Doing this- what the heck do you hope to accomplish!!?" yelled Reinhard as Ben flew directly at him through the air. 

"To reclaim what I lost!" Ben yelled as he flew forward, as he felt his heart barely holding on from the intense panic attack he had been enduring all this time. "To get back to the hero I once was.. to get from being a no good Zero.. all the way.. BACK TO A GOOD OLD FASHIONED TEN

A flash of green light erupted as Ben transformed right when he was in Reinhard's face. 

A massive ogre appeared in front of Reinhard, about a head taller than him. It had large clawed hands, a fat body, and black pants. But the strange thing about it was it's massive metal helmet which seemed to be made of interlocking metal bindings, like locks. 

"E-EH!?" Reinhard exclaimed. He was caught off guard alright.. which was what made the next move so devastating. 

Steam hissed from Toepick's helmet, as each lock slid open one by one, slowly revealing something incomprehensible.. 

Reinhard's mortal mind broke as he saw something beyond his pitiful brain's comprehension as a human. 

Geometry, features, eyes, mouths, things that didn't make sense, that broke the comprehension of human understanding. He couldn't understand what he was looking at. None of it made sense, none of it should've existed..

The Eldtrich horror he was looking at spoke in tongues

"Azathoth's gof'nnn mgep ah'legeth ymg'"

"RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Reinhard screamed as his mind broke and he swirled into insanity, flying down the infinite dark corridor surrounded by stars, wrapped in the slime infested limbs of the Old Ones.. of the Outer Gods, of Dagon, of Nyarlathotep.. of Azathtoth.

 "AGGGGH!?" Reinhard's eyes flew open.. 

He was lying on his back. What had happened? He didn't remember anything. All he had remembered was that strange creature's helmet opening then... nothing..?"

"What the-?" Reinhard looked down at his neck to find that a sword was pointed at his throat. 

Ben was standing above him, holding a discarded blade, grinning as he pointed his sword at Reinhard. "So, my win right?"

Reinhard just blinked in astonishment before chuckling as well. "Sure, I guess so.."

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