Cold(Thor x fem!reader)

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All your life, you kept to yourself unless necessary. It was how you grew up. Watch and learn, no need to talk. So, when you moved into the Avengers Tower with the team, you kept to that. You did your job and you did it well, bringing down some of your toughest opponents. You weren't intentionally standoffish. You liked everyone, you just weren't sure how to express it. So, you ended up coming off as cold and unfeeling. Until you met Thor anyway.

Thor was your social opposite. He was boisterous and never afraid to let his opinions be heard. When he liked someone, he let them know. While the others were content to let you be until you opened up to the them, Thor wasn't. From the moment he met you, he was curious about you. When Thor got curious, the questions started and they didn't stop until he had answers. That was apparently just what you needed.

You were sitting on your own one day, as usual, while everyone else was talking amongst themselves. The words on the page in front of you were suddenly blocked by something being shoved into your face. Surprised, you glance up and saw Thor was holding out a poptart for you to take. "Lady Y/N, I have noticed that you do not converse with us. You seem unhappy and I wish to help," Thor boomed, shoving the pastry back into your face. "No one can be unhappy when they taste this delicious delicacy!"

He was so passionate about the subject that you couldn't help but to smile. The smile soon turned to giggles and then, you were full on guffawing at his innocent passion for the unhealthy breakfast food. The others were now watching you with looks of pure and utter shock.

"Wait...she's laughing? At Point Break? I've been trying to get her to laugh for months and nothing! All of a sudden, she's laughing at something Thor did?!" Tony cried, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. You stopped laughing, wiped your eyes and returned to your usual deadpan expression before saying, "You're not that funny, Stark."

Thor was still standing and waiting for you to take his offering. Smiling again, you carefully took it and patted the seat next to you, inviting Thor to sit down. Thor's grin was bright as he sat down. Slowly taking a bite of the poptart, you sighed. Thor was right. It was nearly impossible to not be happy while eating a poptart.

You glanced over at Thor and found his eyes already on you and twinkling merrily. He reached over and brushed away some crumbs from your cheek. "Lady Y/N," Thor began, his voice softer than you'd ever heard it, "Why do you not socialize with the rest of us? We are not unkind." You frowned a little, but nodded. "I know, Thor. I just...I've never fit in anywhere. I was raised to keep to myself. I worry that the others won't like me."

Thor's smiled softly. "We do not know you enough to not like you." You giggled softly. "I guess." You looked away shyly, but Thor gently took your chin in his hand and turned your face back to him. "Perhaps you are overwhelmed? So many people trying to know you at once." You pondered his words for moment. They actually made a lot of sense. Thor was smarter than people gave him credit. "I think you're probably right." Thor looked pleased as punch to hear that someone agreed with him. "Then perhaps we should try to get to know you one at a time. Starting with me?" You agreed with little hesitation.

Weeks passed quickly and you soon realized that you liked Thor. A lot. He was always able to make you laugh and, even though it could be annoying, Thor didn't let you spend too much time in your own head. He made sure to try and talk to you at least once a day. You spent a lot of time playing games or just talking. You would teach Thor about Midgardian customs and he told you all about Asgard. You two spent so much time together and were so adorable together, the others were beginning to wonder why you weren't dating.

"It's almost sickening, isn't it?" Tony asked, making everyone else roll their eyes. "You're just upset because she opened up to Thor first." They were currently watching you try to teach Thor how to play Mario Kart...gently. After the Wii bowling incident, Tony ruled out any games that required too much movement at least for Thor. It was actually really sweet.

Suddenly, you glanced up at the rest of the team and gave them an unsure smile. "You guys want to play?" you asked, taking them all by surprise. Thor glanced down at you and grinned. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulled you close and kissed your temple. In an instant, the rest of the Avengers were in the living room, all "fighting" about who would play first.

You and Thor sat back on the couch, enjoying the scene in front of you. "How about Nat, Sam, Y/N and Tony first?" Steve suggested. You glanced at Thor who nodded in encouragement. You took the remote back from Thor and sat up fully, ready to play. In moments, you were enjoying yourself and laughing along with the rest of the team. Thor watched with a wide smile on his face. He was proud that you were finally letting the others see the person you really were.


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