Knowledge Isn't Always Power, Ignorance Not Always Bliss (Bucky x fem!reader)

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Bucky never intended for this to happen. Any of it. He never intended on becoming the Winter Soldier. He didn't mean to kill all the people he did and he certainly never meant to meet you. When you bumped into him on the streets of Bucharest, you immediately apologized with a smile that threw the former assassin for a loop.

The moment you laid eyes on him, you knew he was different but it was only after you smiled at him and he simply stared at you that you recognized him. How could you not? Your mother Peggy had told you all about Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes when you were growing up. The Winter Soldier. Still, something about the alertness in his eyes told you he was not the same man. So you said nothing about what you knew. You didn't realize it would come up again so many months later.

"Thanks, Sharon. I can't wait to see you and my mom. Talk to you later." You hung up with your cousin as you heard the knock on your door. You smiled, knowing exactly who it was. You opened the door to find Bucky standing there. He was looking over his shoulder, his bright blue eyes wide with worry. "Bucky?" He turned to face you and gave you a weak smile. You'd been around him long enough to know his moods and facial expressions.

"What is it?" You moved to let him in. As soon as you closed the door and turned to him, his arms wrapped around you. It shocked you for a moment. Bucky never initiated displays of affection. He wouldn't object if you cuddled up to him, but he never made the first move. You hugged him back and asked him what was wrong again. He pulled back and stared at you. "I have to tell you something. I only ask that you hear me out before you say anything." Your brows furrowed but you nodded anyway.

Bucky lead you over to your couch and sat down, urging you to do the same. After taking a deep breath, Bucky began talking. It was the most he'd ever spoken to you in one sitting. All about his days as the Winter Soldier. You listened intently as Bucky told you things you were certain he'd never told anyone else. Things you already knew, but he didn't have any idea. When he finished, Bucky stared at you, waiting for rejection he knew was coming. For a moment, you said nothing. To you, it was obvious that Bucky wasn't the same man. He wasn't the Winter Soldier anymore.

"I know, Bucky. I've known since the moment we met," you finally whispered. Bucky blinked rapidly. "Y-you did?" You nodded. "How can you stand to be around me, knowing everything I've done? You could have turned me in or used the knowledge to your advantage. Why? Wouldn't you feel safer not knowing?" he asked, the surprise absolutely apparent in his voice. "Why would I, Bucky? You're not that person anymore and contrary to popular belief, ignorance isn't always bliss." You reached over and took his hand in yours. "I love you, Bucky and if I used my knowledge of your past for power, I would have missed out on a great relationship. Yes, we both have rough pasts. I've had a target on my back for as long as I could remember. You were the Winter Soldier. Neither one of us could control that."

Again,in an uncharacteristic move, Bucky pulled you close to him. You wrapped yourarms around him and cooed, "It's alright." He held you as closely ashe dared with his metal arm and you hugged him tighter. For several moments,neither of you spoke. Then Bucky asked, "What will you do now?" Youchuckled softly. "I'm staying right here, Bucky. I told you, I loveyou." You felt him bury his face in your hair. "I love you,too."�G

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