Magical powah

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After everyone finished the physical tests, they were now going to take the magic physical education test

"Alright everyone, form a line and touch the magic reader here" (M.P.E teacher)

"Okay" (Everyone)

"... All the systems are operational... And the equipment is calibrated" (Ichi)

"Oh Thanks!... What're you doing here!?" (M.P.E teacher)

"I'm here to update my information on the profile of the male students of the school in my database... and to collect information to fill (Y/N)'s profile" (Ichi)

"... Are you sure you should be here?" (M.P.E Teacher)

Then someone touched the magic P.E teacher's shoulder, it was the P.E teacher

"Give up, the Ice-hearted automata won't budge" (P.E Teacher)

"... (Sigh) Fine... You can stay and do whatever you want" (M.P.E Teacher)

"... Acknowledged" (Ichi)

Ichi respectfully bowed, and positioned herself in a straight standing position right behind the magic reader, making all of the boys do something while they had their magic capacity read

Some tried to flex their bodies, others tried to woo Ichi, others acted shy, others sent her seducing eyes, but in the end, she only paid attention to the numbers in the monitor connected to the magic reader, then it was your turn, so you put your hand on the magic reader

[Error/No magic detected]

"... ... ... This is impossible... (Y/N)-san, is it possible for you to explain to me why your magic was not detected?" (Ichi)

"Huh? Sure! It's because my mana is dense!" (Y/N)

"... Dense?" (Ichi)

"Yeah! That's what my mother said so when she taught me magic" (Y/N)

"... I see... ... ... If I may... Would it be possible for you to allow me to do a direct check-up on your mana (Y/N)-san?" (Ichi)

"Sure! Because we're friends!" (Y/N)

You agreed without a second thought, and extended your hand to her, which she gently held with both of her cold hands

"... ... ..." (Ichi)

She closely analyzed your mana by looking at the circulation of your mana in your hand, and she managed to detect a small mana signal, but that was also more potent than the other mana samples she had managed to obtain before, and with that done she let go of your hand

"... Fascinating... Would it be possible for you to allow me to do a more thorough examination of your mana later, (Y/N)-san?"

"Of course! Just give me a call" (Y/N)

"... Thank you" (Ichi)

And with your examination done, you left and allowed the next student to check his mana

At a later date

The physical and magical tests result were shown on the scoreboard of the school

"So did you hear any interesting rumor recently, Mio?" (???)

"I did, in fact, I think you might get interested in it too after you see the results of the physical and magical test, Ojou-sama" (Mio)

"Why do you say that?" (Ojou-sama)

"Because from what I heard, the new top 1 student when it comes to both the physical and magical test, is a new student, who's a human" (Mio)

"A human you say?... If that ends up being true, I might as well try to get him by my side to deal with a certain problem" (Ojou-sama)

"Understood, Emika-sama" (Mio)

When the two arrived at where the scoreboard was placed, Mio's intel was proven right, as both the physical and magical rankings, showed the same name as the number one

"So it really is a human, huh? (Y/N) is his name... Mio, I want you to bring him to have a talk with me as soon as possible, after school" (Emika)

"Of course, Ojou-sama" (Mio)

Mio simply bowed at her master's orders with her usual smiling face


At these hours, most of the students were either already going home or doing their club activities, but right now, two figures could be seen inside an empty classroom

"So... Do you have anything to say?" (???)

"... Say what exactly, creator Leonardo?" (Ichi)

"What else can it be??? I want you to tell me about any developments in your relationship with (Y/N)!!!" (Leonardo)

"... My relationship... With (Y/N)-san?" (Ichi)

"Yes! Do you know how happy I and the others are at you finally having a friend???" (Leonardo)

"... I do not" (Ichi)

"... ... ... Oh yeah, we didn't really have the time to tell you that... But that's not the problem right now. What I want to know now, is if something interesting happened between you two" (Leonardo)

"... Something interesting?... ... ... I was able to complete (Y/N)-san's profile and save in my database" (Ichi)

"That's not what I'm asking you, I want to know if you two went on a date, held hands... You know... Something heart-pounding" (Leonardo)

"... ... ... I had (Y/N)-san show me his body" (Ichi)

"You what!?!?!?" (Leonardo)

"... I had (Y/N)-san show me his body by asking him to remove his shirt, which he did so. And I was able to take a more in-depth examination of his mana... And the results, I believe will be of great interest to you and the other club members... Are okay, creator Leonardo? Your heartbeat is faster than normal" (Ichi)

Leonardo then got up from his chair and grabbed both of Ichi's shoulders

"Do you want to give me a heart-attack!?!?!?" (Leonardo)

"... I am incapable of doing that" (Ichi)

"Then please don't just go saying that you had a boy show his naked body to you like that" (Leonardo)

"... Why is that?" (Ichi)

"Because... ... ... Forget it, it's still too early for you to learn about that" (Leonardo)

"... That?" (Ichi)

"Don't ask, you'll learn in due time" (Leonardo)

"... Understood... Now if you excuse me, creator Leonardo... (Y/N)-san invited me to accompany him back to his dorm" (Ichi)

"Eh!?" (Leonardo)

But before he could ask her about that, Ichi had already left the classroom

"... *Deeply inhales* YAAAAAAAASSSSSSHHHH!!!" (Leonardo)

He was happy he managed to hear something that he wanted to hear. As Ichi was returning to your classroom, she heard a female voice inside when got close to the door

"Are you the student called (Y/N)?" (Mio)

"Yes, that would be me why you ask?" (Y/N)

"..." (Ichi)

And she saw an elf maid talking to you, and she felt a strange feeling inside her

"My master ordered me to take you to her immediately after school" (Mio)

"I refuse!" (Y/N)

"*Sigh of relief*...?" (Ichi)

"Can I ask you the reason why?" Mio)

"I don't like being ordered around" (Y/N)

"Fair enough, I'll be taking my leave now. See you around, (Y/N)-sama" (Mio)

"See you..."

"You can call me by name, Mio" (Mio)

"Okay! See you around, Mio-san" (Y/N)

"Of course" (Mio)

Mio turned and left the classroom, when she left it, she noticed Ichi and respectfully bowed to her with a smile before going her, Ichi also respectfully bowed in response to Mio and watched her leave

"Ichi-chan?" (Y/N)

"!... Yes, how can I help you, (Y/N)-san?" (Ichi)

"Are you okay?" (Y/N)

"... Yes, I did not detect any abnormalities on any of my systems" (Ichi)

"That's good to hear! Shall we get going?" (Y/N)

"... Yes"

"Great! Here's your bag" (Y/N)

"... Thank you" (Ichi)

And with that, you made your way to the dorms, with Ichi accompanying you

(A/N Notes: This is all for today everyone!)

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