Stood Up (Steve Rogers x reader)

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Steve sighed as he looked at the clock. One hour. She was an hour late. He drummed his fingers on the table before deciding that he was going to eat away his disappointment. He flagged down the waitress and gave his order. Another sigh was heard, but this time it wasn't Steve. It came from the booth behind him. Steve turned around and saw you. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you," you said quietly.

"You too?" he asked. You looked up at him. "I didn't mean to pry. I'm sorry," Steve apologized quickly. You shook your head and replied, "It's alright. It's not the first time my date's flaked on me. I'm Y/N." Steve gave you a sad smile. "Steve. W-would you like to join me? I could really use the company. I mean you don't have to obviously." You had already gotten up and slid into the booth across from him. "So, Y/N what do you do?"

Two hours later, the two of you were still sitting in that booth, much to the manager's annoyance. You had talked about everything from your jobs to hobbies. "Why do you keep scheduling dates with that person if they just keep flaking?" Steve asked you. You shrugged. "It's easier to schedule dates with someone you know is going to flake than to open yourself up to heartbreak," you said sadly. You'd been through your fair share of heartaches. "What about you?"

"My friend has been trying to set me up on dates for months. So far, none have gone well." At that point, the manager had come over to the table. "Listen, normally I wouldn't try to end a date that seems to be going so well, but I have a family I'd like to see tonight so could you kids please go?" You exchanged a look with Steve and got up. "How about a walk in the park?" you asked shyly to which Steve readily agreed. He was really enjoying himself with you.

As the two of you walked around the park, neither of you noticed how close you were getting to one another. You hadn't noticed when Steve intertwined his fingers with yours. Truth be told, Steve didn't realize he'd done it either until you stopped to look out at the pond. He looked down at your hands and blushed. "I should probably head home. I have to work in the morning," you said softly making him raise his head to meet your eyes. He was certain he saw disappointment in your eyes. "I'll walk you," he offered like a gentleman he was raised to be.

All too soon, you were standing outside your apartment building. "Hey, Y/N. I had a really good time tonight and I was wondering if maybe you'd like to do it again sometime?" You flashed a smile before planting a kiss on the blonde's cheek. "I'd love too." You gave him your number and opened the door. Before you went inside, you turned back around and said, "Steve, I'm really glad I got stood up." You walked inside and didn't hear Steve whisper to himself, "Me too."

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