Bestfriends, Boyfriends and Babies (Bucky Barnes x reader x Tony Stark)

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"No! No! No!" you cried, "This can't be happening!" You stopped moving and looked around the bathroom. It was a complete and utter mess. You'd just spent the last several minutes tearing it apart looking for something. Something that had changed your life already. That's right, you were looking for the little plastic stick with two pink lines. "Where is it?! I could have sworn I left it on the counter!" You asked yourself aloud. You'd left it there so that when your boyfriend returned to the tower, he'd see it. Turns out, he'd had a rough mission and you decided that your original idea was probably not the best way to reveal the news.

Questions began filling your mind. What if he already found it? What if he was angry about it? Did Bucky even want children? You sank to the floor in the bathroom and groaned. "What's wrong, sweet pea?" came a voice from the doorway. You jerked your head up to find your best friend, Tony Stark standing there with a mischievous smirk on his face. "Nothing, Tony. I just lost something important. I thought I put it on the counter, but now I can't find it." The smirk did not leave his face.

"What could possibly be so important? Something you don't want to share? Maybe something you don't want the Terminator to know?" You snapped your head up to look at him. "Tony," you said warningly. Tony reached into his back pocket and pulled out the test. "I found this little guy when I came looking for you earlier. Something like this could be considered important, right?" You launched yourself at the billionaire, who held the pregnancy test out of your reach. "Tony, give it back right now or so help me! And don't you DARE tell Bucky!" You threatened. "Tell Bucky what?"

Damn. You looked over Tony's shoulders to find Bucky. He cocked an eyebrow at the two of you. His eyes traveled from you, up Tony's arm to his hand. Your own eyes widened as you saw the recognition on Bucky's face. "I'm going to kill you, Tony," You muttered loud enough for him to hear you. Tony tossed the test at Bucky and took off running. "Tony Stark, you get back here right now!" You shouted and ran after him, readying a fire ball in your hand. You were halfway down the hall when you heard Bucky yell, "Wait! Y/N!" You stopped and turned back to him. He smirked and said, "Just don't hurt the baby ." Laughing, you temporarily forgot about Tony and jogged back to Bucky.

He pulled you in for a passionate kiss, resting his forehead on yours when you broke apart. "You're not mad?" He shook his head. "I'm...well I can't describe it. Excited? Happy? Scared for my life?" You shared a laugh and another kiss. "I knew he'd be happy," you heard Tony say behind you. "Stark, you have three seconds before I let her go. One...two..." Tony took off again and Bucky released you. "Give him hell, Doll."

Throughout the tower, everyone could hear Tony's cries

"Y/N, please!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"Wait! Wait! Think of the baby! "

"Think of the baby's favorite uncle!" The sound of something hitting a wall echoed through the tower.

"That's my girl," Bucky thought to himself.

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