Nighttime Injuries (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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The screams from Bucky's room woke you. You quickly glanced at your clock. 2AM. You threw back the covers and ran from your room to Bucky's across the hall. You threw open the door and saw Bucky thrashing around in his bed. You had become accustomed to Bucky's nightmares, but this one seemed really bad. You carefully approached the bed, calling out Bucky's name in an attempt to rouse him. You got no response.

Bucky would not stop moving, his limbs flailing everywhere. He was going to hurt himself and you couldn't let him do that. You began saying his name louder, but he still didn't wake up. His right hand came up and hit you in the stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of you. You did the only thing you could think of. Dodging flying arms and legs, you straddled Bucky and pinned him down with all your weight.

As you reached for his wrists to pin them, his fist came up and hit your jaw. You almost fell off of him, but you managed to grab his arms and hold them down to the bed. "Come on, Bucky! You need to wake up!" Bucky's eyes never opened. Whatever visions were going through his mind were really hooked in deep.

You fought to keep the former assassin pinned to his bed until he woke up or until the nightmare stopped. You could feel your jaw bruising as well as the insides of your thighs as Bucky kept thrashing. Eventually, the nightmare stopped and Bucky finally settled down. His breathing evened out and he stopped moving. Every one of your muscles ached and you were exhausted. Without thinking, you rolled off Bucky and fell asleep on the bed next to him.

The next morning, Bucky woke up feeling a strange weight on his arm and chest. He opened his eyes, finding your sleeping form next to him, your head on his chest. "Y/N?" You opened your eyes and quickly moved away. "Sorry," you muttered. "What are you doing in here?" You turned your head to look at him and Bucky noticed the bruise on your jaw. "D-Did I do that?" he asked softly. You nodded and he looked away in shame. "Bucky, it was an accident. You were having a nightmare."

"And you thought getting close enough for me to hit you was a good idea?!" he growled out and your lips turned down. "You were going to hurt yourself! What was I supposed to do? I had to keep you from doing that so I pinned you down. I just wasn't quick enough and got hit a couple of times." Bucky shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry I had to, Buck. I've never seen one that bad before. I just didn't want you to hurt yourself."

Bucky wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Thanks, Y/N. Let's get you to Banner and make sure your jaw isn't broken." You smiled at him. Bucky felt terrible and you knew it. You felt bad too considering you had to get so physical with him knowing he didn't like it. You also knew that Bucky would do anything possible to smooth things over. He took you down to the lab so Bruce could take a look at your injuries. When Bruce was done, you turned to Bucky with a smile.

"Guess you're not as strong as you thought, Barnes," you said, voice laced with humor making Bucky grin. "Alright, alright. Let's go grab some breakfast. I'm starving." You nodded and lead Bucky down to the kitchen where the rest of the team was waiting. "Well, if it isn't my OTP." You glared at Sam. In unison, you and Bucky said, "Can it, Wilson!"

You and Bucky exchanged a look before he leaned in and whispered, "What's an OTP?" You laughed loudly. "I'll explain after you explain my nighttime injuries to the team." Everyone looked at Bucky expectantly, except Tony who threw his hands up in the air and declared, "I don't wanna know!" He left. "It's nothing like that!" 

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