Relaxing with Wanda (Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader)

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Wanda's ears perked up when she heard a groan from the living room. Her brows furrowed as she followed the sound. You were sleeping on the couch, but your face was contorted in pain. You had been injured on the last mission and you were still recovering. Feeling bad for you, Wanda used her powers to settle your mind.

You and Wanda really hadn't gotten along since you joined the Avengers. It was probably the fact that you were almost complete opposites. Where she was shy and quiet, you were outspoken and sarcastic. Wanda was hesitant to use her powers, while you used your gifts with ease. Plus, there were so many other differences, Wanda never thought you'd be able to get along. Still, she didn't want you to feel the pain you were feeling.

With another small groan, your eyes opened. You nearly jumped at the sight of Wanda standing over you. "Did you use your powers on me?" Wanda simply shrugged and began to walk away. "Thank you, Wanda." She stopped in her tracks. That was the first time you'd ever addressed her with a tone that wasn't laced with sarcasm. "Y-You're welcome." You gave her a small smile.

After an awkward moment of silence, Wanda turned to leave again. "Hey, Wanda?" She looked back to see that you were trying to sit up. She came over to you and helped. "Thanks. Um...would you like to watch a movie or something with me? I have a bunch saved on Netflix that I haven't watched." Wanda wanted to laugh at your uncharacteristic stuttering, but she couldn't. The thoughts she was getting from you were enough to keep from it. "Sure."

You could only move so much without making your injury worse, so you and Wanda ended up fairly close to you. You let Wanda pick the movie and the two of you settled in as comfortable as possible. The awkward tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife, but you tried to ignore that to watch the movie. Eventually, you were able to just relax and enjoy the movie.

As the movie droned on, Wanda was vaguely aware that she was slowly getting closer to you and you to her. After a little while, Wanda felt you lean your head on her shoulder. As if on instinct, she wrapped her arm around you and leaned back so you were both laying down as best you could. Before long, the movie was forgotten because you both fell asleep.

When you woke up, you attempted to stretch but something stopped you. Wanda's arms. You shifted slightly to look up at her. Her eyes were closed and there was a soft smile on her face. You couldn't stop your own smile from appearing on your lips. It was the peaceful you'd ever seen her. Seeing her like that and being as close to her as you were, you forgot that the two of you really didn't like each other.

"Are you going to stare at me all day?" Her voice startled you from your thoughts. Laughing, you replied, "I hadn't planned on it but you're kind of caging me in here." She removed her arms and helped you sit up. The air between you was a bit thick with tension. "How are you feeling?" she asked and you shrugged a little. "I'm alright." She gave you smile and, without thinking, she leaned over and pressed a kissed to your temple.

You both froze, unsure of how to react to what just happened. You looked up at Wanda in surprise. Her face was bright red and she was avoiding your gaze. "Hey..." You put your hand over hers, causing her to finally look at you. "I'm sorry," she whispered and you shook your head. "Nothing to apologize for, Wanda. I'm just confused."

"So am I." You offered her a sweet smile. "Well...what do we do now?" you asked quietly. Wanda glanced back down at the hand on top of hers. She turned her hand over and clasped yours. "I think we should see where this can go." You agreed, unsure of what exactly you were getting into. Could you and Wanda actually work out? Could you be in a relationship? As you looked at Wanda and saw her eyes full of uncertainty and hope, you thought perhaps you could. 

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