Kamen Rider?

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Union Academy

At a heroes school called Union Academy,everything is the same as some of the students went to their class to start the lesson while some of the students went to the combat room to train themselves.

One student named Makoto Fuwa is getting bullied by his former teammates and his bullies but his sister Kaylee Fuwa and his friends came and stop them for hurting her brother.

But suddenly everyone went disappear...


The Theater is completely empty when suddenly the Union People got teleport to here.


Ren:What the?

Kaylee:Brother where are we?

Makoto:We in some kind of theater.


Ruby and Yang look behind and saw Qrow Branwen and Raven Branwen.

Ruby:Uncle Qrow!


Ozpina:Qrow?!What are you doing here?

Qrow:I was asking the same question.Who just teleport us to here?

Ozpina:I don't know either.

???:Didn't know you guys are here too.

They look in front and saw the villains are also in the theater.


Nezumi/All Might:All For One?!

Female All For One

All For One:Hi Nezumi and All Might.Long time didn't see.

Serzechs:Are you the one who teleport us here?!

Salem:To answer your question.....No.

They ready to battle the villains when suddenly...

???:Can you guys stop fighting already?

They look at the stage and saw a red haired person is watching them.


Ask:It always gonna be like this.

Katsuki:Who the hell are you extra?!

Ask:You don't need to shout at me.I'm Ask and welcome to the theater.Unfortunately I gonna have to take all your powers.

He said as he pick up a remote and press a button and disable their power and weapons.


Kaylee:My sword!

Ask:*Look at Makoto and Kaylee*Also I have a surprise for you two.

He press the remote as a portal appear and came out two person as Makoto and Kaylee eye widen when looking at the two person.

Haru Fuwa(Father)

Yui Fuwa(Mother)

Yui:Honey do you know where are we?

Haru:I don't know.

Makoto:*Eye Widen*Mom?!

Kaylee:*Eye Widen*Dad?!

Haru and Yui look in front and saw Makoto and Kaylee as they were surprised and Makoto and Kaylee run to their parent and hug them.

Makoto:I miss you father!


Haru and Yui look at Makoto and Kaylee and smile.

Haru:You guys really grown up.*Smile*

Yui:You look so handsome son.



Makoto:*Turn to Ask*So why are we here?

Ask:*Smile*To watch your future and becoming a Kamen Rider.

Everyone(Expect Villain):WHAT?!

Victor:*Smirk*I bet his future is worse.

Hailey:*Smirk*I agree.


Yui:*Look at them*What are they saying?

Ask:Hmm...you gonna have to find out.

Makoto:Wait so what is Kamen Rider?

Ask:You guys never heard of Kamen Rider?


Ask:*Sigh*Well Kamen Rider is a hero that fight against the enemies to protect the humanity.

Ruby:*Excited*Wait!Are they like Power Ranger and Super Sentai?!





Ask:Uh...I don't know what to say but...it different from them.


Ask:There are a lot of Kamen Riders in other universe but right now,Makoto is gonna become one of the secondary rider.

Makoto:Then what this Kamen Rider I gonna transform?

Ask:I'll show you guys.Everyone get on the seats first.

Everyone find their seats and sat down as Ask press the remote and the screen start for the transform.


We see Makoto summon his Ghost Driver on his waist.

Ironlady:Wait!What is that device from his waist that he summoned?

Ask:It's a Ghost Driver and it can transform into Kamen Rider.

Ironlady wrote that driver down to her note as Winter look at her with a sigh.

He pull out his Specter eyecon and press the switch.

Kaylee:What is that circle thing that my brother is holding?

Ask:That is an eyecon.The eyecons inside have a lots of heronic spirits and some of them like Musashi,Nobunaga,Newton and...whatever I say.Now he holding his Specter eyecon.

Heizan:Specter eyecon?

He insert his Specter eyecon to his Ghost Driver and close it.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Eye!Bacchiri Miro!Bacchiri Miro!

Suddenly his Specter Parka came out and start floating around Makoto.

Ozpina:What the?!

Jaune:A coat?


He pull and push the lever on his Ghost Driver.

Ironlady:So that how it works.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Kaigan!Specter!

Makoto transform into his plain form.

Nora:Is that his suit?

Ask:Not yet.

The Specter Parka then drop down to Makoto and transform into Kamen Rider Specter.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Ready,Go!Kakugo!Doki Doki Ghost!

Some of the students:Woah!


All For One:Interesting.

Ask:Ladies and Gentlemen,I present you.....Kamen Rider Specter!

Hailey:*Shocked*Impossible!How did he got these power?!

Irene:Maybe his suit is just weak!

Ask:You two girls need to shut up.

Ask aim at them and press the remote as Hailey and Irene were tied up to the rope and gagged by silver duct tape.



Ask:That better.

Yui:*Smile*My son finally have power!

Ask:Now are you guys ready?

Everyone nodded their heads as Ask press the remote and is gonna play Episode 1.

Ask:See you guys on React To Ep 1!

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