Thin Walls pt. 2 (Bucky Barnes x reader) AU

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"Need a hand, Doll?" You smiled behind the bags you were carrying when you heard Bucky's voice. "Thanks, Bucky." You felt Bucky take one of the bags. After three months, you'd finally gotten the supplies you needed to fix the hole in the wall. The super had come in and seen the hole. Needless to say, he wasn't happy. You promised to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Bucky walked with you to your apartment. He stepped in and went to your room where he could put the supplies. "You know, you really should fix that," he said when he returned, talking about the hole that you'd both become accustomed to. Actually, his tone held a hint of sadness. You smirked and retorted, "Well, I wouldn't have to if someone hadn't been blaring Frank Sinatra while I was working." Bucky arched a brow. "You shouldn't go around punching walls, Doll." You rolled your eyes.

Bucky sank down onto one of your kitchen chairs and you slid a beer over to him. You sat across from him and picked the label off your water bottle. Your mind wandered to how your friendship with Bucky had started and all the time spent together since, all because of that hole in your bedroom wall. Part of the reason you hadn't bothered to fix it was that you and Bucky had late night talks through that hole. If either of you had a bad day, a rough date, or if you needed a work break, the other person was there, ready to talk. Now, you had to cover up the thing that had started it all.

"I'm gonna miss it," you finally whispered, not looking up from the bottle in front of you. "Me too. I mean, we could always talk on the phone, but-" he started and then you both said, "It's not the same." Bucky nodded. "I feel like I'm saying goodbye to my best friend," you admitted.

Bucky didn't reply for a few minutes. "Well...what if we didn't have to?" Your brows furrowed and you looked up at him. His blue eyes were already on your face. "What do you mean?" Bucky cleared his throat. "Steve and Sharon split up and she kicked him out. He's looking for a new place. He found one that he really likes, but he'll need roommates to afford it. It's actually for sale and not rent. It has three bedrooms. He asked me to move in with him today. What if you moved in too?"

You stared at Bucky. He was, basically, asking you to move in with him and you certainly didn't expect that. You weren't entirely against it. You'd met Steve before. In fact, you'd joined Bucky, Steve, and their friend Sam for their weekly poker nights a few times. Steve was really good guy and, if you did move, you'd be able to have your late night talks with Bucky in person still.

"What would Steve think?" Bucky grinned, happy you were even considering it. "Steve loves you! Almost as much as I-" he cut himself off and you laughed. He was always weird about saying those words. He meant it as a friend, but he didn't want you or anyone else to take it a different way. You knew better though. "I love you too, Bucky. Have you even asked Steve about this?" Bucky blushed a little and shook his head. "Nah, but I know he'd be okay with it. Besides, if you don't, I'm gonna have to live with Sam." You burst out laughing again and shook your head fondly.

After finishing your drinks, you and Bucky moved into your bedroom to try and fix the wall. While you worked, Bucky texted Steve and got all the new place's details. Steve was more than happy to agree to you moving in if you wanted to. Repairing the wall didn't take as much time as you expected and you felt your heart sink when you had finished. Bucky gave your shoulder a squeeze seeing how sad you were.

You glanced at him. "You know what? I'll do it. I'll move in with you and Steve." Bucky beamed, his smile making you a little less upset. "On one condition." Bucky arched brow in question. "Steve has to let us put a hole in the wall between our two rooms." Bucky threw his head back in laughter that you soon joined in.     

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