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here's the categories that'd be considered:

total number of entries for each category is 7

Best Blurb (7)

Recognize the most captivating and intriguing book summary that hooks readers from the very first line.

Best Cover (7)

Celebrate the most visually stunning and creative book cover that perfectly represents the story within.

Best Male Lead (7)

Honor the most compelling and well-developed male protagonist who drives the story forward.

Best Female Lead (7)

Acknowledge the most dynamic and engaging female protagonist who captivates readers with her journey.

Best Protagonist (7)

Choose the standout main character, male or female, who leaves a lasting impression and anchors the narrative.

Best Antagonist (7)

Vote for the most memorable and complex villain or adversary who adds depth and conflict to the story.

Best Supporting/Opposing Character (7)

Highlight the best secondary character who either supports the protagonist or provides necessary opposition, enriching the story.

Best Plot Twist (7)

Recognize the most shocking and clever plot twist that took the story in an unexpected direction and left readers in awe.

Undiscovered Gems (7)

Shine a light on hidden treasures — stories with under 2,000 reads and/or under 100 comments — that deserve more recognition for their quality and creativity.

any doubts? please ask them here →


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