Episode 1: Get Out and Stay in a Different Team!

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All of the remaining alive BFB Competitors from BFB 15 were chattering about stuff at once

Four: Attention Everyone! I have a special announcement to ma-

Eraser: Which IIIIIIISSSS..?!

Four glares at Eraser and screeches him

Four: As I was saying... We're going to be starting a new series!

Pen: Wait, so, we're just going to reset the competition?

Four: Correct! However... before we begin...

Four recovered the dead contestants (Balloony, Nickel, Cloudy, Rocky, Donut, Bomby, Gelatin, Gaty, Ruby, Bubble, Lightning, and Snowball). Four then reached into EXIT and grabbed the eliminated competitors from the original BFB (Pencil, Bracelety, Liy, Roboty, Loser, 8-Ball, Stapy, David, Match, Firey Jr, and Dora), and threw them into the plains.

Liy: Finally! Some fresh air for once!

Loser: Wha? Did somebody say a cryptic message?

Liy: No, it's-

Four: Get into your original teams, people!

Leafy went back from The Losers! to BEEP, with David and Roboty following along. 8-Ball went back to A Better Name Than That, whilst Cake pushed the Liar Ball (with Loser inside) to The Losers. Liy went back to Death P.A.C.T., while Bracelety was going to BLEH, but Bomby dragged her back to Team Ice Cube!


Icy did a quick frown like in BFB 4. In return, Dora went to BLEH. Pencil and Match, with them somehow staying distant from one another, went to iance. To wrap it all up, Stapy went back to Free Food.

Stapy: Foldy!

Foldy: Stapy!

The two hugged, and meanwhile in iance, Ruby looked a bit concerned about Pencil and Match.

Ruby: That's weird... they usually stay together, but now, they're distant.

Flower: It probably means nothing...

Leafy: Hey BEEPers! I have missed all of you guys! How have you been?!

The whole team except Woody and Rocky backed away from Leafy.

Woody: Wehh... Hehh... He simply waved while Rocky just stood there.

Leafy: That... wasn't an expected welcome...

Book: Welp, on the bright side, we get to study Dora!

Gaty: Book, just shut up.

Book frowned in response, looking lonely.

Four: Anyway, as your first team challenge...
You're gonna have to pick a contestant to get kicked out from your team! Last team to decide someone loses! Now GO!

Ice Cube: She voluntarily walked away from the group

Book: Oh...

Saw: That was quick.

Four: BLEH is safe!

Pencil: Alright guys... we need to decide on someone to leave this team. Personally, i'm picking Snowbal-

Match: Pencil, we're picking you to leave!

Pencil: Wh- Wha... Excuse me..?

Match: After I talked to Bubble back in Episode 11, I now realized, you only care for yourself! You were NOT the Pencil I remembered!

Pencil: Look, Match, I was trying to do what was best for the allia-

Match: What was BEST?! You were harming Bubble's feelings when you demoted her just because she wanted to do what was right for her. I am sick and tired of your bossy attitude Pencil! I've heard from Book that you've called me needy. She gets slapped by Needle in the process. At first, I didn't believe it, but now, you weren't the Pencil I remember! The old Pencil cared for her alliance and friends, and now, you just cared for yourself! Our friendship is over, and i'm quitting the alliance!

Bubble: Yeah! Oi'm also leaving! Oim tired of you Pencil! When I needed a loider, Oi didn't need a stoirn one, incloiding you! Oi only needed one that coired for her friends!

The two stormed away from Pencil.

Pencil: Guys! Wait! I can try to change! I'll try... When the two were gone, she got filled up in tears, and exited the team for good. to be a better... person...

She left the team

Four: Wow! Dramatic, much? iance is safe, nonetheless!

Cloudy: Okay team, we're all gonna kick Leafy off, right?

Balloony: Um, actually Cloudy, I was thinking about giving her another chance.

Nickel: Same here.

Cloudy: Leafy eyes from BFDI 23. WHAT?!

Balloony: Look, you have to get over your grudges against Leafy. It's been two whole years ever since she's been bossy, and when I saw her in The Losers!, she was playing out as a team player, attempting to help out her team, and making up for her mistakes. Sure, she's still a bit creepy and can be stubborn, but we should really give her another chance.

Cloudy: He groans Fine, we can keep her in... but now we have to decide which of the non-objects we should kick out.

Nickel: Well let's see...
David only helped out two times, those being the paper airplane contest, and the jawbreaker contest...
While Roboty helped in the jawbreaker contest, the basket contest, and the swing-set contest.

Balloony: Welp, guess we'll have to kick out David then.

David: Aw Seriously?

Four: BEEP is safe.

8-Ball: Guys, we should probably kicked out Golf Ball.

Basketball: Agreed.

Robot Flower: But wait! Wasn't SHE the reason why we won most of the challenges?

Blocky: Although Golf Ball is pretty bossy, and stinky, Robot Flower has a point.

8-Ball: Well then, guess we'll have to kick out TV, since he was basically useless.

Golf Ball: For once, I can actually agree with 8-Ball. Sorry TV.

TV: Sad face screen

Four: A Better Name Than That is Safe!

Coiny: Hmm... everyone agree on Loser?

Everyone except Loser: Yeah.

Pin: Besides, him being stuck inside that jawbreaker can really slow us down.

Loser: Wait... what was that..?

Four: The Losers are Safe! Free Food, Death PACT, and Team Ice Cube! remain.

Barf Bag: ... all in favor for Spongy?

The Team Ice Cubers except Donut and Spongy: Aye.

Donut: Why Spongy though? I'm not sure what he did wrong...

Gelatin: It's a long story, Bagel Bro.

Spongy: Whatever...

Four: Team Ice Cube! is safe. Only Free Food and Death P.A.C.T. remain!

Liy: Groans How can we even decide?! All of us have tried to prevent death so many times!

Tree: Well, we could try to decide on who prevented the least amount of deaths, but calculating could take a long time.

Remote: Agreed.

Meanwhile in Free Food...

Fries: Hmmm...
Maybe we could kick out Yellow Face?

Stapy: But didn't he formed the team?

Puffball: Yeah, but he isn't that much use right now...

Marker: Puffy has a point.

Marker calling Puffball, Puffy, caused her to glare at him

Marker: What?

Fries: Welp, we have no choice then...
Sorry Yellow Face

Yellow Face: Aww...

Four: Free Food is safe! Death P.A.C.T. is up for elimination!

X: Guess they weren't that use of preventing death...

Four: He screeches X.

Tree: Wait... what happens to the kicked out members?

Four: We're sending them to different teams!

Pencil —> BLEH
David —> The Losers!
Spongy —> A Better Name Than That
Pen (chosen by random) —> Free Food
Loser —> Death P.A.C.T.
TV —> Team Ice Cube!
Yellow Face —> BEEP
Ice Cube —> iance

Four: However...
As a twist, Loser will be given immunity for this elimination!

Loser: Did I hear something..?
Maybe it's nothing...

Four: Vote in the comments using the single letters in square brackets under who deserves to be eliminated! You can also bote for the duel letters in square brackets under who deserves to win the prize! Whoever gains the most prize votes will win a prize, while whoever gets the most votes will leave the show!

[BT] - Bottle
[PW] - Pillow
[LY] - Liy
[PI] - Pie
[RM] - Remote
[TR] - Tree
[BH] - Black Hole
[LS] - Loser (Despite being immune, he's still eligible for prize voting)

[A] - Liy
[B] - Remote
[C] - Tree
[D] - Black Hole
[E] - Bottle
[F] - Pillow
[G] - Pie
IMMUNE - Loser

Voting ends 72 Hours from Today.
Pencil was seen, sitting down and looking at the stars, with Flower and Ruby watching her

Ruby: Should we talk to her?

Flower: Ruby, it's probably best to give her some space for now...

Ruby: If... you say so...

The two left Pencil alone to give her some space
1330 words

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