Capable (Steve Rogers x fem!reader)

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When Steve first discovered that he had been frozen for 70 years, he was confused. Luckily, you were there to help him adapt. S.H.I.E.L.D had assigned you to help him. Over time, Steve found himself falling for you and why wouldn't he? You were intelligent, charming, funny and helpful. You never made Steve feel inferior for not always understanding modern day life.

Still, Steve said nothing. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable. He wasn't even sure that he was completely over Peggy and it wouldn't be fair to you to drag you into that. Then, came the day Steve dreaded. The day you were put in danger.

"Let me handle this, Y/N." You snorted out a laugh. "Cap, how about you let me do my job." Steve stubbornly shook his head. It reminded you of a toddler that had been told he couldn't have a lollipop. He was always so worried about you. So protective. It was almost as if he forgot that you had been trained by S.H.I.E.L.D. and you were an Avenger now. It irked you to no end.

"Oh my god! Both of you go! You're driving us all crazy!" Tony whined making you chuckle for real. "Good idea, Tony," you said sarcastically before you turned and practically skipped out of the room. Steve followed silently behind. Even without looking at him, you knew he was fuming. "Steve, for goodness sake. Why are you so against my going on this mission? It's a simple recon!" Steve didn't answer you. Groaning, you made your way to the jet, prepared to spend the entire trip in silence.

When you were closer to your destination, Steve finally spoke to you. "Just get in and get out. And be careful." You wanted to roll your eyes, but you heard something in Steve's voice that made you stop. You glanced up to see his baby blues full of worry. Part of you wanted to snap at him and argue, but you couldn't. "Steve," you said softly, "I'll be fine. Could you please give me a little bit of trust?" Taking a deep breath, Steve nodded. You knew that wasn't the end of it, but you had a mission to complete.

Turns out, it wasn't just a recon mission. It had been a trap and you were outnumbered. "Y/N, watch out!" You growled in response and took out another enemy. From the corner of your eye, you saw another guy with a gun aimed right at the Captain. "CAP!" you called over the din. Steve didn't hear you and the next thing you knew, he was falling to the ground.

"STEVE!" you cried, nearly breaking down in tears. You rushed over, ready to defend the two of you to the death if necessary. Steve covered himself with his shield and tried to use it from his place on the ground. You were next to him fighting off every single person that came your way. "Tony, please tell me backup is almost here?! The Captain is hit and more are coming!"

Steve glanced up in worry, guilt and a little bit of admiration. You were holding your own when Steve should have been able to help you. "Hey, Cap, what was that you said to Y/N about letting you handle it?" Tony's sarcastic voice came through the comm. "Tony, not now!" you replied and Steve could hear the irritation in your tone.

"Y/N, look out!" You ducked under a punch and jabbed the attacker in the throat. "Thanks, Cap. Tony, come on!" No sooner were the words out of your mouth did another jet appear, with Tony, Bruce and Clint inside. After that, it only took you a few more minutes to dispatch all the enemy agents. It took three of you to get a rapidly weakening Steve onto the jet where Bruce was waiting.

You sat next to Steve as Bruce examined the wound. "Thank you, Y/N," Steve whispered, "I'm sorry." You took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "You don't have to apologize. I'm just glad it wasn't worse." Steve shook his head. "I do need to apologize. I treated you horribly. Like you weren't capable." You smiled softly. "You've been that way since we met, Steve." He chuckled before wincing as Bruce removed the bullet.

"You okay?" He glared playfully at you. "Oh yeah. It's just a flesh wound." You arched a brow. "Did you just quote Monty Python at me?" you asked with a smirk. That was one of the first movies you'd watched with Steve. He blushed and nodded. "Yes." He glanced back at you as you giggled.

"Are you two done flirting?" You whipped your head around to look at Clint. "Stay out of it, Barton," Steve said lowly. You looked back at Steve in confusion. "Were you flirting with me, Steve?" Steve bit his lip, unsure if he should say. "Yes he was. Why do you think he's so protective? He likes you." Bruce said softly, making Steve groan. "Yes, alright. I was. It's like Banner said. I like you." You brought his hand up to your lips and kissed it. "I was kind of flirting with you, too."

Steve grinned wider than you'd ever seen before. You returned it before you frowned. "So, next time we have a mission, you best remember that I'm just as capable as you are. Got it, buster?" Steve sat shocked for a minute until you started to snicker. Steve laughed. "Got it, Doll." He kissed your temple and the two of you spent the rest of the trip home next to each other in a comfortable silence. Well, comfortable for you anyway.

"Can you two please get a room?"

"Shut it, Stark."    

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