Episode 3: Climate Pains

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The contestants that were falling landed onto different places around Goiky. It was apparently flooding for some reason.

Flower: She got up from the fall, being on a hill along with Firey, Coiny, Ruby, and Pin. Ugh...
Wait, why is the place flooding with water?

Firey: WATER?! Water's my poison!

Coiny: Firey, everybody knows that!

Firey: But... it could KILL ME!

Coiny: Whatever... but what even caused this place to flood anyway?

Ruby: Uhh... I MIGHT'VE dug into the ground... and then I caused some water to spew out of my digging hole before the challenge began...

Firey: Seriously, RUBY?!

Ruby: Sorry...

Meanwhile, Team Ice Cube were sitting on the roof of the restrooms. All of them except Firey Jr., Bomby, and TV were visible.

Donut: Hey wait, where's Firey Jr., and TV?

Gelatin: I think they died...

Donut: Wha- Why??

Gelatin: Both of them aren't very fond of water... water extinguishes fire and it also malfunctions electronics.

Donut: Umm... good point...

X: Dashes to the team. Uh, guys? I hate to break it to you, but Four said that it's time for Cake at Stake.

Donut: But we need Firey Jr. and TV back!

X: Oh...
Uh... Four, recover Bomby, TV, and Firey Jr., please...

Four, who's been next to X the whole time, recovers the three with his hand. They were now sitting on the roof, too.

Four: Now let's do Page at Bake!

Insert the BFB Cake at Stake intro here.

Four: Well Team Ice Cubers, you lost last time! So you guys will have to do the Page at Bake!
We received 6 votes this time! Two less than last time... This makes me want to SCREECH SOMEBODY!!

X: Not right now, Four! We have to read the prize votes!

Four: Oh, right. Well, I can say that with 0 votes...
Firey Jr., Naily, Bomby, Barf Bag, and TV did NOT receive a prize.

Naily: Guess I didn't nail it...

Firey Jr.: Those puns are still irritating!

Barf Bag: Aw... I thought I was a popular contestant...

TV: He shows a sad face screen.

Bomby: DARNIT!

Four: However, once again, received a tie for the prize! With one vote, Bracelety, Gelatin, and Donut are all at stake for the prize! Bracelety would've won had we counted a late vote.

Donut: I actually hope it's me.

Four: Since Gelatin received his prize vote first, he wins the prize.

Gelatin: Nice!

Four: Now spin the wheel!

Gelatin spins the prize wheel and it lands on a win token.

Four: Well, here ya go, Gelly Boy! Your own win token!

Gelatin: Oh cool, I've always wanted one of these!

Four: Anyway, now for the elimination votes! Gelatin, would you like to use your token?

Gelatin: I... have a feeling that i'll be in the bottom this time, so sure.

Four grabs Gelatin's recently won token.

Four: Oh, and I forgot! Since Ice Cube and Lightning both won first place for their teams in the previous two episodes, they all get tokens! Four slides Icy and Lightning win tokens, with them grabbing those.

Four: Now back to elimination! We received 3 elimination votes! If you're safe, then you'll get Valentine's cards! Barf Bag is the first safe with 0 votes!

Barf Bag catches the Valentine's card.

Barf Bag: Nice!

Four: Bomby, and surprisingly Firey Jr., also safe!

Both caught their Valentine's cards, with Firey Jr.'s, being pretty small.

Firey Jr.: Now this is the perfect size!

Four: Along with the two, Naily is SAFE!

Naily rips her Valentine's card with her point.

Naily: Now I REALLY nailed it this time!

Firey Jr. face palmed because of her pun.

Four: Bracelety... you're safe too!

Bracelety got her card.

Bracelety: She opened her card and gasped, but became disappointed. Oh... it's not from Icy...

Four: We got a tie in votes... AGAIN! Gelatin would've been part of the tie, but his win tokens reduced his 1 vote into 0.5 votes, so he's safe!

Four tossed his card to him.

Gelatin: That was a good call... He sighed in relief.

Four: Donut, TV! Both of you tied in votes! However, TV received his votes first, so Donut barely lives!

Donut caught his card and sighed in relief.

Donut: Close call... I'm not sure on what i've done wrong, but at least i'm safe...

TV: He plays a booing noise from his speakers, as he gets sucked up inside Four.

Donut: Eh... he wasn't that much of use anyway...

(63rd: TV)

Four: Alright! Today's challenge is to make your way to me... AGAIN! Last team to get to me will lose! Dying is not allowed, now GO!
Team Ice Cube were right in front of Four.
WOW! Team Ice Cube is safe!

Donut: Well which one of us gets a token?

Four: Hmmmmmmmmmmm...
Now that you've asked...

Four threw a Revenge Token at Donut

Donut: What's this?

Four: A Revenge Token! It'll take away half of your votes while giving that half to somebody of your choice!

Donut: Oh, that could actually be useful or something!

The 3 A Better Name Than That survivors of the flood, GB, TB, and Grassy, were sitting on their fellow survivor teammate, Spongy.

Tennis Ball: How are we supposed to make it to Four? Most of us don't have arms!

Golf Ball: Well... um... hmm... Spongy!

Spongy: Yeah?

Golf Ball: Can you squirt out some water from behind to boost us to Four?

Spongy: I'll try.

Spongy does that and the team goes all the way to Four with ease.

Four: A Better Name Than That is SAFE!

Tennis Ball: Recover Basketball and the rest of our team!

Grassy: Yeah!

Four recovers Basketball, Robot Flower, Blocky, and 8-Ball. They landed on Spongy.

Meanwhile, Cloudy and the remaining BEEPers from last episode (minus Rocky and Roboty, who both fell out of Cloudy and drowned and got electrocuted offscreen respectively) were racing against Puffball and the other Free Foodies.

Fries: Puffball! Do something to slow those guys down!

Puffball: Got it!

Puffball barfed at Cloudy's face, blinding him.

Cloudy: ACK! I can't see! I can't SEE!

Cloudy flew at random directions, allowing Free Food to get to Four.

Four: Free Food is safe!

Meanwhile, the remaining iancers and the Losers didn't make much process. They were still stranded on the hill.

Coiny: How are we supposed to make it through without killing Firey?!

Pin: Well, we could get one of us to swim, and carry the team...

Coiny: He sighs. I'll do that, then...

He grabbed Pin and Firey, and started to swim his way to Four.

Ruby: We should do the same, Flower. I'll carry you so you won't get your petals wet.

Flower: Sounds like a good plan as any! Now hurry!

Ruby carries Flower and starts to catch up to the Losers!

Meanwhile, BLEH were stuck on a tree.

Saw: Oh Gr-EIGHT! We're stuck on this tree!

Taco: Hmm... I can get us out of this mess.

She tilted the tree down.

Gaty: Taco, this isn't...

The tree snaps and falls into the water, creating big waves around it.

Gaty: -gonna work... She groans

The waves made its way to the living Losers

Firey: He turns his face around and sees the wave. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE!

Pin and Coiny turned around and screamed.

Coiny: Firey, this may or may not kill you, but it's the only way to get you out of this!

He throws Firey with all of his strength, making him land onto a picnic table. The water pushed Pin and Coiny down underwater. Fortunately, the wave shortened down enough to not hit Firey.

Meanwhile, the wave also hit Flower and Ruby. The two screamed as they were pushed all the way back to where they started.

Nickel turned around and saw the huge wave coming for them.

Nickel: Oh no, the wave's coming straight for us! Someone get the puke out of Cloudy, quick!

Woody does just that, and Cloudy was now able to see

Cloudy: Wha...
What happened?!

Leafy: No time to nitpick! Get us to FOUR!

Cloudy: On it!

Cloudy got the entire team to Four

Four: BEEP is also safe!



Four does what Yellow Face has requested, with him now standing on Cloudy.

Roboty: . . / . . . . .- - . / . .— .- - . . - .  . - . - . - (I hate water).

The Death P.A.C.T.ers (minus Pie and Remote. They're dead) were stranded on top of Gelatin's Steakhouse, but got washed over next to Cloudy's Collection.

Pen: Darnit! Without Black Hole, how do we get over here?!

Pillow: According to my research, it's certain that there isn't any solutions...

Tree: Wait a sec...
Didn't Loser have a basket back in BFB 6?

Loser: Sure did.

Tree: Then couldn't we use one of those to fly over to Four and X?

Liy: Huh... Why haven't I thought of that? Alright team, find a basket!

Loser: No need! I already saved one of those for a good time! He took out one of X's baskets

Liy: In that case... hop on!

The Death P.A.C.Ters did just that.

Bottle: Teehee! This'll be fun!

Bottle spun the basket's propeller, and they began flying their way to Four.

Book: Hmm... I got a backup plan! We can paddle all the way to Four, and guarantee safety!

She started paddling, with nobody even helping her... except Pencil.

Book: Why aren't you guys helping?!

Gaty: Book, we've been through this many times... we can't trust someone who has been an irrational, aggressive, hot-headed person like YOU.

Lollipop: Face it, Book. The cause of this was all YOUR fault... so it's YOUR loss...

Book: She sighs. This is gonna be a long day, isn't it..?

Coiny and Pin got washed up onto where Four was, and they woke up.

Coiny: Wait...
We're not DEAD?

Pin: She spat out some water Well we're pretty much light weight, so we can float back up easily!

Coiny: Wait, Four's right next to us!

Four: Correct! Which means you WIN.

Pin: Good, now can you recover our team?

Four recovers David, Eggy, Cake, Needle, and Clock. David didn't have his orange color, while Needle wasn't 3D anymore.

David: Aw Seriously?

Four: Now it's down to Death P.A.C.T., BLEH, and iance!

Pen: Guys, I just heard that we're one of the only three teams who aren't safe yet!

Pillow: Hang on, I got an idea!

Pillow grabs Bottle and scoops up some water into her. She jumps into her hole and acts like a cork.

Pillow: Now shake Bottle!

Pen tries to lift Bottle, but she was heavy.

Pen: A little help over here?

Loser: I got this.

Loser grabs Bottle with ease and lifts her up. He shakes her up.

Bottle: Teehehee! That tickles so much!

Loser puts Bottle onto the rear of the basket

Pillow: Now it's my cue! I'll catch up with you guys!

Pillow jumps out as Bottle releases water from her hole like fizz from a soda. It blasts the basket all the way to Four. Four catches it.

Meanwhile, Pillow fell into the water, and started to swim all the way to Four and the rest of her team.

Ruby: Oh gosh, now how do we get across?!

Flower: A lightbulb appears above her. Hang on Ruby. I know how to do this!
She throws Ruby into the water as she jumps on her.

Flower: Now swim! Ruby obeys Flower's orders starts to swim fast, with Flower pushing Pillow back on the way and managing to get straight to Four.

Four: iance is safe! Now it's down to BLEH and Death P.A.C.T.!

Flower: Recover my team!

Four recovers Match, Bubble, Snowball, Lightning, Fanny, and Ice Cube

Match: I just, like, hope that Pencil and, like, her team, like, like, like, loses...

Bubble: Moi too!

Ruby: To herself Honestly, I DON'T.

Book: Oh no! We're one of the only two teams left! Help me out on paddling!

Gaty: Face it Book, most of us aren't even going to listen to you and your orders.

Taco: She sighed in anger. You know what, I don't have time for this chit chat! She started paddling the boat, with everyone who wasn't helping, including Gaty, gasping at it... well except Teardrop. She can't even talk.

Gaty: Taco, what are you even doing? Why are you even helping your sworn enemy?!

Taco: She was my past sworn enemy... now after she saved me from that lava shower, I now realized... she knew what she did wrong, and I'm going to have to repay her for that.

Book: You... really mean it?

Taco: Yup. You actually realized your errors... which wasn't what I was expecting. Consider us friends for now on, okay?

Gaty: Seriously?! I don't even believe it!

Taco: Well, if you weren't doing absolutely nothing during the challenge, then you would've noticed!

Gaty: Doing NOTHING?! I was trying to get everyone to work with each other!

That led to Taco and Gaty to argue with each other, with Book sighing in hopelessness. However, Dora's eyes shined, and kicked the tree boat all the way to Four... unknowingly to the team, though... Pillow got hit with the tree and was pushed to Four.

Four: Hmmmmmm... HM! Death P.A.C.T. manages to snag the last safe spot! BLEH is up for elimination!

Book: Wait, WHAT?! How?!

Pillow: smirking smugly, she got onto the tree. Maybe you guys should reconsider on being careful on aiming?

Saw: Aw, we were so extremely close! I h-EIGHT photo finishes like these...

Lollipop: Well little grey zig-zag, not all finishes can't be close.

Pencil: She was in disbelief, and stared right at Match, who was smugly smirking at her.

Match: Well, Well, Well... Look who's, like, going to get eliminated by, like, now... Hope you'll enjoy EXIT..!

She walked off smugly, with Bubble also satisfied

Bubble: Poincil... you woire doomed from the stoirt.

She also walked off, leaving a sad and concerned Ruby and Flower, watching those events unfold.

Four: Vote in the comments using the single letters in square brackets under who deserves to be eliminated! You can also bote for the duel letters in square brackets under who deserves to win the prize! Whoever gains the most prize votes will win a prize, while whoever gets the most votes will leave the show!

Prize Voting
[PC] - Pencil
[LP] - Lollipop
[BO] - Book
[DR] - Dora
[TA] - Taco
[TD] - Teardrop
[SA] - Saw
[GT] - Gaty

Elimination Voting

[A] - Saw
[B] - Pencil
[C] - Book
[D] - Gaty
[E] - Dora
[F] - Lollipop
[G] - Teardrop
[H] - Taco

Voting ends a week from now. [March 3rd, 2020]

Gelatin paddled around the flooded area by using Spongy as a boat, with Tennis Ball on board, and comes across a remote on a picnic table. Curiously, he picked it up.

Gelatin: Ooo! What's this?! He examines the remote and finds out it was said object. Hmm... a remote, huh... Hey Tennis Ball, you're an expert at electronics, right? Do you know if this comes with a TV?

Tennis Ball: Gelatin, press a button! Maybe it could help us or something!

Gelatin: Alright, then.

He presses it as all of the flood water got flushed down from its original source.

Gelatin: Well... that was useless as heck.

He threw the button away, with it crashing into the glass of Cloudy's window.

Cloudy: HEY! Stop breaking my window!

Gelatin walked off, with Tennis Ball doing the same shortly after, leaving Spongy behind.

Spongy: Umm... a little help here..? Anyone..?

(2580 words)

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