Making a Choice (Tony Stark x reader x slight!Bucky Barnes)

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Tony looked over your broken and bruised body laying on the hospital bed. Your crush, Bucky Barnes had gone full "Winter Soldier" two days ago and nearly put you in a coma. He left you bleeding and with several broken bones. As your best friend, Tony had taken to guarding you while you were in the hospital in case Bucky decided to pay you a visit. He held your hand and talked to you. He made sure you had fresh (f/f) in a vase by your bed at all times.

"Y/N, the guy is dangerous! He put you in the hospital!" he cried to you one day when you said you wanted to see Bucky. "Tony, I want to see him. I need to let him know that I'm not angry with him." Tony's jaw nearly hit the floor. He couldn't understand how you could be so forgiving. "He nearly put you in a damn coma, Y/N! He's unstable and he isn't good for you! Who knows what will happen next time?!" he was practically screaming at you.

"Why would you say that? You know how I feel about him!" You let out a rough sob and shook your head. Tony was the only person you told about your crush on the former assassin. Emphasis on the word former. You firmly believed that Bucky could be saved and that what happened was not his fault. You saw a sensitive soul that just needed some TLC. Tony shook his head. Why couldn't you see that Bucky wasn't good for you?

Before Tony could argue further, you told him to leave. "What?" You winced as you sat up a bit more. "Just leave, Tony. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I thought my best friend would support my decision." Tony stood up and sighed. "Y/N, eventually you are going to have to make a choice between him or your safety and I hope that you pick the right one in the end. I'll see you later, Sweet pea." He left the room as you put your head back on the pillow and cried softly.

As soon as Tony left your room, he saw the one person he'd been protecting you from. "Don't even think about it, Barnes," he growled. Bucky would be allowed in your room over Tony's dead body. "I just want to see her." Tony shook his head. "No. You put her here and I'll be damned if I let you near her again." Bucky balled his fists. "Let me by, Stark." Tony pushed Bucky away from the door. Without thinking, Bucky punched Tony in the nose. What they hadn't realized was that you could see them through the windows next to the door.

As the two continued fighting, you slowly and painfully inched out of the bed and toward the door. "Frickin' idiots," you muttered under your breath as you got to the door and began opening it. You poked your head into the hallway. "ENOUGH!" you screamed with all your might. They both stopped what they were doing and glanced at you. You looked at Bucky, whose face was contorted with anger and shook your head. Next, you gazed at your best friend. His nose and lip were bleeding and he would surely have a black eye by the morning.

Bucky's expression hadn't changed and you could see what Tony had been trying to tell you. Bucky Barnes as a person wasn't dangerous. Bucky Barnes was a sweet and caring man. But, when the Winter Soldier took over, Bucky Barnes didn't exist. "Thank you for coming to see me, Bucky but I really think you should leave," you said softly as Tony picked himself up off the floor. The look of anger dissipated and Bucky left. You told Tony to come back into the room and sit in the chair.

You did your best to clean him up. "You were right, Tony. I'm sorry I yelled at you." He smiled, which caused his lip to split again. "Stop smiling, you jerk or I'll never get the bleeding to stop," you admonished, giggling. You flinched due to your broken ribs. "Aren't we a pair?" Tony asked, taking the bloodied towel from you. "Let's get you to bed," he said. "Don't you think we should wait until we're not injured before jumping in bed?" you quipped. Tony dropped the towel and began to laugh boisterously. "Glad you're back, kid."


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