Meddling Friends (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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Bucky stood in front of you, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. The two of you had been dancing around each other for months, allowing your feelings for one another to blossom into something stronger than either one of you anticipated. You were both just too shy to say anything. Today, Bucky finally decided to do something about it. "W-will you go out with me tonight?" He couldn't understand why he was so nervous, but he felt the nerves intensify as you stared at him, not saying anything for a moment.

"You know what, never mind. It was a stupid idea," he mumbled and turned away from you. A light pressure on his right arm made him stop. He looked back at you over his shoulder. "I'd love to, Bucky. I was just...surprised is all," you told him with a smile. Bucky's face began to hurt from the grin he couldn't stop. "Really? T-that's great! Say 7?" You nodded and watched as Bucky practically ran from the room in excitement. "So, it's finally happening?" Natasha's voice carried into the room over the intercom.

"Spying on your teammates is considered rude, Romanoff," you said. "Yes, but ve have been vaiting for this since the two of you met!" You sighed. They were watching on one of Tony's cameras somewhere. "Et tu, Maximoff?" you asked with a huff. "Yes. Now, meet us in your room in five minutes. No arguments!" You shook your head at your two best friends, but went up to your floor anyway. Natasha and Wanda were waiting for you outside your room. "What is so important?"

The two exchanged mischievous grins and you gulped loudly. What were you getting yourself into? Natasha grabbed your right arm and Wanda, your left and they dragged you into your room. Once inside, you saw several dresses laid out on your bed along with about a dozen pairs of shoes, all with heels. "Oh, no! Oh, no! Absolutely not!" you cried, trying to escape the iron grip they both had on you. "Oh, yes! Why would you say no?" Natasha asked you.

"I can't pull any of these off! I just don't have the kind of confidence you do, Nat," you told her plainly. She dropped your arm and looked at you with a glare that cold freeze beer. She shook her head and pushed you toward the bathroom. "Get in there! You're going to try on each and every one of these dresses until we find that one that makes you feel confident!" You groaned but let her push you into the rather large bathroom and close the door.

Dress after dress you tried on, but you didn't like any of them. Until Wanda opened the door and handed you a (f/c) dress. You gingerly took it from her. You gave one last sigh, knowing you were running out of time. You slipped on the dress a chanced a glance at yourself in the mirror and gasped. Wanda and Natasha crashed into the room. "Oh my God! You look stunning! Now come on! We've got to get your hair and make-up done and then you need shoes!"

You groaned again, but let the girls finish getting you all dolled up. By the time they were done it was almost 7. You looked in the mirror and felt a surge of confidence you never felt before. "Thanks guys!" They smiled at you and Natasha pushed you toward the door. "No problem. Now go and don't do anything I wouldn't do!" You cast a skeptical look at her over your shoulder. "Is there anything you wouldn't do?" She simply smiled. Bucky was already waiting for you when you got downstairs. " look incredible, Doll," he said softly causing you to blush. "Thanks."

Your date with Bucky was absolutely incredible. You went to dinner at a nice restaurant and then, Bucky took you dancing. You danced and laughed, just enjoying your time with Bucky and being close to him. It was after midnight when the two of you finally decided to call it a night and head home. "Ugh!" you groaned as you walked, making Bucky look at you in concern. You could tell he was worried you didn't have a good time. You laughed and gestured to your feet.

"These shoes are ridiculous and my feet are killing me." No sooner were the words out of your mouth than you felt Bucky's arm wrap around you and you were being swept off your feet. "B-Bucky?" He turned his face to you with a look of pure adoration. "What? The Tower isn't that far," he said. You rested your head on his shoulder and sighed happily. This was honestly the sweetest thing any man had ever done for you. The rest of the walk to the Tower was made in silence.

When you arrived, Bucky immediately sat you down on a couch and then sat next to you. He pulled your feet into his lap and began massaging them. You let out a moan and laid your head back. Bucky chuckled at you and kept massaging. After a minute, you heard him mumble, "I could get used to this." You picked your head up and looked at him, surprised. He wasn't looking at you, but off into the distance. "Hey, Buck?" He turned to face you.

Youmoved your feet from his lap and got closer to him. You tentatively reached outto caress his cheek. He closed his eyes and pressed a kiss into the palm ofyour hand. You took this as an invitation to move your face even closer untilyour forehead touched his. Bucky opened his beautiful blue eyes and peered intoyour (e/c) ones. He gently pressed his lips to yours in short, sweet kiss."I love you, Y/N," he whispered. "I love you too, Bucky."His face broke out into a grin and moved to kiss you again. "Aw, you guysare so sweet!" You let out a groan. "ROMANOFF!"pm��=��

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