Sister Widow (Natasha Romanoff x reader {platonic})

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Natasha's brows furrowed as her phone rang and your number appeared on the screen. She answered the called. "Nat?" your voice came over the speaker and Natasha could tell that you'd been crying. "I'm on my way," she said and hung up, not caring that she had no idea what was going on. She grabbed a set of keys to one of Tony's many cars and revved the engine. Natasha didn't have many friends, so she took care of the ones she did have, especially you. You were her best friend and to you, Natasha was kind of like a big sister. She looked after you.

She was at your house about fifteen minutes after you called. She had a key and let herself in. "Y/N?" she called. "In here," you answered. Natasha heard the tears in your voice. "What happened?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to you. "He cheated! Y/E/N cheated on m-me," you sobbed out. Natasha threw an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. "It's alright. He's not worth the tears, Y/N. Just tell me exactly what happened."

You proceeded to explain how you'd caught Y/E/N out in town, his hands and lips on someone else, about how you confronted him and the terrible things he said to you in response. Natasha listened intently the entire time. She may not have much experience in love, even going so far as to thinking it was for children, but she knew you. You didn't deserve that kind of treatment and Natasha was going to make sure that he paid for what Y/E/N paid for what he did to you.

Natasha got up, went to the kitchen and grabbed what you liked to call the "Emergency Break-up Kit." It had everything you needed after a breakup. She brought it to you, pressed a comforting kiss to your temple and said, "I'll be back soon." You looked at her, confused but nodded anyway. You knew better than to ask Natasha too many questions. She'd tell you anything you wanted to know when she was good and ready. She walked out the front door, doing her best not to slam it behind her.

Natasha knew where your ex lived and hoped he'd be at home. She made a phone call before she raced to his apartment as quickly as possible so she could deal with this quickly and efficiently. She'd never met your ex before, but she was Natasha Romanoff, expert spy and assassin! She was going to do something about this cheater. She reached up and knocked on the door to his apartment. "What?" he asked as he opened the door.

He stopped short when he saw Natasha, a slick smile spreading across his lips. "Well, what can I do for you, gorgeous?" Natasha fought the urge to roll her eyes. "I'm sorry to bother you. My car broke down and my phone died. Can I use yours? No one else seems to be home," she said, fluttering her eyelashes. "Of course. Come on in." Natasha flashed him a charming smile and entered the small 6th floor apartment.

As soon as the door was closed, Natasha turned on your ex. She quickly grabbed him by the wrist and forced his arm behind his back. "What the hell?!" With her free hand, Natasha smacked the back of his head. "Hush." She pulled over to the window and opened it, immediately feeling the cool New York night air. Your ex was a fairly large man, so Natasha was glad she called in a friend to help. As if reading her mind, the front door opened again and Steve came in.

"Romanoff, what's going on?" Natasha still had Y/E/N by the arm. "This is Y/N's ex...the one I told you about over the phone?" Steve's usually stoic face contorted in anger. "Oh really?" Natasha nodded and Steve left the doorway to approach the two. In a split second, he was dangling Y/E/N out of the 6th floor window by his legs. Natasha stood beside Steve and called down, "Now, you are going to call Y/N and beg her forgiveness. You are not to try and get back with her and you will NEVER cheat on another girl ever again."

"Screw you!" he shouted. Steve slightly loosened his grip, causing Y/E/N to fall a bit. "ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!" Natasha smiled and told Steve to pull him in then watched as he called you. Once he hung up, Natasha left and made her way back to you. "What did you do?" you asked the minute she opened the door. "Y/E/N just called me and apologized." Natasha smiled and replied, "I didn't do anything. Steve did dangle him out of his apartment window though." You busted out laughing at the deadpan look on your friend's face. "Thank you, Nat," you said when you finally stopped laughing. Natasha put her arm around your shoulders again and said, "You're welcome. No one gets to mess with my best friend."


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