Insta-Trouble (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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Bucky sighed happily as he sank down onto the bed in the hotel room. He'd finally finished a two week mission and was eager to get home. To you. Bucky was still amazed at how quickly the two of you fell for one another. Yet here you were, two years later still going strong. He smiled to himself and decided to check in on you. He knew calling or texting wouldn't be a good idea. Stark was having another party that night so you probably wouldn't answer your phone. Then, Bucky remembered that you love to take pictures at those parties. Instagram!

Bucky scrolled his phone quickly, proud that he'd finally mastered modern technology and found the app he was looking for. He opened it and immediately found yours. He was right. You'd posted picture after picture. It looked like you were having fun and Bucky smiled. There were pictures of you and the other Avengers. He flipped through the pictures and noticed most of them had one thing in common other than you...Sam. Bucky's lips downturned into a frown.

It wasn't that he didn't like Sam. He and Sam made peace with one another, but Bucky wanted to be the one having fun there with you. He wanted to be having a drink or dancing with you in his arms. He was slightly jealous that Sam was spending time with you while he was stuck in a hotel thousands of miles away. His phone lit up as you posted yet another photo. This one was only you. The caption read: Missing my soldier! Come home soon! You were holding up the chain you wore his old dog tags that he gave you soon after you started dating.

Bucky chuckled to himself, but frowned again as another picture was posted. Another one with Sam. Bucky growled a bit. He knew nothing would happen between you and Sam, but still. He wanted to call you. Bucky closed down Instagram and called you. The phone rang a few times, Bucky muttering under his breath the whole time for you to pick up. "Hey, babe," your voice came over the phone. Bucky could hear muted music in the background, so he knew you'd stepped outside to talk to him.

"Hey, Doll. Having fun?" He asked you, just happy to hear your voice. "Yeah. I miss you though. When are you coming home?" Bucky thought for a moment and told you. He had to pull the phone away from his ear when you cheered loudly. He loved your enthusiasm. "I'm sure Sam can keep you company until then," he said, trying to keep the edge from his voice. He failed. "Do my ears deceive me or is my handsome soldier boyfriend jealous?" you asked with a giggle.

Bucky began grumbling and you laughed louder. In truth, you knew that Bucky trusted you and you'd never do anything to betray that. "Have you been checking out my Insta? Sam has been keeping me company, yes, but I've been talking his ear off about you. I can't wait to see you." Bucky heard the sound of someone talking in the background. Then, a voice that wasn't yours came over the phone. "Hey, Frosty! Coming home soon? Your girl here is getting antsy."

Bucky shook his head and laughed. "Yeah, I'll be home soon. Keep your hands off my best girl there, Bird Boy!" Sam's laughter filled Bucky's ears before he passed the phone back to you. "He'll keep his hands to himself, Buck or he won't have hands when you get home. I have to go, but I love you and I can't wait to see you!" Bucky sighed and said, "I love you too, Doll. Save a dance for me. Good night." Bucky hung up the phone and, for the first time since he left on his mission, Bucky went to bed happy. 

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