Chapter 2: Duel?!

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from SAO. Here is the chapter 2. So, sit back relax and enjoy the story.







"Battle Start!"

"Here I go!" You said as you dash at Zekken the moment the system announces the start of the duel. You than activate your one-hit sword skill <<Slain>> as you swing your sword upwards parrying Zekken sword which causes her to stumble backwards. However, she immediately stables her footing as she response back by slashing you in a fast manner.

"Tch!?" You click your tongue as you do an irregular guard against her sudden attack which you almost miss it. "This her speed even normal? Wait now I think about it, I doubt anyone speed would be normal when they are in the virtual world." You thought to yourself as you jump back a few steps.

You than notice that she was activating a one-handed skill <<Vertical Square>> and groan in agony as it reminds how much you hated how that move works. You than activate one of your one-handed skill <<Vorpal Strike>> on two of your swords and counter her attack easily. This seem to shock Zekken.

Upon seeing your action, she immediately retreats a few steps as she now looks at you seriously knowing that you are not an opponent to be taking lightly for. "What was that just now? Did you not just use a one-handed sword skill? How come you can activate in both of your sword?" Zekken ask with a piercing eye.

"You are like what? The 6th person to ask me this dame question already." You let out a sigh in annoy as you glance at Kirito and the rest wondering how much more time must you explain it.

"Look Zekken-san, it is a one-handed sword skill, right? Meaning to say that it can only be activated on a single-handed sword correct? Right now, both of my hand is holding a single-hand sword which means to say that I can activate it both at the same time if I concentrate hard enough. It does not say anything about it to be not able to activate it when you duel wield. Hence you can say it like a hole loop in the system or something. Nothing big deal if you think about it." You said as if it is a normal thing.

Zekken look at you in silence before breaking a smile. "I see... so that explain why. You might be the most interesting challenger I have encounter so far. So, in respect, I am going to come at you with everything I have." She said as she charges ready her OSS.

Upon seeing that she is trying to finish you up with her OSS, you decided to do the same and activate your OSS. You took in a deep breath as you close both of your eye as you concentrate on your skill. Your sword than was cover in an aura as if it has life.

You watch Zekken carefully as she rushes towards you. The moment she enters your strike zone, you release a constructive attack consist of 43-hit combo against her. This then result the how field to cover in dust as the impact from your blow kick up the dust.

Upon receiving the attack, Zekken tired to switch to defend with her OSS but fail to do so as your attack landed a clean blow on her every time it strikes. As the dust cloud died down, you stand on the field with the system sign showing that you won the battle while Zekken was lying on the floor motionless as she was unconscious from the damage that you do to her.

"Opps... I guess I over did it this time huh... Oh well... I guess in the end it all matter that I won the fight." You thought to yourself as you sheathe back your sword while the crowd cheer on the sight of the battle.

"Yo [Y/N], nice fight you have there. Thou that said, I guess you really over did it this time. Look at the poor girl, she fainted from your attack. Now what you going to do about it?" Sinon said with in a teasing tone as you let out a sigh knowing that you could not leave her here out in the field in this state.

"For the starter, why don't we head back to my house which is at Floor 25 and at the same time we can let this girl rest there, plus we can discuss what should we do next." You said as you carry Zekken in a bride style while you look at the rest.

You guys than proceed to your place where it is located in Floor 25. Upon arrival, you tuck Zekken into your bed as you let her rest before you walk out to the leaving room to see that Asuna was currently making tea for everyone. However, because you guys have known one another for so long, you don't seem to have much issue with her using you household object.

"Well than what should be do now?" You ask as you sat down on the sofa while you take tea and slip it. "I guess we just got to wait for her to wake up since [Y/N] just go ahead and knock her out in the duel. Meanwhile why do we play some game?" Leafa said as she takes out a deck of poker card from her inventory. "Does she always put those stuff in her inventory or rather why do she have it in there in the first place?" You thought in silence as you watch her shuffle the deck.

After about 20 minutes have pass, you heard a door open and glance over to your room. "Oh, you are up. How are you feeling?" You ask Zekken as she walk out of your room while holding her hand to her head. "Urg... My head still hurt a little but I suppose I am okay. Where am I?" She asks as she look around your house.

"You are currently my place. Take a sit. I will make something light for you." You said as you went to the kitchen to make an herb tea that cure fatigue. After brewing it, you pour into a cup and pass it to her. "Oh, this is good..." She mumbles as she takes a slip of it.

"Right before I forgot, hey you there. What your name?" Zekken ask as she look at you. "Me? [Y/N] is my name. What about it?" You ask as you raise your eyebrow while returning to your seat.

"I see.... [Y/N] huh... Okay I have decided! My name is Yuuki, I want you to join our guild!" Yuuki said as she smiles at you which you only give her a look as if she is crazy.

"Huh? What the hell is going on now?" You ask as you could swear that you are getting a headache for not understanding the situation at hand at the moment.


Okay, let stop here for now. Until then, Peace Out! 😊

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