Chapter 9: Visiting Mysterious Card Shop, PSY

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following from Cardfight Vanguard. Here is chapter 9. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


"Whew... Finally, I have completed my <<Nemesis>> deck!" You mumble under your breath as you look at your messy table before letting out a sigh. You glance the clock and realize that you still have 30 more minutes before the meeting time and decided to take a quick shower.

After showering, you immediately change into a light blue t-shirt and a dark blue long pants, as you buckle your deck case around your waist, before heading to the station to meet the rest. Upon reaching, you notice that both Aichi and Kamui was already standing there waiting for you.

"You are late! Where have you been?" Kamui ask as he look at you with an annoy look on his face. "Well I am sure I am 5 minutes early before the meeting time thou. It just you all arrive too early..." You said as you glance at your watch. "And? Where is this shop at?" You ask as Aichi glance at the map on his hand.

"Apparently it is at an underground shopping mall near hear. It is about 15 minutes by feet so we should reach there very fast unless we are loss." Aichi said as he pointed at the direction that you all should go. You nodded as you and Kamui start to follow Aichi as he led the way.

Above 15 minutes of walk, you guys manage to reach the underground shopping mall and start to glance around to look for the shop. However, no matter how hard you guys look around, you guys could not find the shop and wonder if you guys are lost. Just as you all about to give out, Aichi let out a soft cry saying he found the shop.

"Geez, it was right at this corner all this while. I wonder how can we miss it?" Kamui ask as you glance at the shop logo with "PSY" on it. "Hmm? This feeling... is it coming from my deck?" You thought to yourself as you put your hand on to your deck casing while wondering what is going on. You all than enter the shop to only greeted by a little girl.

"A Kid?" You silently thought to yourself as you look at her. "Hello, my name is Rekka and welcome to the PSY shop. Do come this way especially you over there." She said as she looks at you while you only glare at her noticing there is an odd aura around the shop.

You guys than follow her deep into the shop but to only get no reply from her. As you guys arrive at your destination, you notice that there was a device sitting in the middle of the room and was curious to what it was. You than notice that Aichi and Kamui was have already gone to the device and was checking it out.

You than notice that the moment Aichi touches the devices, the devices automatically activated which lead the three of you to be surprise. Being surprise as you guys were, Rekka when into a room which was located at the far end of the room to only drag out two females out.

Not interested in them, you decided to look around the shop and notice that there were many rare cards on the display. "So, you are the chosen one?" You turn to notice a female in blue hair was standing there. "Where is Aichi and the rest? Are they still back there?" You ask her as you try to change the subject.

"Yes, they are. The boy in the blue hair is currently engage in a fight with one of my sisters due to some reason. While they are doing that, I am here to check out on you." She said as you glance at her. "At least introduce yourself first." You said to her.

"Shouldn't you be the one to introduce yourself first before asking for a girl name? Well I doubt that is necessary if you have that power. I suppose you know what I am referring to right?" She asks as she give you her smile. You than notice what she is talking about and let out a cold smile.

"Hahaha...I see. So INDEED, there are others out there posses the power to communicate with the Planet Cray huh? Well of course I do know your name. Afterall, how can I not know the name of the one who can see the event on Cray, right? Tatsunagi Suiko-san?" You said as you glance at her with only emitting a threatening aura.

"And? What do you want?" You ask with a suspicious tone while wondering what her objective. "Don't worry, I am not here to cause any trouble for you nor your friend but there is something I want to know. What is your clan and your motive?" She asks as her expression turn into a serious one.

"Hmm... A good question. Our motive is to restore our once true strength in order to survive on Cray. Of course, we are not planning to interfere with Cray issue unless it is threatening us." You said as you cross your arm as you look at her.

"Is that your motive or is that you speaking behalf of your clan?" She asks as you only reply both. She than look at you in silence before asking you to follow her. Not knowing what she is thinking, you decided to follow her.

You guys than reach back to the room with the weird device to only see that Aichi was been defeated by the yellow hair girl. "Hey Kourin, do you mind fighting with this boy here to?" Suiko call out to the yellow hair girl as she looks at you with an emotionless expression.

"I see... A fight reveals a real person intention huh... Aren't you are a sly one? Well not that it matters thou. Fine, let me show you how much I mean by winning this fight." You said as you walk to the table and put a card face down in the Vanguard circle.

"Are you ready?" The girl name Kourin ask as she look at you. You than draw 5 cards as you let out a cold but frightening smile. "Yes, let us begin." You said as the both of you stand up your vanguard.


Okay let stop here for now. Next time, it will be a full fight against reader vs Kourin. Until then, peace out! 😊

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