Chapter 2: Same situation

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Subaru's perspective. After being summoned.

I looked around and observed everything in sight to better understand what had just happened. Everything happened so fast...

Me: could it be that I was summoned to this world... no matter how I look at it, it doesn't look like it's fake... could this be Isekai or something?

I started moving around to learn about everything around me.

Me: Looks like it's assumed this is a Fantasy World or it's not...seems like the civilization belongs to the Middle Ages.

I looked around and saw Demi-Humans passing by

Me: It seems like there are a lot of Demi-Humans in this world. However, considering the current context, it seems that war and violence will still exist. Will I be given any power when I am brought here by Isekai? I need to find out about it in the world where a normal person like me can die at any time.

Suddenly there was a loud noise as a small boy tripped and fell on the main road, where the earth dragons were controlled by humans as a horse pulled a cart.

Me: !? Maybe I don't need to interfere?

Royal soldiers: Danger!

I looked towards an armored guard who ran to pick up the baby and leave in time.

After saving the baby, everyone laughed happily and praised this Royal Soldier.

I continued walking and exploring my surroundings.

Me: Maybe I wasn't given any powers. After all, this is quite reasonable, because there are only two things that fall from the sky: bird droppings and rainwater. Therefore, there is no way I can get unreasonable power buffs. Maybe I should find my purpose in living in this world.

I passed by the fruit store and looked at the price signs on the wooden boxes containing the fruit.

Me: now there is another problem, that is... the language barrier, the language is the same but the writing is different...

I continued walking to learn the current location I was moving to.

I went to the public restroom but I was completely unaware that this was a public restroom for women. As a result, I was almost slapped on the cheek by a woman.

I also tried going into some restaurants but was kicked out because I had no money..

Me: (Sigh) It seems Isekai is not as happy and peaceful as in the Anime and Manga, because at this time I have seen the harshness of this world.

I decided to go into the small alleys, after all, in these places he might find discarded information.

When I travel, I take out my Vivo phone to check if the data network and other apps are still available.

When entering the alley and going down to the area below, I immediately met 3 thugs.

Camberley: What are you doing here?

Rachins: I don't care who you are, I don't want to suffer pain, so give me everything valuable on your body!

As he spoke, Rachins Hoffman walked towards I. Just as he grabbed I collar with his right hand.

I used his left hand to punch Rachins' wrist, causing Rachins to step back and grab his right wrist in pain.

Camberley and Gaston: !?

Rachins: It hurts!

Me: I don't think, you guys-

While I was speaking, a blonde girl ran over..

Felt: Hey you guys! Get out of the way, it's too confusing!

Felt ran across and jumped up the surrounding walls and onto the roof.

The 3 thugs were still surprised after witnessing the girl's agility even though she looked quite young.

Rachins had not yet fully recovered when I punched him straight in the neck, causing him to kneel and gasp for breath.

I looked towards the biggest guy, Gaston threw a punch towards me. But Subaru used his left hand to neutralize and deflect Gaston's attack, then I used his right hand to punch Gaston chin.

Only Camberley remains.


Before Camberley could finish speaking, Subaru knelt down on one knee and punched Camberley in the middle of his stomach.

Me: Honestly, you guys are too weak compared to your appearance.

Suddenly there was a voice.

Emilia: That's enough.

I stood up and looked towards a female Elf with platinum hair. Honestly, if you describe beauty, just being beautiful is not enough.

Me: Who are you?

Emilia: If you stop, I will forgive you. So, please return the stolen item here.

Me: The item...

Emilia: Please, it's my precious thing. I can give up other things, but absolutely not that one.

Me: There's a mistake here, maybe you misunderstood me. Maybe the blonde girl who ran past here earlier was the culprit who stole his item.

Emilia: He doesn't look like he's lying.

I pointed behind my back.

Me: That girl ran this way.

Emilia: So, thank you. I have to catch up quickly.

The silver-haired girl ran past me for a while, walked up the steps, then stopped.

Emilia: But that's the story...Can't let this matter go yet.

The girl pointed her right hand towards me as she created 3 ice cubes on her hand and launched them towards me.

I simply ducked my body to the left to avoid one ice ball, turned my body to the right to dodge the second ice ball, and tilted my head to the left to dodge the third ice ball.

Me: Why did you attack me?

Emilia: You dodged my attacks very well. But you bullied these three people and I can't let it go.

Me: There's a mistake here.

Emilia: Mistake?

Me: That's right, these 3 thugs suddenly started fighting with me, that's why they ended up like this.

The three thugs also slowly stood up as Rachins took out two knives.

Rachins: After that guy, now this girl. How dare you look down on us... Whether we are martial artists or magicians, we are not afraid. You think it's two against three, bitch?

Emilia: Yes, 2 against 3 seems unfair.

Another saying.

Emilia: So, 3 against 3 is equal to winning, right?

A small cat flew out from the silver-haired girl's hair and stood on the silver-haired girl's left hand.

Puck: Meow~

Gaston: "Elemental Magician"?

The Emilia spoke up.

Emilia: Congratulations, now that you retreat, I won't hit you. Decide now, I'm in a hurry.

Rachins: You bastard! Next time we meet again, we won't hold back!

Me: No, next time there won't be a next time.

The white cat said

Puck: If you touch this girl, your life will be very difficult. I always welcome you three so don't worry.

The three thugs immediately turned around and left.

Me: They're quite cowardly, aren't they?

Emilia: Oh by the way. I sincerely apologize for what happened earlier, I misunderstood and attacked you.

Me: It's nothing big, you just misunderstood and attacked me.

Emilia: So let me ask. Did you see any badges being stolen around here?

Me: badge... Is it something that symbolizes a title?

Emilia: In the middle is a gem. *silver-haired girl raises her right hand and uses two fingers to visualize the size of the stuck badge* It's this size.

Me: Actually, if it was such a small item that was stolen, no one would let others see it. However, I know the appearance of the person I suspect stole your badge.

Me: really? So...

Me: I'll give you a hand. Anyway, if it wasn't for you, I guess I would have to deal with more thugs brought by those three guys.

The Emilia was a bit worried.

Emilia: but I don't have any reward to repay you.

Me: Do you think I need those things?

Emilia: But...

Puck: It's okay Lia, anyway, having him with us means we have someone to act as a shield for you.

Emilia: but I say again, I have nothing to repay you.

Me: Yeah, I really don't need that kind of thing.

Emilia: then let's go.

Puck: Let's go, let's go.
After 50 minutes of searching with no results. I took out my cell phone to see the time: 11:30 p.m. Japan time and 11:30 a.m. world time.

This place is very large. There are maybe 7 different districts or 8 different districts in this capital.

Then we chose a high point to stop. I realized that this place is really big.

Me: This place is really big. If your things were really stolen, then our search all this time would be no different than pouring another drop of water onto the ground.

Emilia: This is the Kingdom of Lugunica, after all. You don't know where this is yet at...well...

Puck: That reminds me, you two haven't introduced each other's names yet.

I stood up. I moved closer to the white-haired girl and was only 1 meter away from her

Me: Then I'll introduce myself first. My name is Natsuki Subaru nice to meet you.

Puck: seems like the introduction sounds simple. And I'm Puck, I hope to help!

Emilia: It is truly rare for spirits to come into contact with humans in harmony like this. But where do you come from?

Me: It's a bit complicated to explain. So I would like to not answer because my country has nothing to do with this country and is not within the scope of this earthly sphere.

Emilia: Earth?...Let's see... Subaru, right?

Me: That's right, my name is Nasuki Subaru. You can call me Subaru. However, I already know the name of your companion Puck. And you, what's your name?

Emilia: My name is Emilia. It's just Emilia, I'm happy to meet you.

I shook Emilia's hand

This surprised Puck, but I just nodded my head in confirmation.

Me: Really? It's Emilia, right? Your name certainly sounds a bit rare. But I think that's fine.

Emilia: huh?

Puck: It's been a long time since I've seen someone compliment Lia.

Puck then flew into Satelle's hair at the back of her neck.

Me: Let's continue searching.

Continuing to walk around looking for information, Satelle encountered a lost girl standing in front of her.

Emilia: Hey, Subaru!

Me: hm?

Emilia: Looks like a little girl got lost or something...

Me: Probably so. If you want, we can help that girl. Who knows, maybe we can find some information about the person who stole the badge from her parents.

Emilia: Okay. It looks like she's about to cry, I'll soothe her right away.

I looked at Puck and Puck looked at me. We both could only shrug our shoulders then I walked towards Emilia while Puck followed hovering next to me.

Emilia: Where are your Baba and Mama!? Don't cry, Onee-Chan won't do anything to you. I just want to help you.

Subaru: That's right, you should trust this woman. Because she is a good person.

The girl stopped crying and started smiling.

Me: What's your name? and do you remember your parents' names?

Plum: My name is Plum...Plum Risch...Apparently my father's name is Kadomon Risch, my mother's name is Raksha Risch.

Emilia: Okay, now let me help you find your parents.

Emilia's right hand held the girl's left hand. I started walking when the girl's right hand grabbed my left hand.

Me: Ah, so you also want me to take you to find your parents? Okay, let's go.

After 14 minutes, he led the girl back to find her parents.

Me: With this situation, it seems like it will take a few more minutes. But looking at us now, it's like walking hand in hand as a family.

Emilia: You and this girl are just like sisters to me.

Me: In terms of your appearance, you and I are about the same age because even though you are a half-elf, you cannot deny that your appearance is like that of an 18 to 20 year old girl.

Emilia: who knows, I'm a half-elf after all.

Me: Speaking of Elf, I can't deny that Elf is really beautiful and you are no exception, Emilia.

Emilia's cheeks turned slightly pink as she stammered.

Emilia: eh...huh...

Puck flew to sit on my left shoulder.

Puck: looks like we've found this girl's parents.

I stopped looking at Puck and I turned my eyes to the opposite direction and saw her parents.

Plum: Ah! Papa! mama!

Kadomon: Ohh! Parents have been looking for their children all this time!

The family gathered, the girl's father and mother looked very happy.

Emilia: See, thanks to us, she found her parents.

Me: it seems so...

I looked towards the girl's father. Immediately recognized the girl's father as the fruit seller he passed by in the morning.

Me: can you let me ask? Do you know where thieves often sell goods?

Kadomon: ah, I see. I heard there's a place called 'Inventory' around the slum areas.

Me: inventory...

Kadomon: That's right, I heard that stolen goods will be brought and gathered there. I also heard that the warehouse owner also sells stolen items to the market...The two of you can go there to get your stolen things back, but it depends more or less on your ability to negotiate...

Emilia: So do you know where that place is?

Kadomon: I don't know either, but when you get there, you can ask the people in the slum and you'll know.

Me: Then thank you.

Kadomon: nothing, I'll repay you two for helping my daughter anyway haha.

Plum pulled Emilia's shirt.

Plum: hey Onee-chan. I give it to you.

Plum took out a badge shaped like a flower as a highlight. I just stood with my hands on my hips and sighed.

Raksha: please accept it, because this is my daughter's way of showing her gratitude to you.

Emilia accepted the gift.

Emilia: I thank you.

After speaking, Emilia smiled.

I noticed that Kadomon was holding a phone in his right hand. I wonder where he got that phone in this world?

Me: Can I see your phone?

Kadomon: Oh, you also know it's a phone? Just now there was a person who looked quite young and was wearing a suit with a red jacket.

I took the phone that Kadomon handed back to me. I see an application with the abbreviation "OAA". When I clicked it, it displayed personal information such as scores and abilities.

Me: This person's name is... Ayanokoji Kiyotaka...studying at Advanced High School...

Kadomon: What are you talking about?

Me: Nothing. Do you know where the person who sold you this phone has gone?

Kadomon: This time he walked towards the other sidewalk.

I returned the phone to Kadomon.

Me: I thank you for the information you provided. Let's go Emilia, I need to meet that person.

Emilia: Huh?

I guess, this person must have been summoned to this world like me. I ran at the same speed as Emilia.

When running to the sidewalk and nearby alley. I saw the person taking off his coat and checking what he had on him. I slowly approached him.

Me: Are you Japanese and were summoned here like me?

Ayanokoji raised his eyes to look at me. He seems quite calm, however I know he is very smart.

Ayanokoji: Why are you asking me about that?

I sat down next to Ayanokoji while Emilia also sat down next to me with a slightly confused expression.

Me: I asked the fruit seller over there, the person who bought your phone. I guess you understand what I'm saying.

Ayanokoji: Of course I understand. So you must be a reincarnated person like me. May I ask what your name is?

Me: My name is Natsuki Subaru Nice to meet you in this world.

Ayanokoji: And my name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, nice to meet you.

After greeting me, Ayanokoji stood up and turned towards Emilia.

Ayanokoji: My name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. But you can call me Ayanokoji. It's nice to meet you. What is your name?

Emilia: My name is Emilia. And this is Puck.

Puck floated next to Emilia's shoulder.

Puck: Hello, nice to meet you. But we're currently looking for Lia stolen badge.

Ayanokoji nodded and answered.

Ayanokoji: Can I join everyone?

Emilia: Is that okay?

Ayanokoji: It'll be okay. Isn't that right, Subaru?

Subaru:... That's right. So let's go.

Ayanokoji put on his school jacket and I stood up too. We started moving to the South Quarter. I have a feeling that this will not be simple.

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