The Governess (Loki x fem!reader) Movie/book based AU

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(Based on Jane Eyre!)

The beautiful manor of your new employer came into view and you drew in a breath. It was beautiful. The falling leaves all around the place only added to its charm. You knew you had to take it in while you could because once you entered the manor, you would have to put on your professional attitude. You were there for a job after all. To be a governess to the ward of the owner of the estate.

Your carriage stopped and you took a deep breath. Were you ready for this? This was your first real job. Your previous employment had been through the boarding school you'd grown up in. You knew everyone there before you even began working, This was uncharted territory. However, whether you were ready or not, it was time. You climbed down from the carriage and the door of the manor immediately opened.

"You must be the new governess!" an older woman greeted, descending the stairs. You smiled at her. "I am." The woman smiled and offered a hand. "I'm Mrs. Wilson. The housekeeper. Mr. Laufeyson isn't at home as of yet, but he instructed me to get you settled and to introduce you to your charge. Come along." Without giving you a chance to reply, Mrs. Wilson turned on her heel and practically skipped up the steps.

Once inside, Mrs. Wilson ordered one of the kitchen maids to bring you some tea. You were grateful. Autumn was upon you and the weather was beginning to turn cold. When you were both situated, Mrs. Wilson sent for your charge. You felt your excitement spike and hoped you would be able to not only teach the girl, but to also get along well with her.

The little girl, no more than seven, came barreling into the room a few moments later. "Ah, Rose, there you are. It is time to meet your new governess. This is Miss Y/L/N." Rose smiled up at you. "Hello, Miss Y/L/N," she greeted with a slightly clumsy curtsy. "Good evening, Rose. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Time passed quickly and yet slowly at the same time. Before you knew it, weeks had passed. Your days were full, although sometimes lonely. Rose was a very bright, albeit excitable child. She took to her lessons well, but you sometimes had to remind her to focus. Whenever she heard any kind of commotion, she would be at the window in her small classroom.

You thoroughly enjoyed your position, but you craved adult conversation. Mrs. Wilson was the only other adult in the manor that seemed to have time to talk to you, but she had her own schedule to keep. And you had yet to meet your employer. He had not returned from his business trip, much to your dismay.

Mr. Laufeyson was a mystery to you. The employees really didn't talk much about him. They only said that he was a generous employer if you did your job well. And that he would often be gone for weeks at a time, like now. You were getting more excited to meet him by the day, but you never expected to meet him the way you did.

Rose had music lessons three days a week and, during those lessons, you had time to yourself. While Rose practiced, you chose to explore the land you were living on. One day, you were out walking when you were approached by a rather large dog. The dog ran laps around your skirts before taking off in the opposite direction. Curious, you followed the beast and found exactly what he wanted you to.

Sitting on the side of the dirt road, was probably one of the most beautifully handsome men you'd ever seen. He had hair as black as a raven that fell slightly in his stunning green eyes. Even though he was sitting, you could tell he was a tall man. Tall and lean. He whistled to the dog before finally looking up at you.

"Are you alright?" you asked as you took a step closer to him. The man assured you that he was. "Of course. A fox spooked my horse and she threw me. I have merely twisted my ankle. It is nothing for you to worry about, Miss." As a teacher and now governess, you had learned to spot when someone was not telling you the truth. And this man was definitely not being honest about how much pain he was in.

"Are you certain you don't require assistance?" He let his eyes linger on yours for a moment. "I said I was fine," he snapped softly. You rolled your eyes. "Very well. If you are not in need of help, then I shall leave. I need to return anyway." You picked up your skirts and turned away.

You barely made it ten steps before the mystery man called out to you. You smirked to yourself, but hid the expression quickly as you glanced back at him. "It is possible that I do require your assistance." You shook your head at his stubbornness, but walked back to him. "Thank you, Miss. If you could just get me over to my horse, I can get to my destination." You helped him over and onto the horse and he rode off, the dog following behind.

Shaking your head again, you glanced down at your pocket watch. Your eyes widened. You were going to be late. You picked up your skirts once more and ran back to the manor. Once inside the gates, you slowed, smoothed out your hair and skirts and walked back in. It wouldn't do for Rose to see you so disheveled. You didn't realize that there were more important opinions at stake.

As soon as you entered the house, Rose was at your side. "Miss Y/L/N! You'll never guess what happened! Papa is home!" You smiled down at her. "That is wonderful, Rose, but we mustn't shout." Rose's face screwed up in an expression that told you she didn't appreciate the scolding. She didn't respond though. Instead, she grabbed your hand and pulled you toward the parlor.

You stopped short in the doorway. There, sitting somewhat comfortably on the chaise, was the mystery man from before. "Ah, Miss Y/L/N. We meet again." You simply stared for a moment, knowing full well that you probably looked like an idiot. Not exactly the best first impression to give your employer. You cleared your throat and curtsied slightly. "Mr. Laufeyson."

*time skip*

Mr. Laufeyson was as mysterious as they said. One moment, he would be happily smiling with Rose and the next, he would make up some reason to leave the room or sometimes even the manor. His demeanor toward you was even more confusing.

Sometimes, he would treat you as an employer should treat a governess. Other times, he would sit and have long conversations with you, talking and laughing as if you were friends. Those conversations were the highlight of your days. They made you feel something you hadn't felt before.

Often, you would look up to find him staring at you even though he was listening to Rose chatter away. True be told, you would often stare at him as well. At least when he was home. There were several instances where he would disappear for weeks at a time. The point was that you never knew where you stood with him. Well, not until the night he returned from a trip and decided to throw a random dinner party.

The house was soon full of people you did not know, but luckily, you had only to keep an eye on Rose. That is, until Mr. Laufeyson came to you insisting that you and Rose dress appropriately and join them. It was there that you truly realized your growing feelings for the mysterious man that was Loki Laufeyson.

You walked in with Rose, who immediately ran over to her guardian, despite your scolding her not to run. You shook your head and sat down just in time to see a beautiful woman with red hair appear next to your employer. She wrapped an arm around his and smiled coyly at him.

"Isn't she lovely?" a voice next to you asked. You turned your head. A man with short brown hair and dark eyes sat at the table next to you. You nodded. "She is." Next to her, you felt plain. "Who is she?" The man laughed lightly. "Natasha Romanoff. Although, if rumors are to be believed, she is to be Mrs. Laufeyson sooner rather than later."

You fought to keep your expression neutral. "Oh?" The man nodded. "Yes. But that's only if the rumors are true. The two have been seen together more and more often lately. Whenever he has a chance to visit. Everyone swears they'll hear wedding bells ringing soon." You didn't reply. That explained so much. Why Mr. Laufeyson always seemed happier after a trip away from the manor. Why he looked at you like he was didn't know what to do. If he did in fact marry Natasha, there would be no need for a governess anymore. Rose would have a mother figure in her life after that.

You rose from your seat and smiled at your companion. "I think it is time for Rose to retire. Thank you for the informative conversation Mr..." He stood and smiled. "Stark. Anthony Stark." After introducing yourself, you bowed your head at him and turned from the table. Keeping yourself calm, you walked over to where Rose was standing with Mr. Laufeyson. "Forgive the intrusion, but it is time for Rose to retire for the night. She has an early lesson in the morning."

Mr. Laufeyson nodded. "Once you have put her to bed, return to the festivities, Miss Y/L/N." It was an order, but one you were not going to follow. "Forgive me, Mr. Laufeyson, but I would rather not. Come along, Rose." Rose reluctantly took your hand and let you lead her from the room. You could feel Mr. Laufeyson's eyes on you the entire time.

After you put Rose to bed, you rested against the wall outside her room. You couldn't explain the pang of jealousy coursing through you. You had no right to feel this way. After all, he was your employer. Nothing more, no matter how much you wished otherwise.

"You ignored a direct order." You jumped at the sound of Mr. Laufeyson's voice. You looked at him with a glare. "I am not an animal you can order around, sir. I am a human being, even if am simply a governess, and I will not be bullied into doing something I do not wish to do. Perhaps you should return to your party and allow me to retire in peace. I am certain Miss Romanoff is missing your company."

"Miss Romanoff will survive without my company for a few moments," he said simply. He took a step closer to you. "I wish for you to return to the festivities with me." You shook your head. "Goodnight, Mr. Laufeyson." He let out a low groan. "Must you defy me at every turn? Must you be so stubborn? Need I worry about Rose developing a defiant streak?"

"I assume you won't have to worry about that much longer." His brows drew together in confusion. "Why would you assume that?" You chuckled and moved away from Rose's room. You didn't want to keep her awake. "There is quite the buzz around you and Miss Romanoff. If what they are saying is true, then you will not be needing a governess for much longer."

You turned to walk away from him, but his hand shot out and grabbed your wrist lightly. "Miss Y/L/N," he whispered, "I would not dream of taking you away from Rose. As for me and Miss Romanoff, there is no need for your jealousy." Your eyes narrowed at him. "I am not jealous, Mr. Laufeyson."

"Then stay. Do not let rumors push you out of Rose's life." You gazed up into his eyes. They were boring into your soul. He was testing you. " No. I can't." Loki let go of your wrist and slowly moved his hand up to settled on your cheek. "Please? For Rose's sake?" You shook your head. "No. I love Rose, but no."

You could feel your resolve weakening the longer he looked at you. The longer his hand was on your face. "And if I were to tell you that I have no intention of marrying Miss Romanoff? Would you remain with us? With me?" You heartbeat quickened and you felt the blood rush to your face. He wanted you to stay with him? Not just for Rose?

"Why?" you asked softly. He moved a little closer to you. "Why what? Why do I wish for you to stay? Because you bring something to the manor I didn't think possible. You brought life back into this place. Life and light. And joy. And love. You brought everything I could not bring for Rose after her parents died. Besides, if you left, who would challenge me? Who would make me look at life differently? I need that in my life. I need you, Y/N."

Those were words you never thought you'd ever hear. Not from him nor anyone else. You didn't think you were worthy of such passion, especially not from him. After all, a governess with no dowry doesn't exactly have prospects lining up outside her door. Yet, here he was. Your employer was practically begging you to stay with him because he needed you. The question was, did he love you? You wouldn't be able to stay for anything less than the passionate love you somehow knew he was capable of.

As if reading your mind, he leaned down and rested his forehead on yours. "Please, Y/N. Don't leave me. I cannot imagine facing this world without you by my side. I love you and only you." He now had both hands on your face and his green eyes were pleading with you to understand, to believe him. To love him. "Mr. L-," you started, but cut yourself off, "Loki. Don't say it if you don't mean it. My heart can't take it."

He pulled back slightly so he could see all of your face. "I mean every word, Y/N. I have never loved a woman more and I am certain I never will again. Let me love you, my darling." You fought back a sniffle as you nodded. That was all Loki needed to throw decorum out the window. Standing there, in the middle of the darkening corridor, Loki leaned in and kissed you, slowly and gently. Murmurs of "I love you" echoed through the empty space as he kissed you with all the sweet passion he could muster.    

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