In the Ring (Thor x reader)

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(a/n: This is based on the Thor: Ragnarok trailer.)

You stretched your aching muscles the moment the guards threw you back in the cell. By some miracle, you'd survived another challenge. You hated it. Being taken from your homeland and forced to fight against others that had been taken from their homes, sometimes to the death, was not your idea of a good time. And apparently, you weren't alone in that thinking.

You had just laid down on your little bench, eyes closed to block out the world when you heard it. The door of the cell next to yours opened and then slammed shut again a moment later. "Hey! What is the meaning of this?! Don't you know who I am?!" a loud voice boomed. It would have made you jump if not for the fact that you were used to it. You let out an exasperated sigh when the man in the cell started rattling the door.

"You can do that all you want. They won't pay attention to you," you cried over his yells and bar rattling. He stopped and you opened your eyes. You turned your head so you could see him. Blue eyes looked back at you. You sat up to get a better look. He was very muscular and had long blond locks. He regarded you for a minute before shaking the door of the cell again.

"STOP THAT!" you screamed, catching him by surprise. "Don't you get it?! We're stuck here! WE," you gestured between you both, "Are prisoners! We are their entertainment. So you might as well give up now. Resign yourself to the fact that you're going to be in here until you die. Whether of old age or at the hand of another is yet to be determined."

The man stared at you for what seemed like hours. His eyes scanned your form, seeing the bruises and cuts on your arms and legs. "How long have you been here?" You shrugged. "I lost count of the days." You sat back down on your bench. "Where are you from?" You arched a brow at his curiosity. "Earth. Midgard they call it here." He didn't respond for a second. "And your name?" Standing again, you walked over to where he was not leaning against the bars. "Y/N." You reached your hand through and he took it gingerly. "I am Thor Odinson."

*time skip*

You were surprised at how well you and Thor actually got along. When he wasn't yelling at the guards to let him out anyway. He was charming and funny and kind. His struggles with Earth terms and customs were hilarious to you. In other circumstances, you knew the two of you could be great friends. What you dreaded most was the day you would have to face Thor in the ring. He was definitely strong and, if put in the situation with no choice, he could kill you. That day wouldn't come.

You were sitting crossed-legged on the floor talking with Thor through the bars of your cells when the guards came to the doors. One of them came into your cell and grabbed you by the arm before dragging you into Thor's cell and throwing you in there. They stepped out and handed a knife to you through the bars. "His hair. Cut it off. He faces the monster tomorrow."

Your eyes widened. Not in shock, but in fear. No one won a fight with the monster. You counted yourself lucky that you had never been pitted against it. You'd never even seen it. The guards didn't move until you began cutting off Thor's beautiful blond hair. Once they left, Thor asked you, "The monster?"

"Yes. I heard it is a terrifying creature. Bigger than anything anyone has ever seen. No one who has gone up against him as won. They have either died or been so severely injured they couldn't move for days, if at ever again." For a brief moment, Thor looked frightened. "Have you ever seen it?" You moved the knife away from his hair and shook your head vigorously. "No. I would undoubtedly be dead if I had."

Now Thor looked terrified. It was an expression that looked out of place on his face. Neither of you wanted to say anything while you finished shearing his beautiful hair. In fact, neither one of you said another word for the rest of the day. You could tell that Thor was deep in thought so you let him be. He hadn't been in the ring yet and for his first time to be against the monster was undoubtedly the most frightening thing anyone could go through.

You didn't sleep that night and you were certain Thor didn't either. The next morning, the guards came and got Thor and, to your surprise, they grabbed you too. Your heart was pounding in your chest. Were they going to make you face the monster? "You get to watch. Everyone wants to see this contender take on the monster."

The guards got Thor his helmet, sword and shield before taking you by the arm again. "Wait." You quickly hugged Thor close. "Be careful." You pulled away and gave him what you hoped was an encouraging smile. As the guard pulled you away, you prayed that your friend would be alright.     

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