Never Knew I Needed(Bucky Barnes x reader)

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(Based off the song "Never Knew I Needed" by Ne-Yo.)

Bucky couldn't take his eyes off you as you walked into the kitchen still in your nightclothes. Your hair was disheveled and you were yawning loudly. The former Winter Soldier couldn't help but smile behind his coffee cup. He wished you a good morning and you let out a grunt in response, making him chuckle. When Sam came in and gave you a friendly peck on the cheek, Bucky frowned, jealousy coursing through his veins.

Before you came into his world, Bucky was happy just living in the Tower, doing his job as an Avenger, and keeping mostly to himself. He thought he didn't need anyone but himself and Steve and he was content with that. Now, Bucky knew there was no way his life would be the same without you. He hadn't meant to fall in love with you. He never planned on falling in love with anyone. Then, you'd entered his life and changed everything around.

When you were around, Bucky was happier than he'd ever been. You'd become a friend to him almost immediately and, after a while, Bucky realized that his feelings for you were much deeper than friendship. He found himself missing you when you were gone. It made him think of everything he loved about you.

He loved your smile and the way you laughed at his old corny jokes. He loved how you were always there to comfort him when he needed it. You knew just how to calm him down even when Steve didn't. For Bucky, you became the one thing that got him through his day and through missions. Thoughts of you kept the nightmares at bay since you were, in fact, the last thing he thought about before going to sleep. All in all, Bucky's life was far more different than he ever expected it to be because of you.

After your last mission, when you came back covered in bruises and blood, Bucky realized that he absolutely needed you in his life and realization hit him hard. Bucky Barnes had never been the kind of man to need anyone. Until you. Now that he knew it, he didn't know how to put that feeling into words. All he did know was that he wanted you to be part of his life for as long as possible. He wanted to be with you at the beginning and the end of every day. He wanted to hold you and tell you how much you meant to him. It was all he could think about when he saw you.

"You okay, Buck?" Bucky blinked and noticed you were talking to him. "Huh?" You laughed and replied, "You're staring off into space. Are you okay?" Bucky nodded and flashed you a smile. "I'm fine, Doll. Just thinking." You let out a sound of understanding. "Ah. Anything I can help with?" Bucky's blue eyes scanned your face as he took a step closer to you and he cleared his throat. "It's now or never, Barnes," he thought to himself.

"I never thought I'd find myself in this position. I didn't think that I needed anybody but myself to be happy. But then I met you." You were silent, but you didn't look repulsed so Bucky continued, "I love you, Y/N. I love that your always there when I need someone. How your nose crinkles when you smile, how you snort when you laugh. I love that you can read me like an open book and still not know that I want you to be my happily ever after."

You were staring at him with wide eyes. You couldn't bring yourself to say anything. You had no idea Bucky felt this way. "I love that you changed me for the better. I love that you distract my from the bad and that you constantly help me see the good in the world. You are the best thing in my life. The best thing I never knew I needed," he finished with a smile. Blinking back the tears you felt bubbling to the surface, you closed the gap between you and wrapped your arms around him. "I love you too, Bucky."


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