The Knight and the Dragon Collide

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Author Notes:

If Rex were the main character instead of Ben, Ram's nickname for him would be Dicks Fart, in reference to Rex Salazar sounding similar. If Zack Saturday were the main character he would be referred to as Skunkday due to the fact their first meeting would have him tripping hilariously over, and getting sprayed by, a skunk. 

Roswaal does deeply care for his servants, including Ben, Rem, Ram, Petra and Frederica. However due to his nature and lack of empathy when it comes to pursuing his goals, able to single mindedly sacrifice anything he cares about for the sake of meeting Echidna again, the affection isn't returned much by anyone else except Ram. 

If Frederica Bauman and Wildmutt were to get into a fight, Frederica could actually win quite handily due to sheer superior physical strength. However Ultimate Wildmutt is quite a different story. 

Roswaal's study that night was permeated with the smell of heavy herbal tea..

"Hmmm fine indeed." murmured Vertilot as he sipped a cup. "I admit, your leaves are most exquisite taste-wise."

"Your mo~other wouldn't want you to survive solely on wi~ine." said Roswaal with a wink. "Would you not agree, Bartholomew?"

"Don't bring up my damn mother." Vertilot growled with a scowl. "Both she and and my beastly siblings talk about nothing but getting married to onis."

"Is that not your desire?" asked Roswaal.

"I'm not marrying Rem because she is an Oni." said Vertilot. "She is beautiful, she is kind and earnest, I couldn't imagine anyone else more suited than her Oni or not. Tell me Roswaal what do you think of this."

"I'd sa~ay it was the only reason I allowed this agreement in the first place. The notion that you would take good care of Rem." said Roswaal quietly. "However after your insults towards her during last week's dinner, I'm starting to have second thoughts. There are some things even I would not trade for pure Silva Magic Ore."

"Oho?" Vertilot smirked. "And here I thought Roswaal L Mathers was the man who would do anything and everything to one sidedly achieve his goal, even sacrificing those he cares for."

Roswaal smirked as a shadow crossed his face. 

"And there he is, the true Roswaal emerges." said Vertilot. "Don't think my family hasn't already figured out how you truly are..  you're no different from Echidna are you? Everything is an experiment to you, everyone disposable pawn, just as when you sent Elsa to kill Rem and Ram. Tell me, why in the hell do you think we thought you actually cared about our agreement if you were willing to risk Rem?"

Vertilot's teeth gritted in fury. "Those who hurt my Rem,  you are the worst kind of person.. Roswaal!!"

"They were not in danger." Roswaal said, his odd flamboyant manner of speech had disappeared, and he spoke normally and seriously now. "I had every confidence that Ben Tennyson would save them both. I'm sure you've seen by now, his alien forms are quite capable. Even a witch of sin would be hard pressed against him."

"So you already knew about Ben 10 and the Omnitrix beforehand." said Vertilot. "I must admit I only just found out about it yesterday after Mother sent her letter. Apparently Ram is also trying to negotiate a way to obtain the ore without marrying Rem off! Hmph, she may be a shameful horrendous woman who'll stab me in the back, but she's too enthralled with the history of the Oni bloodline in our family, she'll never concede. You must write a letter ordering Ram to come home before my mother does something dumb."

"Ahhh, except I doubt your mother will let Ram come home at any point in time." Roswaal murmured.

"What?" whispered Vertilot.

"You always were the least morally corrupt of your family." said Roswaal with a sigh. "I suppose that's why your parents always treated you less than your siblings in spite of your status as the eldest and Knight of the family.  You truly think I expect Elain to honor your family's agreement? In fact.."

Roswaal chuckled. "I fully expect Ram won't be able to come home around now, thanks to the fact that your family has aligned itself with the witch's cult."

"Th-that's impossible!" Vertilot spat. "My family is loyal to the royalty of Lugnica! They would never align themselves with something so abhorrent-."

"Hahaha! So it's true, they even kept you in the dark about that! Your mother really abhors those who deep down are quite righteous, however spoiled you are."

"Tsk, my mother never cared for me, it was always Maid Raina, but she has principles! Do not dare try and lie to me Roswaal!"

"But this is the perfect opportunity." said Roswaal. "You will soon see. He should be here any moment now."


The door to the study suddenly rammed open as Ben staggered in, panting hard. "ROSWAAL! Ram.. Ram is in trouble!!"

"Oh?" Roswaal put on his clownish speech again. "Whatever do you mea~an Benjamin? Has something ha~appened?"

"I lent her one of my Plumber's Badges before she left, told her to use it if she was in trouble. My Omnitrix picked up a distress signal from her just now. There's no doubt!" Ben said. "She wouldn't be so unfocused as to set it off by mistake! Roswaal, you have to come with me to save her, please!"

Roswaal sighed. "Alas.. I ca~an't. You see I recently was in quite a large battle three days ago against the Witch's Cult. They've been drawing closer to my manor for a few days now. Ben Tennyson.. I'm afraid you're my only ho~ope of helping Ram."

"B-but.." Ben growled.

"I know, you're afraid of not being of any use thanks to your PTSD, but you've been improving with Rem for quite a few days now, I have no doubt you can save her. I would not ask you otherwise, I truly cannot summon even an ounce of ma~agic right now." said Roswaal. 

"If that's how it is, could you give me instructions on how to get to the Vertilot Family manor!?" Ben asked. 

"If you use Jetray, you need only continue flying Eastword from this Mansion." said Roswaal. "The Vertilot Manor is also an isolated area overlooking its own village. Miss Elain is the current overseer of the territory while her Husband is on leave."

"Thanks Roswaal, you've done a lot for me!" Ben said. "I promise I'll bring Ram back whatever it takes!"

Ben ran over to the window and opened it. There was a flash of green light as  he turned into a tall, humanoid manta-ray like creature, with red skin, yellow horns, a  wide mouth, green eyes, and clawed talons..yellow  wing flaps  spreading from his long arms to assist in the Ray-like look. 


Jetray spread his wing flaps and glided into the air with ease like a high speed kite, zooming high into the sky in no time, a sonic boom exploding in his wake. 

"What is the meaning of this?!" growled Vertilot. "Do you intend to send him to his death?"

"Hmm, that all depends." said Roswaal, reverting to his serious voice. "You could say this is a gamble hmm hmm.."

"A gamble?"

"Ben Tennyson as he is now will never be able to achieve my dearest goal." said Roswaal. "He is a shell of his former power. His post traumatic stress disorder hinders him to the point of being an active blockage to his power. Even remaining an alien too long causes him severe trauma and stress. There has been only one remedy to this so far... Rem."

"Rem?" whispered Vertilot. 

"Ben and Rem have naturally grown closer over the several weeks they've worked together." said Roswaal. "Ben just has a natural way of drawing people to him, it's quite interesting, even Beatrice can't keep her eyes off him. And Rem's similar past of guilt and an earnest desire to make up for it, allow her to understand Ben on a fundamental level that not even I can.  Its strange to say it, but its almost like they were meant to be together. Just her presence alone calms Ben to the point where he has been able to remain in alien form for hours, though I doubt he realizes it.  But this is a crutch."

Roswaal clasped his hands together, his smirk disappearing. "If Ben Tennyson were to lose Rem, then his trauma would ultimately put him in a mentally useless state for the rest of his life. I would have to  take the Omnitrix by force and find another worthy user. I myself am not quite suited to the usage of transformations to battle, perhaps Ram would be my next candidate if she somehow survives.  All in all, Rem is a crutch that is holding Ben's true potential back."

"So what!? Your plan is to force him to get over it by having my family hold Ram hostage!?" roared Vertilot. "Do you realize how crazy you sound!?  I accept my mother is doing something dumb but-.. even if the Witch's Cult really HAS involved itself with my family, which I doubt.. You can't expect that one battle will change any-."

"It must." said Roswaal. "Tennyson has the potential to become truly magnificent if the right trauma is exposed to him.. for instance.." 

Roswaal's face turned into a horrifying smile. "If Ram were to be found violated and shamed by your mother, and made to endure harsh torture similar to that of those he loved, perhaps Ben would break in a way that's beneficial. He would become like me, he would become a horrifying monster of merciless power who pursues his goal without giving any thoughts to any distractions, even Rem."

Bartholomew stared at Roswaal with trembling lips.  "Y-you're insane." 

"Indeed I am. I don't just wear this makeup for fun you know. I know that on the inside I've always been a clown." said Roswaal with a chuckle. "I truly care for Ben you know, but one must be willing to make sacrifices, wouldn't you agree? Anyways, this is quite beneficial to you as well."

"Wh-what are you talking about!?"

"You love Rem, you've loved her since childhood as I recall." said Roswaal.  "I remember when I first hired her and your family came to visit, oh the look of wonder on your face. Well now, the one you're jealous of, whether his mind breaks or he dies will no longer pursue Rem. Your field is clear. You're free to marry Rem at any time. I'm sure afterwords you'll have to confront your family about the truth. After that you can freely run away with Rem to any land you wish."

Bartholomew began to sweat, his body trembling with temptation. "So that means, as long as Ben has gone to save Ram, Rem will be mine..? Forever!?"

There was the sound of a gasp, and the shattering of teacups.

Roswaal's expression turned to that of shock as he looked up. 

Bartholomew's lips trembled. No, it couldn't be.

He slowly turned around to see that Rem was standing framed in the doorway, a tray and shattered teacups at her feet, the stain of the herbal tea growing wetter and wider by the second much like the look of absolute horror on the maid's face.

"Ben is-?" Rem whispered. "Ram is-?"

"Rem, p-please understand, this is for your own goo-!" Bartholomew stood up and ran to Rem, putting his hands on her shoulders, pleading.


Rem smacked Bartholomew in the face, tears welling up in her eyes. "Don't you dare touch me! You monster!!" 

Bartholomew backed up, his face frozen in shock.

Rem looked at Roswaal. "What happened? Ram is in trouble?! Ben went to save her by himself!? When he hasn't even gotten over his mental troubles yet!?"

Roswaal dipped his head. 

Rem ran out the door without a second thought. 

"Why didn't you stop her!?" roared Bartholomew.

"Tsk, heheh, you should know by now, the extent Rem will go to in the name of those she cares for." Roswaal murmured. "Heheh, I was careless, I should've sound proofed the door after Tennyson left at the very least."

"She doesn't sound a chance against the Witch's Cult!" roared Bartholomew.

"No, but with her at Ben's side, he has his crutch. Hmph, I'm back to square one, I shall have to think of a new method when they return." Roswaal muttered. "That is if they survive. Hahaha!"

Roswaal turned to look out his window. In the garden he could already see Rem dashing down the path leading to where the carriages were kept. 

"Question is, will she make it to him in time?"

Meanwhile, Jetray was soaring over the trees at hypersonic speed, the tree tops swaying as the scarlet bullet of an alien shot past faster than the eye could blink. 

He could already see lights in the distance, the windows of a large manor even bigger than Roswaal's own home. 

"Hang on Ram! It was my plan that got you in this situation in the first place!" Jetray exclaimed. "Don't worry, I'll-."


Jetray's glowing green eyes went wide as something shot out of the sky at immense speed, and he barely flew out of the way as something shot past him, exploding into the ground with enough force to create a short earthquake. 

"My my, it seems I missed." 

From the dust rose Eltanin, his horns glowing so bright and flame like, the entire woods around him were alit. 

"Those horns, you're like Rem!" Jetray growled. 

"Ben Tennyson, nice to meet you." said Eltanin in his bored tone as his fists suddenly crackled with golden colored flames. "In my homeland I am known as Ibaraki, but you can call me Eltanin Draconis, the Arch Bishop of Pride."

"Arch Bishop?! From the Witch's cult!?" Jetray exclaimed. 

"Well yes. I take it you've come for Ram?" said Eltanin. "She is to be married to the youngest son of the Vertilot Family Zimmer. She no longer belongs to you or Roswaal. She will continue the oni line. This is not your fight in which to interfere, stay away. It is not yet the ordained moment in which the Witch's Cult shall take you. 

Jetray's eyes glowed with immense fury as it began to crackle with green energy. "Make me."

Eltanin smirked. "Very well. I hope you live up to your legend.. Ben 10."

Eltanin exploded from the ground at immense speeds, his fists charged with tremendous flame-like light. "Feel the dragon's fire. The Everlasting flame of Draco and the general of the Demon King."

Jetray exploded with speed, a sonic boom left in his wake as he immediately appeared behind Eltanin, his eyes glowing with immense power. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say slowpoke!"

"Wha-!?" Eltanin was sent blasting into the earth, ripping several trees apart as green energy beams erupted from Jetray's eyes. 

Eltanin rose from the dust, flexing his arms as a green glowing scar where the Neuroshocks had hit him on his chest hissed. 

"So this is pain.. the pain of battle, it has been a long while since I've felt such a beautiful sensation." whispered Eltanin. 

Eltanin clenched his fist and smiled, closing his eyes for a moment. "Oh Ben Tennyson, could you be the one I've longed for all this time? Heheheheh. Yes, I have found one who truly knows how to dance!"

Eltanin opened his pale silver eyes, his horns glowing brighter. "Come, Tennyson, dance with me. Do not fear, I shall not use my Authority on you yet. I wish to have a true and fair battle. I will show you how Pride truly stands above all the Sins, even Greed."

Jetray hurled downwards, making a sharp turn just before he hit the ground, flying low over the grass at high speeds, his eyes glowing bright. 

Eltanin clenched his fists and fired several punches, sending giant flaming fists made of pure fire flying at Jetray from long range. 

Jetray moved at high speeds, soaring around like an omnidirectional kite, dodging each strike as he continued to move forward, explosions radiating around him.  He fired a Neuro blast at Eltanin from his eyes. 

Eltanin hurled out a punch, deflecting the energy beam in an instant, but just as he did that, Jetray's stinger charged with green energy on it's tip and fired another Neuroshock blast at Eltanin's gut. 

Eltanin barely sidestepped the Neuroshock blast in time, smiling  as he did so, his eyes wistful as his long black hair flapped in the wind. "How magnificent. So the tail can perform that attack as well. As expected, your abilities truly are fascinating. "

Jetray zoomed high into the air again, before flying by for another powerful Neuroshock attack. But this time Eltanin was learning. 

"Dragon's breath." Eltanin exhaled a massive blast of golden flames into the sky, engulfing Jetray in an instant. 

The entire night air lit up with the light of the sun itself. 

"The Fires of the Dragon of Mt. Gozen pierce through stone, metal and earth." said Eltanin. "We shall see if you can survive the power of the local deity of Draconis, worshipped by human and oni alike."


Eltanin's eyes went wide as a huge shadow erupted from the flames.

A massive 20 ft tall dinosaur-like humanoid with massive muscular arms and shorter muscled elephant-like legs, and powerful armored skin and a head and neck resembling that of a sauropod dinosaur, his massive tail beating through the flames with ease as he fell from the sky, his fists raised. 

Eltanin crossed his arms together to block Humungousaur's massive fists as they collided with him with an earth shattering slam. 

The ground at Eltanin's feet ruptured into a crater, rubble flying out from underneath him as sweat poured down his face. 

"My bones, just blocking this blow has rattled all my bones at once." whispered Eltanin with a smile. "hahaha. This power, that punch alone. Yes, this is what it means to live! You have every reason to rightfully shoulder Pride Ben Tennyson. But I shall show you that I am even more worthy of that title. I am Eltanin Draconis, Strongest of the Oni race, and its Savior in the name of Great Satella."

Eltanina hurled his arms out, sending Humungousaur reeling. 

Eltanin launched himself into the air and hurled a flaming fist at Humungousaur's jaw, creating another shockwave as the massive dinosaur man was sent staggering off balance. 

Eltanin moved at colossal speed, leaping over behind Humungousaur's head again for another attack. 

But Humungousaur, as if using his battle instincts to predict the move, had already started punching in the direction of Eltanin's destination, and the colossal scaly armored fist smashed into his side, sending him exploding through multiple trees, sending them crashing into the din. 

Eltanin stood up, as the top part of his kimono split part, their folds falling away to reveal his lithe muscles upon muscles, a Mitsudomoe on his right pectoral, and an asian dragon tattooed on his back. 

"Oh, that felt nice." Eltanin said, popping his neck. "Quite nice indeed."

Humungousaur stepped forward, the earth shaking beneath his feet as he readied his fists. "Out of my way."

"Its as you said before." said Eltanin, spreading his arms out. "Make me."

"ROOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!" Humungousaur's thunderous beast-like roar shook the very mountains as he charged, his armored plates growing thicker as he approached.

Eltanin's fist was cloaked in dragon's fire as he flew forward. 

The two's fists collided, creating a shockwave of golden flames that sent ancient trees with deep roots flying from the earth and souring into the sky, and glowing pimpricks known as Lesser Spirits flew out in a panic, desperate to avoid the two monsters that were battling. 

Fists moved at high speeds. Each blow connecting in furious unison, the massive dinosaur alien and the long lived Oni Bishop of the Witch's Cult exchanged tremendous blows to such an extent that witnesses consisting of servants from the manor ran in fear, certain they were witnessing the clash of two malignant forest deities from an ancient part of Lugnica. 

The two broke apart, Humungousaur's feet dragging massive gouges in the earth as he leaped back.

"Hmph." steam hissed from Humungousaur's nostrils as he flexed his muscles, his armor bristling. "That all you got!?"

Eltanin let out a derisive laugh. "Truly not! This is thrilling Ben Tennyson! So this is the power of the Legendary Magic Omni Matrix. You live up to the Lost Legends of the Forbidden World as its hero quite well! I wish we could fight until the end of time! Endlessly, forever pitted against each other blow for blow! However.."

Eltanin sighed. "Mr. Petelguese will probably scold me, and then Regulus will give me that damn crap about violating his rights again. Tsk. Apologies Ben Tennyson but here's where I resort to dirty cheating."

"What!?" Humungousaur growled. 

"Authority of Pride. Memory's Guilt."  Eltanin held up two fingers and pointed them at Humungousaur.

A vortex.. a black vortex..

Ben opened his eyes, he wasn't himself. He was inside the body of a girl dressed in skimpy slave's attire. He saw her reflection in the dungeon's mirror before him. It was Ram, and from the reflection, Ben could see the fear in her eyes that he was also feeling in equal measure. He could feel all of it.. her fear, her despair, her attempt to bravely hope that Ben or Roswaal would come rescue her.

She was tied to a crucifix in the dungeon as Eltanin could be seen holding a burning branding stick that was heating up in the coals of the dungeon's only fireplace. 

Eltanin's voice echoed from the din. "My Authority allows me to take the memories of those that have had extended contact with my target, memories which possess even the slightest guilt, and share the precise experiment from their point of view. Guilt and the judgement thereoff is a crucial aspect of pride, for only those with pride can judge it.  Ram's guilt in this recent memory, was her unkind treatment of you after I had her witness your memories of the one called Vilgax.  She felt guilt that she did not take the time to understand you more as her friend and that she never realized Rem harbored such feelings of guilt even after the Witch's Cult burned down your homes"

Ram's eyes widened as Ben watched her reflection through them as the brand came closer. "Now you will be able to witness all that Ram has gone through during the time you failed to save her. Experience her pain for yourself."

There were the sounds of screams in the forest as Ben returned to human form, sweating and throwing up. Ram's cries of horror and pain were burned into his mind as he shivered on all fours, having experienced her very pain on his body, desperately clutching the parts of himself where Ram had been repeatedly beaten or branded.

"Y-you did that to her.." Ben gasped. "I.. I'm gonna kill you.. I'm gonna."

Ben's hand trembled as he tried to reach the Omnitrix, but then fell over, gasping for breath as his chest erupted with a sharp pain. He was having a panic attack. Images of Vilgax and his parents flashed across his mind as he wheezed, trying to breathe. 

"How sad. I tried to make sure none of us bled, but instead got bruises and broken bones just so I could keep your stress under control, so we could continue our battle, but in the end, my duty to Satella is what is of the greatest importance." said Eltanin. "Glory to the Witch of Envy. Our love is what she must feel.  In the meantime.."

Eltanin raised a foot over Ben's head. "It is time you got to meet up with Ram. That's why you came after all, yes?"

And so Eltanin's foot collided with Ben's head and his vision went black.. 

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