Precious Jewel (reader x Bucky Barnes x daughter)

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(a/n: I received a request for Bucky fluff)

"Hey, Doll?" Bucky called out to you. You poked your head into the room. "Could you help me?" he asked gesturing to the bow tie around his neck. You chuckled and shook your head. "One of the most skilled assassins in the entire world and yet you still can't tie your own tie." Bucky stuck his tongue out at you then began to study your face as you tied the bow. Even after all the years he'd been with you, Bucky still couldn't believe you were married to him.

You finished with the bowtie and moved so you could both look in the mirror. "You look wonderful, Buck. Are you ready for this?" Bucky inhaled sharply and shook his head. "Are you?" You sighed. "Of course not, but we knew it was coming. Let's go." You left the room arm-in-arm and made your way down the hall. You could hear the barrage of giggles halfway to the room. When you opened the door, both you and your husband let out a gasp.

Your daughter was standing there, her white gown flowing down to the floor. "Oh, honey. You look so beautiful!" you exclaimed, fighting back tears. "Thanks, Mom. Daddy, what do you think?" For only the third time in his daughter's life, Bucky was speechless. The first had been the day she'd been born and the second was the day she'd told him of her engagement. "Y-you look beautiful sweetheart. Just like your mother." You gave him a playful swat on the arm. "I have to go now, but your father will take care of you." You hugged your daughter and left the room.

Bucky turned to his daughter and gave her a quick hug. "I'm so proud of you. He's a great guy. But if he hurts you, you've got a whole bunch of aunts and uncles ready to take him out." She let out a laugh just before Bucky heard the music beginning to play. "Come on. Let's go get you hitched," he said, offering his arm. He fought back tears as he walked his precious daughter down the aisle. All the memories he had of her came flooding back. Every moment from the day you had discovered you were pregnant with her to her high school graduation. Every heartbreak, every school play and everything in between. His daughter was one of the few things Bucky held dear.

When they finally reached the altar, Bucky kissed his daughter's cheek and shook hands with his future son-in-law. By the time Bucky got to his seat next to you, he could no longer fight the tears. He saw the tears on your face and he finally let his overflow. For the two of you, this wasn't a sad day. This was the next chapter in your daughter's life. She was marrying a man you both approved of and he was going to take care of her. As the pastor announced them husband and wife, Bucky took your hand and pulled you to your feet. "I love you, Y/N. Thank you for giving me our daughter," he whispered before kissing your forehead.

"Well, I can't take all the credit. You did help," you quipped in an effort to dry your tears. "Do you think they'll be alright?"you whispered. Bucky nodded. "I think they'll be just fine. Just like we were. And he is going to treat her like the precious jewel she is." He smiled down at you. "The way you treat me and the way you've treated our daughter her entire life." Bucky hugged you before following the wedding party out for the reception. Bucky didn't even bother trying to hide his tears when it was time for the father-daughter dance. 

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