A Team Effort (Avengers x reader)

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You groaned as you turned over to shut off your alarm. 5am. Normally you'd never wake up this early, but today was different. You felt your lips pull up into a smile when your phone calendar lit up with an alert. P.T. Day. You and the rest of the team had big plans today. You quickly got out of bed and stealthily went to work. Once you reached your destination, you put your plan into action.

Three hours later, you were finally finished. You made your way to the kitchen and saw that almost everyone else was already there. "All set?" Natasha asked without looking up from her coffee. You gave the team a mischievous smirk and replied, "Absolutely." As you went for your own coffee, you heard someone shout, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Pepper and Natasha exchanged a look. "Yours or mine?" A moment later, Tony came running into the room. "Both," Natasha and Pepper said at the same time.

Upon seeing Tony, you nearly choked on your coffee. Still in his pajamas, he had suds around his mouth as if he'd been brushing his teeth and his eyes were still red from sleep. That wasn't what got to you, however. His hair was no longer brunette. It was now tangerine orange. "Who the hell put shaving cream in my toothpaste?!" Pepper stifled her giggles. He glared at her and said, "Did you do this too, Pep?" He pointed to his hair. Pepper shook her head, no longer bothering to hide her laughter.

You looked at Natasha and mouthed, "Nice one." Tony went to the sink and rinsed out his mouth then grabbed a cup of coffee. Clint slid the sugar over to the billionaire. "Thanks. Nice to know someone isn't out to get me this morning," Tony said, still glaring at Pepper. He took a sip of his coffee and gagged. "What the-" Tony cried, "Seriously?! Salt in the sugar? Could you get anymore middle school?" Frustrated, Tony groaned and fixed another cup. Then he went to the refrigerator.

After a moment, he closed the door and moved to the mini fridge behind the bar. His brow furrowed as he continued to move around the common areas of the Tower. "Where are all my blueberries?" By this time, the entire team was laughing heartily. Tony stomped out of the room. You high-fived Clint and Sam. "This is turning out better than expected," you said. "What did you do, Y/N?" You simply smiled and said, "You will just have to wait and see, Cap." As you skipped from the room, you reveled in the pain you were causing Tony Stark. He had it coming after all.

*flashback to a few weeks ago*

Sitting at breakfast that morning, you thought Tony was acting odd. Well, odd for him. After a few minutes, you realized why. When Steve came and sat next to you, the whoopee cushion was set off causing Steve to flush bright red. Then, Clint walked in and the stereo system immediately began playing the theme from "Robin Hood: Men in Tights." Sam ended up opening one of those gag peanut brittle cases. Bruce was given a shock pen and Natasha was given gum that turned her whole mouth purple.

You laughed along with everyone else, but his prank for you was the final straw. You got up and went to the cabinet in the kitchen that was specifically yours. When you opened the door, hundreds of plastic spiders fell on your head causing you to scream. If there was one thing you hated above all else, it was spiders. After that, you swore that you'd get him back.

*end of flashback*

With that, you'd all set out to prank Tony. You all decided on at least one prank a piece, but no one knew what prank the others were going to pull. Steve and Bucky chose to pull theirs together and Bruce opted out almost entirely. You'd managed to get him to agree to get F.R.I.D.A.Y. to record everything, especially yours. You were really proud of what you had come up with and couldn't wait to see it on the video. Another frustrated yell came from Tony's room.

You returned to the living room just in time to see him running back in. "REALLY?! Who did this?!" Tony's voice went up an octave as he yelled. You looked at him and couldn't hold back the chuckle that formed in your throat. Someone had snuck into the laundry room and caused one of Tony's favorite AC/DC shirts to shrink. It was so small now that it showed all of his midriff and you could see every muscle in his chest and arms outlined. Without waiting for an answer, Tony stormed from the room again. "Who was that?" you asked. Steve and Bucky looked at you, beaming.

"I think that's all of them except one, right Y/N?" Clint asked. Your mouth slowly upturned into a Cheshire Cat grin. "I guess so. I've got Bruce in the lab waiting to access the live feed when Tony gets there. Gather round," you said and pulled out your tablet. The team crowded around you, eyes glued to the screen. You watched as Tony entered his lab a few minutes later and smiled at how peaceful he finally looked, at least for now. As he approached his desk, your smile grew. He tried to pick up a pen and it wouldn't move. The same thing with one bag of blueberries that Sam missed, his stapler and even his tablet. His expression quickly turned into one of confusion.

"Tony, could you input this data for me?" you heard Bruce ask. Tony sat in his chair and moved to wheel it over to the desk. It wouldn't move and as he tried to roll it again, the back of the chair fell over with him in it. The crowd of people around you laughed loudly. Not only had you loosened the screws on the chair so Tony would fall off, you'd also stuck the wheels of the chair to the floor using a super adhesive you'd developed with Bruce's help. You'd even put a little on the chair itself so Tony would stick to it. You also used the glue to stick everything to his desk.

"DAMMIT!" Tony screamed. He struggled to get up. He managed after a few minutes and left the lab, with his chair still stuck to him. You quickly put the tablet away and everyone sat down trying to keep the laughter at bay. A few minutes later, Tony wobbled in slumped over. Despite his outburst a while before, he spoke calmly. "So, what is this, huh?" he asked and you exchanged glances with everyone before you answered, "A team effort." There was a moment of silence before everyone in the room was cackling boisterously, including Tony. That night you added to your calendar: Best Prank Tony Day ever!

(a/n: This one is a little long.)

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