Best trade deal ever

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(A/N Notes: Hmmm... Should I make another story containing Ichi?)

It was after school, you and Ichi were being guided by Mio to the person she called master, with Ken and Jin accompanying you all out of curiosity

"Here we are"(Mio)

Mio pointed at a door with her hand open

"..." (Y/N and Ichi)

Mio then simply opened the door and gestured to enter the room, so you did as she gestured for you to do. Inside the room, there was an office desk and a chair behind, the back of the chair was pointed towards the desk

"Ah! So you've finally come" (???)

A womanly voice coming from the chair said so, then the chair turned revealing a beautiful blonde elf

"I am Hinode Emika, but I am sure you know about me already" (Emika)

"I have no idea of who you are!" (Y/N)

"... Eh?" (Emika)

Emika made a surprised face, and then looked at Mio, who simply shrugged her shoulders with a   grin as she looked back to her master

<Didn't you tell him about me!?> (Emika)

<I thought it would be more interesting if I didn't> (Mio)

<... Haa... Fine> "I see... Well, since knowing who I am is not really a necessity, I'll just be direct, I have a request for you" (Emika)

"And what is that request?" (Y/N)

"..." <Considering (Y/N) recklessness in accepting requests, it is 100% guaranteed that he will accept her request> (Ichi)

"... I want you to be my fake boyfriend" (Emika)

"No!" (Y/N)

" " "Nani!?" " " (Emika/Ken/Jin)

"Heh..." (Mio)

The three couldn't help but get extremely surprised by your blunt refusal, which you gave with a wide smile and while making an X with your arms. Ichi's program started going haywire by your impossible answer according to her calculations, making her fall to her knees as she kept repeating one word

"Impossibleimpossibleimpossibleimpossibleimpossible..." (Ichi)

"Is that all? If so I'll be leaving, let's go Ichi-chan. Hmmm? What's wrong Ichi-chan?..." (Y/N)

You who saw Ichi's condition, shook her by the shoulder, but it didn't have any effect

"... Ah! I know!" *Slaps Ichi from the back of her head* (Y/N)

"!?... ... ..."

And you gave Ichi a well-placed slap right on the back of her head, that made her fall onto the floor

"What the hell are you doing!?" (Emika)

"Rebooting her, what else would it be?" (Y/N)

"That's not how... Wait... Is she the ice-hearted automata?"

"Yup" (Mio)

"Huh? Then that might work" (Emika)

Emika who was at first worried quickly lost her worry after hearing that Ichi was the ice-hearted automata

"... Rebooting sequence initiated... ... ... Rebooting sequence finished..." (Mio)

Mio slowly got up, and a little wobbly due to the reboot and the shock from your slap affecting her internal mechanical systems, so you gave her a helping hand to keep standing

"... Thank you, (Y/N)-san... I am sorry for making you fix my program malfunction" (Ichi)

"Don't worry, that's what friends do, right?" (Y/N)

"... Yes... That might be so..." (Ichi)

You gave her a friendly smile as you said that and she answered you back with her expressionless face and emotionless voice. And as you two were on your little world, Ken and Jin were already in action

"Since he refused to be your fake boyfriend, then I shall accept it from him!" (Ken)

"No! Pick me! I'm definitely better than both of them!" (Jin)

"... I might accept you two as ugly pets" (Emika)

"That's outrageous!" (Ken)

"Yeah, we're not anyone pets!" (Jin)

"..." (Emika)

Emika then threw two fat stacks of money in front of them, and they looked at it, then went to their fours

"Meoooow" (Ken)

"Baaaaaahhh!" (Jin)

And started acting like animals

"Ugh. Not even as pets you two look good, you two can leave"

The two at hearing that, let their heads down in dejection and left in all fours, not before picking the fat stacks of money she had threw on the ground for them

"Well, since we already finished our business here, I'll be leaving, bye" (Y/N)

"Wait! We're not done yet. So what do you want? Is a thousand yen per week good for you?" (Emika)

"Per week?" (Y/N)

"Fine! I'll do a thousand yens per day" (Emika)

"A thousand?" (Y/N)

"Fine! five thousand per day" (Emika)

"Five thousand?" (Y/N)


"Adios!" (Y/N)

And you opened the door to leave, Mio seeing that walked towards her master and whispered something to her ear

"*Whisper* I heard that he's a very heavy eater, so you might want to try buy him with food" (Mio)

"*Whisper* Do you really think that will work?" (Emika)

"*Whisper* I don't know, but he's about to leave" (Mio)

"... (Y/N)-san, I have one last offer! Five thousand yens per day, plus I will pay for all the food you consume while our deal is up"(Emika)

"DEAL!!!" (Y/N)

"..." <It fucking worked!!!> (Emika)

Emika couldn't help but slam her desk as she couldn't believe that you were actually bought with food

"Haa... Fine you can go now" (Emika)

"Okay! Let's go, Ichi-chan" (Y/N)

"... You go ahead... I have something I wish to request to Subject Emika" (Ichi)

"Sure, I will be waiting for you outside"

And you left the room and closed the door as you left, with Ichi staying behind inside the room

"Hm? What do you want ice-hearted automata?"

"... I request your permission to keep my observation of (Y/N)-san while you two keep your fake relationship" (Ichi)

"Sure, whatever. Do what you want, once I deal with the problem I'm having right now, you can have your boyfriend back" (Emika)

"... Boyfriend?" (Ichi)

Ichi leaned her head to the side as she asked Emika

"Hm? You two aren't dating?" (Emika)

"... No, we are not" (Ichi)

"That's good to hear" (Mio)

"?" (Ichi)

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" (Emika)

"Hmmm... How can I say this?..." (Mio)

Mio made a thinking face and pose

"Well, all I can say, for now, is that he really caught my interest" (Mio)

"..." (Ichi)

"Geh..." (Emika)

Emika made a disgusted and troubled face when she heard that, while Ichi only looked at her with her expressionless face

"So I might as well, try to get into a relationship with him" (Mio)

"... You can not" (Ichi)

"Hm? Why is that? It's not like you are his girlfriend to stop me from doing so" (Mio)

"... I do not why... But, I simply cannot allow you to get into a relationship with (Y/N)-san" (Ichi)

"Ho? What's this? Jealousy? From the ice-hearted automata? Not bad, not bad, I like to have to face some competition for something that I want, so make sure to not disappoint me" (Mio)

"... I do not understand what you mean... But, I will not let you get into a relationship with (Y/N)-san" (Ichi)

"Sure, sure. Good luck on that, Auta-san" (Mio)

And with that, Ichi bowed down to Emika and Mio then she left the room, and joined you who was waiting for her

(A/N Notes: Oh no... Ichi doesn't want to share you with another girl)

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