React To Episode 2

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Intro:Reviver by My First Story

Union Academy(3rd POV)

At Union Academy,it wasn't for Makoto friends as his friends start to avoid everyone even his team.The staffs decide to give Makoto bullies more works.Jaune and Lida start thinking about Makoto death could be connect to his team but they have no evidence to prove it.

Makoto:*Smile*Thank you guys for being my friends and protect me.

Ren:Don't worry.As long we want to help you from those bullies.

Nezumi:Same as us!

Haru:*Smile*I glad that our son have some support from his friends.


His little sister Kaylee Fuwa is killing all grimm for average his brother.She will stay away from every students expect his brother friends.Everydays when she sleep,she always miss her brother and want him to be alive.

Makoto hug Kaylee as Yui and Haru hug them together.

Some of the people:Aww!


Ask then throw a can at his head.


Ask:You deserve it.

Well....her wish will become true though.....

In the afternoon,we see every students are doing their things until they saw headmistress came back.

Female Student 1:The headmistress are back!

Male Student 1:Thank god that they're okay.

Then every students notice a person wearing his black hoodie and following the headmistress to their office.

Male Student 2:Is that a person?

Male Student 3:I don't know.Is it gonna join us?

Female Student 2:Hope it a cute boy!

Makoto:Okay..uhh I'm not that cute.

Kaylee/Yui:Yes you are!


After they reach their office,they let the person sit and they also sit as the person took off his hoodie and reveal is Makoto Fuwa.

Alice:Oh so it was Makoto at all.

Makoto:Phew.They didn't know it was me though.

Serzechs:Don't worry about it.

Makoto:So how was my friends doing?

Nezumi:They been doing fine though.After yor death,they start avoid everyone expect for us.

Makoto:And my sis?

Ozpina:Well I don't know what to say but she been out everyday to kill grimm just to average you.Everydays when she sleep,she always miss you alive.

Kaylee:Well at least your alive...*Glare at Victor and his team*I won't forgot what you done to my brother.

Makoto:I see...

Heizan:But we thought you were dead!How are you....unless you're a GHOST?!!

Makoto:Could be..

Heizan:*Shocked*So ghost is real?!!I knew it!

Maya:*Facepalm*Oh boy..

Maya:*Hit Heizan head*Stop thinking about those nonsense!

Makoto:Well the truth is....

After The Explain...

The headmistress are shocked and angry about his team betrayed him and lied to everyone.

Toga:Can I kill the bullies when we back?I want to stab them with my bloody knife.


All For One:So I guess Nezumi did the right thing..but at least give it more extreme punishment for them.

Nezumi:I could decide to.

Victor and his team are scared as they thinkng when they back to their universe,they will be dead.

Ironlady:*Angry*Those b*tchs!

Ironlady:*Angry*Those b*tchs!

Serzechs:*Angry*I can't believe they betrayed you and leave you to died!

Makoto:Just calm down,okay?

Makoto:Yeah calm down a girls don't need to be mad.

Headmistress:But they betray you so we will decide to punish them.

Makoto:Like what....?

Nezumi:Don't worry...*Smirk*We will torture them by one by one of the trap.

Everyone then got scared from the headmistress.

All For One:*Scared*I didn't know Nezumi was that creepy..

Ozpina:*Angry*Calm down?!After everything they did to you and you telling us to calm down!!

Heizan:Wait...if you died,then how are you alive?!

Heizan:Yeah that the point!

Makoto:It classified...


Nezumi:....ok then.So you wanna join back?

Makoto:I think I'm not going to cause I prefer being vigilante than those fake heroes.

lida:Wait I thought being vigilante was illegal.

Nezumi:Well we decide to make vigilante be legal.

Kaylee:Well that a great new.

Ozpina:I see.Well we gonna leave him alone.

Makoto:Thank I gonna go now.

He got off his seat and ready to exit but he look back to the headmistress.

He got off his seat and ready to exit but he look back to the headmistress.

Makoto:Also*Smile*you can call me if you want and I'll answer it.*Go out*

The Headmistress:

The headmistress blushes at Makoto smile at the screen as Makoto look at them.

Makoto:You girls okay?

Ozpina:Huh?!Oh we okay!

Makoto get his hoodie on and start walking to the exit until a girl hit him and she drop her weapon.

Kaylee:Oh sorry.

Kaylee:And there me!

Makoto:No it okay.I'll help you.

He pick up her weapon and give it to her.

Kaylee:Thank you nice guy.

Asia:You didn't notice your brother Kaylee?

Kaylee:I don't know..maybe he wear his hoodie so I can't really see his face look like.

Makoto:Your welcome.

He then walk away but Kaylee is having a feeling about him.

Kaylee(Mind):That boy....this similar to my brother....could it be?

He walk on an alleyway until he stopped and look back.

Makoto:I know your there.Just come out already.

Then a person came out while clapping his hands.

Kaylee:Eh?Who is he?

Ask:You will know his name later.

???:Well guess you already knew it.

Makoto:Who are you?

Ben:I'm Ben Richardson,also known as Kamen Rider Yuuki.

Ruby:Wait!Another Kamen Rider?!

Ask:Yep and there a lot of Kamen Riders in other universe fighting off their enemy.

Kaylee:Is he the previous Kamen Rider that follow my brother to Union Academy?


Kaylee(Mind):H-he look really handsome...

Makoto:Another Kamen Rider huh?Thought I was the only one.I'm Makoto Fuwa and I'm Kamen Rider Specter.

Ben:Specter.Good name there.

Makoto:Why are you spying on me?

Ben:To help you get rid of those corrupt people.Thought your headmistress was corrupt but I was wrong.

Serzechs:Huh?There a corrupt version of us?!

Ask:Yep well in Union verse,you girls were male and corrupted.You*Point at Ironlady*were trying to get an innocent faunus experiment to be powerful to destroy villains.

Ironlady:*Angry*Oh hell no!I will find my other version and kill him!

Makoto:Ok.Maybe we talk everything in...

Civilian 1:AAAAAHHHHHH!!

Suddenly they got interrupted by a civilian screams as they got out and see those monsters are attacking the civilians.

Kaylee:What are those monsters?!

Ask:These are gamma that try to rule over this world but luckly your brother won't let them rule it.


Ben:You know these?

Makoto:Yeah.For now,let defeat them.


Belisa:Woah!Who is this figure now?

Ask:He is call Phantom and he's a friend of Ben that help him transform into Kamen Rider Yuuki.


Suddenly a Ghost Imagin came out and posses him as he took out his driver and put it on his waist while Makoto summon his Ghost Driver and pull out his Specter eyecon and press the switch and he drop it in his open belt and close it as his Specter Parka came out and floating around him.


Then Makoto transform into Kamen Rider Specter while Ben transform into Kamen Rider Yuuki.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Ready,Go!Kakugo!Doki Doki Ghost!

Nora:All yeah!Time to see them action!

They charge at Gamma and they start fighting them using their fists as the civilians know who they are.

Civilian 3:It the blue masked vigilante!

Civilian 2:Why is there another vigilante joinning in?

Civilian 4:Go get them!

Yui:You did this everyday?

Makoto:I don't know..we see in the future..

As Makoto notice their Gamma leader.

Makoto(Specter):I'll take care their leader!You take care the rest!

Ben(Yuuki):Got it!

Makoto(Specter):Sword huh.I'm use my another form!

Kaylee:There another form?!

Ask:Yes there are three forms for him,one super form and one final form which I love it.

He open his Ghost Driver and take out his Specter eyecon as he replace it with an another eyecon and drop it in his Ghost Driver and close it as another parka came out.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Eye!Bacchiri Miro!Bacchiri Miro!

He pull and push again the lever on his Ghost Driver as he transform into another form.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Kaigan!Tutankhamun!Pyramid Wa Sankaku!Ohke No Shkaku!

Kirishima:Now what is he in now?

Ask:Now he is in Tutankhamun form which he can equid his weapon into a sickle mode.

He summon his Gan Gun Hand as his Cobra Keitai crawl on top and attach it as it become Sickle Mode.

Denki:Woah!That cool!

He charge at Katana Gamma as he slash him using his Gan Gun Hand and kick it face.He then scan it using his Ghost Driver.

Ghost Driver Announcer:Dai Kaigan!

Gan Gan Miro!Gan Gan Miro!

He fire an energized slash from his weapon at Katana Gamma as it creates a large projection of the Eye of Providence behind Katana Gamma and suck it inside as Specter press the trigger and cause the Eye of Providence to disintegrate and ultimately destroy Kanata Gamma as he exploded.


Nora:Now that awesome!

Gan Gun Hand Announcer:Omega Fang!

Meanwhile,Yuuki is still fighting these Gamma as he summon his sword into the battle.

He then charge the sword with red energy and slash every of them as they got exploded and the fight is over.Specter came and they deactivate their transform.

Makoto:I'm gonna admit...your fighting is awesome.

Kaylee:Yeah I admit his fighting is cool.

Ask(Mind):Hmm..well maybe I was planning to get him here...should I?

Ben:Really?Well thank for saying that.

Makoto:We have a lot of explaination now but we gonna get out first.


They left the scene but unknown to them,a mysterious person was watching them on rooftop.

Makoto:Who is he now?

Ask:I not gonna reveal it to you guys but I can say that he's the main antagonist to you.

Maya:I sense that he have some dark aura from him.

???:Specter.You gonna get ready for what coming in the future.And I will get you myself.

Yui:If he gonna hurt my son,then I will find him and kill him with my power.

Kaylee:Same here!

Then the mysterious person disappear into a white and black mists.

Ask:Alright that all for here.I gonna give you guys a rest first and then we will back for 1 hour.

Everyone nodded and got up their seats and start heading for a rest as Ask start thinking about something.

Ask(Mind):Should I bring them in?Well I should...I gonna ask him though.

Next:React To Episode 3

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