Surprise (Bucky Barnes x fem!reader)

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There was a frown on your face the minute you woke up that morning. Normally a birthday is a happy occasion, but for you, it wasn't. For one thing, no one ever remembered that it was your birthday. For another, birthday's weren't really a big deal when you grow up in the foster system. You always felt alone on your birthday, but there was little part of you that hoped things would be different this year. After all, you had "family" now with the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. With that little glimmer of hope, you got out of bed and got ready for work.

As a computer engineer, you spent the majority of your time in the lab with Bruce and Tony. You walked into the lab with your head held high. "Good morning, Dr. Banner! Mr. Stark!" you called out in an attempt to sound cheerful. "Morning, Y/N," Bruce greeted, stifling a yawn. That was it. No "happy birthday" from either man. You brushed it off and went to work, praying that it would distract you from how lonely you felt. You perked up a few minutes later when you heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Stark is there any way you could- oh, hey, Y/N!" Bucky said as if he were surprised you were there. "I'll get to you in a minute, Terminator," Tony replied without looking up. You stared at Bucky for a minute. "H-hey Bucky," you finally stuttered out. You had a crush on the man, but couldn't find the courage to tell him. He flashed you a dazzling smile before turning and leaving the lab again. You let out a sigh and turned back to your work. It was going to be a long day.

*later that day*

You had been right. No one wished you a happy birthday and you'd been cooped up in the lab all day. By the end of your work day, you were near tears. You hoped you could make it out of the tower before anyone could stop you and see how upset your were, but of course you weren't that lucky. "Hey, Y/N! Wait!" You turned and found Bucky running toward you. You quickly tried to dry your tears and plastered on a smile. "Hey, Bucky."

Bucky stopped right in front of you and offered his flesh hand. "Can you come with me, please? I want to show you something." Curious, you took his hand and immediately felt yourself blush. He practically dragged you back upstairs and into the shared living room. "SURPRISE!" You nearly jumped out of your skin. The Avengers were all crowded in the room, smiling brightly at you. You really did start crying, but this time they were happy tears. Bucky's eyes went wide with fear.

"Oh-no. Don't cry. I'm sorry! I thought you'd be happy!" he cried out and you started laughing. "I am happy, Bucky! Thank you so much!" You threw your arms around him in a hug. "Well, uh, Stark helped with the theme...I really didn't know how to." It was then that you glanced around and noticed the banner that read, "Happy Birthday, Y/N! May the force be with you!" There were also various other Star Wars themed decorations everywhere, including light sabers which Thor and Clint were currently playing with.

You spent the next several hours eating, drinking and laughing with your friends. Bucky never left your side and you were grateful for that. It was probably the only chance you'd get to be close to him for a while. "So? Did I do good?" he asked you when the party started dying down. You gave him the biggest smile you could. "You did great, Bucky. I can't thank you enough, but why did you do this for me?" For a minute, Bucky didn't answer. He was having a internal debate.

"Well,I remembered that it was your birthday and I wanted to do something for you. Imissed out on a lot of my own birthdays," he said. You felt a surge ofconfidence and stood up on tip-toe to kiss Bucky's cheek. He blinked a coupleof times before turning to face you. He wrapped his arm around you and pulledyou closer. "I-is this okay?" Feeling your shyness creep up again,all you could do was nod. Bucky used his other hand to tilt your chin up. Heplaced a sweet, gentle kiss to your lips. Best Birthday Ever.     

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