T-t-t-t-the duel!!!... In the next week!!!

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(A/N Notes: Finally I managed to push out a chapter of my totally unbiased opinion of who's the best girl in the main one)

You and Akio were discussing when it was the best day for having the duel

"How about Sunday?" (Y/N)

"This Sunday? No, I can't either. I have other compromises this Sunday" (Akio)

"Just decide already, you idiots!!!" (Emika)

Emika was unable to hold back her tsukkomis anymore, complained to the two

"Geez, can't you calm down a little? Anyway, so how about next Sunday?" (Y/N)

"Next Sunday?... Yeah, sounds good for me. 9:30 AM next Sunday then" (Akio)

"Okay" (Y/N)

" "..." " (Y/N) (Akio)

You managed to agree on a date for the duel, but you two felt like something was missing

"So, where are you two going to fight?" (Emika)

"Oh my god! I forgot about that part!" (Y/N)

You turned back to Akio and asked

"Do you know a place where we can duel?" (Y/N)

"How about my judo sensei's dojo?" (Akio)

"Where the hell is that place?" (Y/N)

"Wait a sec..." (Akio)

Akio picked his phone and put the address of the dojo he was a disciple of

"Here" (Akio)

"I see, then 9:30 AM next Sunday at that address!" (Y/N)

"That's right, you better not give up at the last second" (Akio)

"I never back down from a duel, now it looks like my job here is done" (Y/N)

And you make a cool leave, with Ichi and Mio also cooly following after you

"... Huh?" (Emika)

Then Emika who was having a headache from your stupidity noticed one thing

"Wait! Don't leave me behind!" (Emika)

She knew that if you were left alone with those two only bad things would happen, and she was absolutely right, as you were already entering a buffet restaurant

"..." <NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!> (Emika)

Emika fell to her knees when she saw you doing that, then she felt someone touching her shoulder, and when she looked to see who was, it was Mio

"Better to ready your wallet, Ojou-sama" (Mio)

"..." (Emika)

Emika was making a despairing face, that day her wallet was emptied by a fat bill that she had to pay herself

Some time later

Ichi opened the front door of Leonardo's mansion, then closed and locked the door. She then made her way down the corridor to a certain door, when she opened said door and turned on the lights, a white and pink room was revealed, with only the bare minimum for someone to use it comfortably, and lacking any sort of decoration. This was Ichi's bedroom, given to her by Leonardo, she entered her bedroom and put the plushie she received from you on her bed

Ichi then emptied her schoolbag and organized everything, and stored her bag neatly in her wardrobe. She then picked a set of clothes for using indoors and sleep, then she went to take a bath, two things Leonardo took quite a while to make her understand and do on her own

"..." (Ichi)

It was during the baths that she used most of her processing power to find answers to hard questions as the water helped to cool down her systems as she did so. And in the last few days, all she could do is think of you, as she tried to understand why she acted that way towards you

"... I still cannot understand... I need... More data about (Y/N)-san..." (Ichi)

Ichi finished her bath, put on her indoor clothes, returned to her bedroom, did her homework, and went to recharge herself, that was basically going into sleep mode while a charger was plugged into her neck

Ichi looked at the plushie you gave her, she stared at it, then she picked it up and hugged it in front of her chest as she recharged herself

The next day

It was very early in the morning

//... 5 AM... Saturday... Initialization in progress... Initialization completed...//

Ichi got herself up, removed the charger from her neck, and gently put the plushie back on her bed, she changed to her usual weekend clothes and went to make breakfast for research purposes. After that, she went to read many books, until she stopped to make lunch also for research purposes. That was also repeated that very same night and the next day

Early Monday

Once again, Ichi got up very early in the morning

//... 5 AM... Monday... Initialization in progress... Initialization completed...//

She got out of bed, changed to her school uniform, prepared her schoolbag for today's subjects, prepared a homemade bento for you, and left her creator mansion as she made her way to the school

About half an hour or so later

"Ah! Good morning, Ichi-chan!" (Y/N)

"... Yes, good morning, (Y/N)-san" (Ichi)

You two coincidentally met each other in front of the school gates and went to the classroom together, and after school, you and Ichi went on the usual date you two always did


It was Sunday, meaning that it was the day of the duel. But this wouldn't be a parody of anime and manga titles if I do not unnecessarily prolong the fight, like how I'm doing right now, by writing this instead of progressing the chapter for the fight scene cliffhanger, and right now, you're reading with a voice inside your head

So now for the extremely unnecessary and useless prep scene, to just occupy word counting

It was 7:30 AM, on a Sunday morning

"Zzzzz... *Suddenly opens eyes*" (Y/N)

You got out of your bed with a jump as you somehow felt great, something that should be impossible to happen, but it still happens, because you're an airhead and muscle brain in this story here

You removed your pajamas and put on your pants, then your T-shirt, followed by a pair of socks, then you left your bedroom to have breakfast. In the kitchen, you opened the fridge, looked at what you had inside that you could use for your breakfast, after getting what you wanted from the fridge, you had breakfast, then you went to brush your teeth, you scratched your butt, not necessary but it adds more words, you picked your stuff for going out and left to the duel, and oh no it's already over a 1000 words, meaning that I will have to leave the battle for the next chapter, that will probably take quite a while to come out

(A/N Notes: Shonen Anime be like for the ultimate battle)

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