Dating Spiderman (Peter Parker x reader)

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"Hold still, Peter," you admonished. Your boyfriend had yet another injury and, rather than have his Aunt May asking questions, he came to you. "Pete..." you started and he looked up at you with wide eyes. "Please don't say it, Y/N." You closed your mouth and went back to cleaning his injuries. You had been trying to tell him to be more careful, but it never did any good.

"I can't not do this, Y/N. The world needs Spiderman," he told you softly. You stopped what you were doing and made him look up at you again. "I know, but I need you. I need Peter Parker." You gave him a quick peck on the lips then turned back to cleaning up the cuts he'd gotten. Peter stayed silent for a few minutes, just letting you work.

What you and Peter had wasn't easy, but it was nice. You knew he was Spiderman and you never once told him to stop. You only told him to be more careful. You cared for him and he cared about you and you worried about each other. However, when you were able to be together, just Peter and Y/N, it was sweet, calm, and quiet.

You finished cleaning up your boyfriend and gave him another kiss. "Come on, Pete. Let's go sit and watch a movie or something." Peter smiled. "How about some video games instead?" You nodded in agreement. "And ice cream?" You offered your hand to pull him from the seat in the kitchen. "And ice cream," he assured. He followed you into your living room and sat down on the couch while you set up the game.

After handing Peter the controller, you returned to get the ice cream. By the time you got back, the game was ready to go. You plopped down next to him and handed him some ice cream. The two of you played for what seemed like hours. It wasn't until you felt a weight on your shoulder that you realized Peter wasn't actually playing anymore.

Smiling to yourself, you paused the game and set the controller down. You moved carefully so that Peter was laying down with his head in your lap. He let out a slight hum as you started running your fingers through his brown hair. You weren't sure if he was asleep or not, but he let out a soft snore and you chuckled lowly.

You loved nights like this. Nights where it was just you and Peter, doing normal couple things were you're favorite nights. You sat there on your couch, TV on in the background, running your fingers through his hair while he slept. Peter snuggled into your stomach and you smiled. It wasn't long before your eyes closed and you drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, you woke to the smell of something cooking. You stretched and your neck made a loud cracking sound. "You're up!'' Peter's voice came from the kitchen. He came out with a smile on his face. His brown hair was tousled from sleep, but his eyes were shining merrily. "I, uh, tried to make breakfast, but I burned it, so I ran out for donuts and cinnamon rolls instead. I put them in the oven to warm them up a little. I know you like yours hot."

Giggling, you got up from the couch and walked over to him. "Thank you, Peter." You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. Peter pulled away after a second. "As nice as this is, I don't to burn breakfast again." You laughed and kissed him once more. "Y/N," he whined playfully. Another short kiss and you pulled away from him. "Alright. You win this time." He took your hand and led you to the kitchen, where you enjoyed breakfast. As you were eating, Peter watched you with a soft smile. This was something he could get used to.    

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