Morning Run (Steve Rogers x reader)

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6AM. You quickly pulled on your shoes as Steve came back in the room. "Are you about ready, Y/N?" You nodded and smiled up at your boyfriend. "Sure am. Let's go!" you cried after you finished tying your shoes. You and Steve had just moved in together and you were thrilled to learn that Steve liked to run in the mornings too. Steve took your hand and lead you outside and down to the park across the street.

After stretching a bit you glanced at your extremely well built boyfriend. "Ready to eat my dust, Rogers?" you quipped. Steve chuckled at you, knowing full well that would never happen. You knew it too, but you always felt the need to trash talk. You both started out at a slow job but even so, you still had to jog a little quicker to keep up with Steve's long strides. You giggled a bit and picked up speed. Steve shook his head and matched your pace.

After a few minutes, Steve was out running you and you knew it. You were beginning to huff and decided to slow down. The good thing about Steve was that he was very observant of his surroundings and he noticed when you got too far behind him. He quickly turned and ran back to where you were. "You good?" You nodded, unable to speak. Steve slowed down so he could run with you. Eventually though, you got too tired to run anymore, so Steve stopped you.

You looked at him, curious as to why you were stopping. Steve gently grabbed your arm and swung you around so you were on his back. "I think this kind of defeats to purpose of a run, Steve," you said with a giggle. "Not for me it doesn't," he replied before taking off again. Your laughter reached the ears of everyone in the park. They watched as Steve ran with you on his back all around the park and soon, you came across Sam. You could hear him muttering, "Don't say it. Don't say it."

"Onyour left!" Steve joked as he passed. You turned your head in time to seeSam glaring at Steve's back. "Hiya, Sammy!" You were the only onethat could get away with calling him that. "Hey, Y/N! Tell that boyfriendof yours to slow down." Instead oflistening, Steve began running faster. "Steve, can I please getdown?" Reluctantly, Steve let you down and Sam caught up to you both."Thanks." Steve threw his arm around your shoulders and pulled youclose. "Come on, boys. How about we forget about the rest of the run andgo watch a movie instead? There's still quite a few Stevie here hasn'tseen," you said, smiling up at Steve. With a roll of his eyes, Stevepicked you up again and threw you over his shoulder to carry you back to theapartment with Sam following close behind. s${�E:"�

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