A Secret Revealed (Peter Parker x fem!reader)

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"Peter? Oh my god, what happened?!" you asked, seeing your friend all beat up and bruised. You lived in the same building as Peter and his aunt. In fact, you lived in the apartment below his. You often wondered what he did late at night. His room was directly above yours and you'd hear strange noises frequently.

This time, you had been leaving your apartment, trying to return your neighbor's cat, as Peter was coming up. As soon as you saw him, you thought he'd been mugged. You weren't surprised. It was after midnight and he'd been walking around Queens. "I'm fine, Y/N," he tried to reassure you and smiled slightly. You narrowed your eyes. The cat clamored to get down. You set her down and approached Peter.

"You're not fine. We need to call the police and report this." You grabbed one of his hands and pulled him toward your door. You knew your parents would be angry, but you couldn't let this go unreported. "NO! Really, I'm okay." He wrenched his hand from yours and got in front of your door. Rolling your eyes, you turned to head down to the lobby. The elevator was out again, so you had to take the stairs. You moved to open the door to the stairwell when something stopped you.

You looked down and your eyes widened. Your hand and the doorknob were covered in a sticky, white...web? You glanced at Peter and saw his hand out and his eyes full of fear. "Oh...my...god," you said, forcing yourself not to yell. "Don't tell Aunt May!" Peter cried softly, running over to free your hand. "You're-You're Spiderman." It wasn't a question, but Peter nodded anyway. As soon as your hand was free, you started back to your apartment. "Y/N?" his voice came from behind you. "I, uh, need a little time to process this. I won't tell anyone."

You hurried into your room, careful not to slam the door behind you. You spent the next several hours, tossing and turning in bed. You couldn't believe that Peter, your closest friend and secret crush, was Spiderman and hadn't told you. How were you supposed to figure something like that out? However, all the noises above your room now made sense. Obviously, Peter was testing out his Spiderman skills. Needless to say, you didn't get any sleep that night.

As the sun was coming up, you turned to face the window and nearly screamed. Peter was there, hanging upside down, outside your window. "Peter! What the hell?!" you whispered loudly. Your parents weren't up yet. You sat up and opened the window. Peter flipped in and plopped down on your bed. He looked so forlorn that you couldn't help but not be mad at him.

"You wanna have breakfast with me?" he asked without even looking at you. You sighed. You knew the two of you would have to talk about what happened. "Sure." Peter smiled. "Great. I've got it up on the roof." You nodded. "Okay. Just let me get changed." You moved to your dresser to grab some clothes.

You started pulling your nightshirt over your head, but you turned and saw Peter still sitting on your bed. "PETER!" He jumped and realized what you were doing. His face turned red and he practically leapt back out the window. "Just knock on the window when you're done." You laughed and shook your head fondly. After you changed, you knocked on the window.

Peter turned around and offered his hand. You looked at him skeptically. Then it dawned on you. "Oh hell no. No freakin' way." Peter laughed. "Please? I want to do this at least once," he pouted a little and you sighed. "Fine." You took his hand and let him pull you to him. He wrapped an arm around you and stuck out his other hand. In an instant, you were being pulled up to the roof by various webs.

When you got to the roof, Peter set you down. "See? That wasn't so bad." You rolled your eyes and laughed. Just as Peter said, breakfast was waiting for you. You sat eating in silence for a minute. Then you asked the question, "Why didn't you tell me?" Peter stopped eating and looked out toward the horizon. "Haven't you read the comics, Y/N? Or watched the superhero movies? The villains always go after the heroes loved ones. I didn't want to put you in danger." You flushed. "You love me?" Peter blushed and nodded. "Well, yeah. Next to Ned, you're my best friend." You heart sank a little, but you smiled anyway. "Thanks for trying to protect me, Peter. But now that I know, what can I do to help?"

"You can help by staying safe and not letting Aunt May find out." You chuckled. He was still trying to protect you. "I can do that." Peter set down his food and suddenly hugged you, taking you by surprise. "Thank you. It's nice that I don't have to keep it a secret from you anymore." You hugged him back and buried your face in the crook of his neck. "I'm always here for you," you whispered. Peter held you a little closer. "I know."    

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