Oh Heck No! (Avengers x reader)

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(a/n: clowns....just clowns.)

You looked at the team, wide-eyed. "I, um, I'd really rather not go," you said, struggling to keep your voice even. "Oh, come on, Y/N! It'll be fun!" Steve said, looking like a kid on Christmas morning. You bit your lip and hung your head in defeat. You'd been fighting this for hours to no avail. Tony had gotten you all tickets to the circus, saying that a family outing would do you all some good. "Why the circus, Tony?" you asked. You did not want to go for one very specific reason, but you weren't going to tell the team. So you sucked it up and went with them.

Wanda watched you from the corner of her eye as you all entered the tent. She could see that you were afraid, but she refused to read your mind. She'd made a promise not to unless someone asked. You had been in the tent all of five minutes when it happened. The thing you'd been dreading approached your group. "Oh heck no!" you whispered harshly as the clown came walking over with a sickening smile painting on its face. Wanda and Clint heard you and looked at you curiously.

You tried to stand your ground, but you felt your knees knocking together. Your breath quicken and finally you felt a single tear roll down your face. Then you took the coward's way out. You pushed through the team and ran. "Y/N!" you heard Steve calling your name. You didn't turn back and just ran until you found some place you could break down in peace.

Steve glanced back at the team. "Anybody have any idea what that was about?" Everyone shrugged, but Natasha scoffed. "Isn't it obvious?" she asked. They all looked at her. "Y/N freaked out when the clown started making its way over. She's obviously afraid of clowns." The team exchanged a look until they heard a shrill scream. The scream of a child. They immediately went into "Avenger" mode. Running toward the sound of the scream.

As they found the source, the screams turned to laughter and then a small voice chirped, "Mommy! Mommy! Look at my new friend! Her name is Y/N and she's afraid of clowns too! She's so cool!" The team sighed in relief as they saw your tear stained face come into view. You now had a smile on your face. "Y/N!" Tony cried out, running to you and sweeping you up into a hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were so scared." You gave a little laugh as the little girl that was with you cried out, "You're friends with the Avengers, Y/N?! That is so cool! They can protect you from those scary clowns!"

The entire team and the little girl's mother stared laughing. You knelt down and patted the kid's head. "You know what, you're right. And they can protect you, too." The little girl threw her arms around your neck and squeezed. "Thank you, Y/N!" She let go and took her mother's hand before walking away. You stood up and brushed yourself off. "So...clowns, huh?" You glared at the archer. "Excuse me, but have you seen 'It'? Or better yet, Supernatural? Clowns are scary as hell!"


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