Sticking Up For Others(40s!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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A ruckus caught your attention as you were walking home. Following the sound, you turned into the alley to find a group of bullies picking on Steve. Again. You hated that they always picked on him because he was small. You never kept quiet about things that upset you. And nothing upset you more than bullies.

"Hey!" you shouted, causing the boys to turn to you. Poor Steve looked at you with a sad smile across his bloodied lip. "Leave him alone! Pick on someone your own size," you snapped. "You should stay out of this, dollface. Wouldn't want a pretty dame like you to get hurt." You took a step forward, arms crossed over your chest.

"First, you pick on someone half your size and now you're threatening a woman? Such big, strong men. I could throw a better punch." You didn't see the hand coming at you until you felt the stinging slap across your cheek. Your eyes widened in surprise. He had actually hit you. The other bullies looked just as surprised as you were and let go of Steve. The biggest of them, their leader, had just struck a woman and was about to do it again.

His hand came flying at your face again, but the blow never found its mark. "You know, it's never wise to hit one of my friends, but hitting a lady? That's just plain stupid." You sighed in relief at the easily recognizable voice. You opened you eyes. Bucky Barnes had always been there for you and Steve.

The bullies never said another word. Instead, they ran off, scared of what Bucky would do to them. Bucky turned to you and Steve with a fond smile. "You two just can't stay out of trouble, can you?" You shrugged and laughed sheepishly. "What can I say? Trouble is my middle name." Bucky chuckled. "Actually glad I found you both. The fair's in town. Thought I'd take my best friend and our best girl out."

You clapped your hands excitedly, but Steve shook his head. "No thanks, Buck. I promise Ma I'd be home for supper. I'm already late. You two go and have fun." He turned to hug you and gave you sly wink. You wanted to roll your eyes. You hugged him and he whispered, "Have fun, Y/N. Tell him." Steve knew that you saw Bucky as more than a friend. Then again, lots of girls did.

"You coming, Doll?" Bucky asked as Steve walked away. You turned back to Bucky and nodded. The brunette offered his arm, which you gladly took. Even if it was only for a night, you were the lucky girl on Bucky's arm. You and Bucky walked to the fairgrounds as the sun began to set over New York City. As you walked, the two of you talked about everything and nothing. You never saw the way Bucky was looking at you.

"What do you wanna do first?" he asked you once you arrived. You pulled Bucky toward every ride and game. He happily let you lead him anywhere you wanted to go. "How about some funnel cake?" he asked once you'd done nearly everything. You happily agreed. "Thanks for this, Bucky," you told him as he handed you your funnel cake. "Anytime, Doll. You know I love spending time with you."

You grinned and took a bite, a little powdered sugar falling on your bottom lip and chin. With a chuckle. Bucky reached over and wiped it away with his thumb. Your (e/c) eyes met his blue ones in surprise. He'd never been that...intimate with you before. Other girls, sure, but not you. As if sensing your uncertainty, Bucky cleared his throat and asked, "What you would like to do now?" Your let your gaze travel away from him to the place you wanted to go most.

"There," you told him, pointing. His eyes followed your finger and he grinned. The Ferris Wheel. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you thought about being on the most romantic ride with the man you'd been falling head over heels for. Taking your hand in his, Bucky gently pulled you toward the ride.

Lucky for you the line for the Ferris Wheel wasn't very long and you soon found yourself sitting next to Bucky in the small seat. The ride rose higher until you were so close to the stars, you could have sworn you could touch them. "I'm glad you chose this, Y/N," Bucky suddenly said and you looked at him in confusion. Bucky laughed. "Doll, I've been trying to tell you for ages. And what better place than the most romantic spot in the fair. I've been carrying a torch for you for so long. I'm surprised you haven't noticed."

" like me?" Bucky hooked his fingers under your chin. "You catch on quick." You rolled your eyes. "Funny, Bucky. Now, are you gonna kiss me, Ace? Because, to be honest, I've been waiting for you to do it since we got on this ride and I'll be really disappointed if you don't." Bucky leaned in a little closer. "Well, we can't have that," he whispered, quickly pecking your lips and pulling away. You groaned.

"Really?" You grabbed the lapels of his jacket and pulled him back to you, crashing your lips together. When you parted, you were both breathless. "I gotta say, Doll. I like your style," Bucky panted and you giggled. "Well thank you, Mr. Barnes." Bucky cupped your cheek and kissed your forehead. "Now, what do ya say? Will ya be my girl?" You grinned. "I always have been."    

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