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Corvus POV
Location: Theater of U.V.E

Theater of U.V.E  or Universe, Viewing, Experiment is design to be a fun and entertainment for all viewers there, been decades when Engineer family went and build. It's cost like an million, however CC are rich and intentional, with intention of good.

As well, list of universe to react to, however plenty that belongs to their universe.

Nikolai Belinski, Tank Dempsey, Takeo Masaki, Edward Richthofen. Their own universe is COD 3, 4.

Although they knew their own existence of themselves. (Y/n), is included too.

Throughout the year, their generation grew the popularity and respect out its reputation, amend to their (Y/n)'s organization, CC R.I.M.S or Coalescence corporation. As R.I.M.S meant for-

We'll Reinstate them.
We're put our implementation precautions.
We made things, travels through macrocosm.
We are significance perfection.

Those are (Y/n) words, he took his time to think a word fitting, just ensure their people. CC R.I.M.S will try to keep the universe safe under the influence of (Y/n), However he's busy for the moment in his home.

CC employee:"Ain't that swell? This theater really a movie center. But to be positive word, with no offend, why did you told the engineer family to build a special seat, like they're shiny, there is there any explanation for this?"

Corvus:"Yes there is, just two special invites for deathall's friends."

CC employee:"Deathall who?"

Corvus:"You eventually don't understand clearly, please return your work, I've got to-do list for this invitation..."

CC employee went back to work, as looked up the list of invitations

Corvus:"Hrm...many list to invite."

Location: (Y/n)'s (Former) home

All (Y/n)'s ally lives here to rest living their best life's however considering he got many ally in his house he decided to give them their own home, at least he ain't going places often to home and to work.

Which many were gratitude by their letting them giving their property, many didn't want it, he understand it. Many went to different houses to find their 'preferences.'

Two maidens, Katsumi Matsushima and Aden Hirayama always followed (Y/n). Due to their appreciation and reverence.

(Y/n) ain't bother by it and he and theirs move to different house. But less bigger since large house mean confusedly mapping. As well messy.

???:"But dad! I want to eat those cookie that HioBee made!"

???:"Sorry Ruby, but you ate too much cookie! Sure HioBee makes the best cookie! As well food! But that's enough!"

An red rose called Ruby from RWBY universe live here.


???:"Good, I know you miss (Y/n) due to his work but remember he's doing for good thing! Expect killing, but you know! He'll eventually challenge you someday."

???:"Dad, I know you're ensuring but he never challenge! What he do? Go universe traveling!"

???:"Yes I get he's does universe traveling Yang, but remember he never gets a break."

Ruby:"Tai, I get to you mean. But can he at least find someone to do for him? He dealing lots of traveling as wars and battles, but isn't like hurting his health?!"

Yang:"Yeah!" An hotshot girl said. "We're worried about him!"

Tai was in bit ruffle due to that, since (Y/n) doesn't often meet them with his Organization growing and strength.

Tai:"Hrrgg oh dear, Summer? Help please!"

Summer:"I'm coming!"

Summer, who died before, now live by the promised of Corvus wish, now can see their girls again.

Summer:"Tai? Oh you serious? Girls! You and I already talk about this about cookies! It'll hurt your health!"

Yang:"Come on! You know already can we take-

Summer:"No, ain't you touching those cookies!"

Tai:"Yeah listen your mother! Look honey I'm trying my best all right?"

Summer:"You are Tai, just be a good father to them okay Tai?"

Tai:"I- *Summer:"No no, Tai? Remember?"* "Jeez okay Summer, I'll will, parenting is hard. Even tho we reunite again. I wonder how's crow doing with three alcoholic buddy's."

Meanwhile in the kitchen

???:"What does (Y/n)- mean we get some much good food? Must be BioBee's ordering..."

BioBee:"Correct miss Weiss, Don't worry about getting grocery Ma'am. I always be ordering food by my program, allowing to buy products of drinks and food, in several task, I must satisfied every owner, by arrangement of (Y/n) direct order, who is as previous former owner from this house."

Weiss:"Huh...you really made something that atlas couldn't make."

BioBee:"Please don't be, Atlas will try their best, if they did heavily mistakes in their past, but it's all the past, I was made by German ahead of scientists. Please do take care of yourself." BioBee kindly appeal to Weiss curiously.

Weiss:"Oh, Umm thanks. Also did you say German ahead of scientist?"

BioBee:"Curiosity? I do, he made me so I can maintain and surveillance over (Y/n), in case he's becoming amiss. He rarely cause by something by unknown reason, but ahead of scientist will find that resolve."

Weiss:"Hrm...I hope he's all right..."

BioBee:"I wish him too Weiss, but please eat healthy food Miss-

Weiss:"I know you dolt!"

Takeo POV
LocationRising sun of nature/Living room

As seven sitting the middle of nature's home. Takeo, emperor of Narrow-wind and ahead of F.B.O company. His own nation stand bond its natural, despite of people using some tobacco and other things like cybernetic implants in their body, many Japanese citizens were worry about its pollution. Emperor who samurai, told them to not be worry, all cyber implants and tobacco are forbidden by their Takeo's law enforcement and its national, Japan citizens were greatly about this. Other aren't, but that's his laws. Any break those will be charge by samurai police.

Takeo:"How's it feel to be back with real physical body Chihiro?"

Chihiro:"U-Umm...It's kinda...amazing having my b-body back...it's great! Really..."

Chihiro from danganronpa universe living with Takeo home, it's a pleasure and great feeling to meet an samurai. Thankful, German friend was able to make Chihiro's body.

Takeo:"Please Chihiro, family of Masaki clan will always bond with kindle and wise, you're part of our family, as well other clan family. That is my rival."

Sakura:"Hrm, it really does...I feel I'm part Masaki's clan, ain't that correct miss Komaru?"

???:"Y-Yeah, and confusedly enough how did you guys meet?" An school girl speak, normal her name is Komaru Naegi, her brother Makoto Naegi, both share room together.

Takeo:"It's an abstract explanation, yet very different prospects from your universe, let say undead..."

Makoto:"Eh?! Undead?!"

Takeo:"Yes, like from the movie theaters, they're petty disgusting, as well deadly from our home world. And there's an multiverse about us-

???:"Ewewew!! Why are you talking topics about undead?! Why aren't you bring about multiverse?! Aren't you lost your damn mind?!"

Girl named Toko Fukawa is very disgusted by the point of talking undead and Multiverse, however I'm talking the truth, that what it happen. But impossible understand to believe.

Takeo:"Believe or not, things can't be accessible or work, reals ain't easily to see." I said, before sip my tea. "Simplicity, when believe once, before taking in most becomes an dangerous lie."

Toko:"Hrrrggg! You making no sense!"

Takeo:"Petty obviously you don't, cuz my word never make sense unless you think it not too hard..."

Komaru:"H-Heh...T-Toko, Please c-calm down!"


???:"Tak!~ my hair are messy again!" An child female voice was heard above. Known as Kotoko, from Danganropa univers. *Takeo:"I heard you miss Kotoko, I'll brush your hair once I'm done with our conversation with them."* "Mmhm! Chibi Kotoko! He'll agree with us!"

Guard:"Emperor, you've got an invitation from Corvus." *Takeo:"What's an invite for?"* "It's a reaction of universe, basically like reacting thing."

Given Takeo an idea, he never can't say no since he's been through many things lot through their entire career. Emperor agree an invite.

Takeo:"I would like to agree. Is there any requirement?" Guard said no, told anyone can wear anything they want. "Perfect, is anyone joining with me?"

Chihiro, an first person to say to agreed. "O-Oh me me!"

Makoto:"I'm interested about this universe...reaction thing! Sis? Wanna join?" Komaru nodded quickly.

Komaru:"Yeah! I always wondered about many universal I want to see! Wonder how many of us are there!" School girl said an smile, Toko...didn't, if even she's a bit nervous around new faces she never seen before even an killer too.

Sakura:"I accept also. Always needed some break from our Takeo's training."

Toko:"W-Well if ya'll a-agreeing with t-this...then I'll come also...if as long i don't see blood..."

Kotoko:"Awww! Anyone is going to the theater? Well...I'll consider it! Come on little me! Let's join!" Chibi Kotoko nodded in bolt of lightning she knowledge.

Takeo:"I better hope so."

Meanwhile, Verità's Cyber's main lobby.

Dempsey:"So kiddo, which one you want Jataro Kemuri? An better equipment or horror like books?"

Jataro:"Uhh...Chibi me, a which...one you want...me and I want both please."

Jataro Kemuri, known to be hated kid by warriors of hope, expect blue hair boy nicer to him in kind way instead hatred. Dempsey feel sorrow towards him due to his parents jealousy by his beautiful grace, his likely face. As little him above his head. Always be the bestie Chibi.

Dempsey:"Heh, hey shopper, get those equipments and horror books, don't question him. He's a kid." Shopper nodded before entering its own storage inside.

As Vincenzo, an cybernetic mechanic like serpent machines. Supreme Chief-in-command. Standing inside the store, although touching the ceiling, waiting for both to be done. So he can return back his daily routine of work.

Dempsey:"Jataro, I've understood you don't really want to talk to anyone, but know this I've been thinking about." *Jataro:"What..? Is there some annoying...thoughts in your head...father?"

Dempsey:"Well no son, I've heard about new theater has finally finished and opened up, we should go there, as well get our friends to come over. How about that?"

Jataro:"Will they hate me?" *Dempsey:"No kid, there's some kids want to be friend also! Expect envy part, but hey, you'll like some crafty stuff, dark and shit. You like those Huh?"* "O-Oh! I...love those! Don't you too Chibi me!?" Jataro came an agreement with Dempsey, as Jataro Chibi said like a plush toy an agreed, Military person looked at chief-in-command, robotics knowledge.

Vincenzo:"Hrm, I'll get Jataro friends all right. You guys go ahead go there. I'll get his things."

Dempsey place his money to the cashier. "Let's go Jataro, many thing will be worth something."

Meanwhile, Soviet's Cold/home/living.

Nikolai:"Kids! You've know Nikolai took me months to clean this room!"

Masaru:"Well sorry dad! I'm too energetic for those sugars that I can run the whole city!" Masaru, an red head kid, and a (Not so) leader of the warriors of hope always be. Expect he's a bit brag kiddo

Nikolai:"You've been rushing the whole room! But goodly you didn't made a mess but living room!" Grouchy of his tone, but calm his own mind. He took a approach of obliging. "Kay' look boyo, you really want some action? I'll give you some. Follow me kid, Papa Nikolai got some!"

Masaru:"Heh, let's see your collection of action! I'll beat ya like the last time with (Y/n) himself-

*Knock knock!*

Nikolai:"Darn, sorry Masaru, someone at my door, just play your little yourself? Unless someone wants to chat, sponsoring us or something."

Masaru:"Aww...okay, little me! You and I are going to have so much as both of us! As lord Masaru Daimon!" Cheerful to himself and little Masaru, or many called chibi. "This going to be fun!"

Nikolai opened an door to see an mailman stood waiting for someone to pick up. Mailman reply an happy tone hour. "Hello! Is this Nikolai Belinski I'm talking to?"

Nikolai:"Da, I'm Nikolai new mail I've got?" Mail agreed, giving him an invitation invite from Corvus. "An invitation? A theater place to watch? Da! I never seen any movie for decades!"

Russian saying an word "Movie". Caused red head to glittering within his star eye.

Masaru:"Movie you say?!" Yelled his one expression of excitement. Pulling Nikolai's arms quickly. "Let's go now!"

Nikolai answered back. "Of course we'll watch the movie, where's the movie theater's location? Do you have any-

Mailman informed him about the mail, open it. He did what mailman asked, and see the waypoint device, pressing an arrow button seeing green line. Giving him directions.

Nikolai:"Thank!" Thanking to mail delivery, lookin' to his own adoptive son. "Masaru-

Masaru:"Yeah I know! We need to watch the movie! I hope other warriors come also!"

As two, Russian opened an glass door, red head took an dashing. Nikki scoffed his clumsy motivation.

Meanwhile, Slope Träumerei/in the skyline.

Two inside an flying taxi riding behind backseat, driving soaring through skyway, An doc named Richtofen, lookin' our the window. Blue hair with two point away both side asked an question.

???:"This theater, called an like a TV but reality?" *Richtofen:"Correct, yet to be precisely an watching other universe without knowing our existence Nagisa."* "Wow, that's disturbing creepy Dad..."

Richtofen:"I feel your concern about that, but please just ignore those feelings- oh give me a second..."

Nagisa wondering who's calling him, thinking it's someone important, some chattier was about planning and build up. German signed clicking off.

Richtofen:"Another construction project has been made, however it thankfully someone is going to take charge awhile I'm away with you Nagisa."

Nagisa:"At least you're a better parent than mines Doc, hell even you don't care about any expectation, we got try's y'know?" *Richtofen:"Of course, you've shown valuable skills and knowledge. Even bad or good."* "T-Tch dad! Can you stop!?"

Doc apologized to his adopted son, as the taxi driver informed they're arriving shortly. Two knowledge.

Richtofen:"Now's the time to get ready. I've hope they could join in no time, including your warriors also." *Nagisa:"Warriors of hope I guess? I better hope so."*

Location: Theater of S.V.E

???:"S.V.E? Who the hell calls that?" An man with some personality of boredom and not-caring. But yet to be shown bits of honesty. "I would've left this comforting place but hell, this unimaginable place of 'nice to relax' I put it. Thankfully I could read as I wait here for...guest you say."

???:"Hey, at least you could give them some nice criticism about it." Man spoke, but try to give some nicely words. "Not every universe isn't perfect nor reasonable, but it's kinda annoying to see 'Those universe' get so repetitive."

Agreed to the artist creator. Artist scoffed happily.

???:"Ah good, i've got someone agrees with. Those are...cliche and boring that doesn't give us interesting or entertainment." Said the artist. Disliked those universes. "However it's rare to find them, whose put their passion and love, lot story doesn't have that. Only to be left, rotten and forgotten owners."

Admittedly, artist does put some words of positivity at firsthand before true by "forgotten owner"

???:"I know you're getting at."

Corvus:"Yes...it's just what that is. Always new story to be new, always left to be forgotten by owners. Also, Mr. JuanDeleon250 or I should call you Juan from now on?"

Juan, who is Deathall935 friend that gives so ideas about, many are extremely helpful to give Deathall. Some are all right, some are put in. As also an fan called "Kemen Rider" series. Deathall, never hear or seen that, but he always respect them if it's very old.

Which he wear an character named Kemen Rider Drake.

Juan:"I've go with Juan instead sir."

Corvus laughed. "Guessing I must refer to you for now on. Mr. Inu?" *Inu:"Inu fine, let go some personal things off, will you?"* "Inu I see..."

Inu but to be precise, Yukari Inu is a not-friendly artist to speak of, antisocial, sadistic, and bit snarky. Also his blunt and foul-mouthed personality. However he wearing his casual clothes.

Corvus:"Juan? What's your takin' request?"

Juan:"I've want the guest to react to task force 141! I been waiting for years or- something!"

Corvus:"Request granted, what about you Inu?" *Inu:"I don't have it unfortunately, I'll think something about."* "Hrm..."

<ChikoLAV is owned by Yukari Iun>

To be announced...

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