Trust (Bucky Barnes x hybrid!reader)

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(a/n: I guess this could be considered a slight AU)

There was no doubt about it. You were dangerous. Not that you would hurt anyone, but people definitely feared you. They saw you as a monster and, technically speaking, you were. You were a shape shifter that shifted into a winged wolf. You also happened to be part vampire. A dangerous combination. As such, Director Fury decided that the best place for you was away from S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters. You had to hold back a snarl when Fury told you that it would be your job to find and keep tabs on one James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes, a.k.a The Winter Solider.

Now, here you were, in an abandoned apartment, trying to make a new life for yourself. Your mission had been mostly successful. You had infiltrated HYDRA, found The Winter Soldier and managed to keep tabs on him. You were there when he fished Captain America from the river, saving his life. You'd been hiding and watching, but the soldier's keen eyes had spotted you. From that moment, you became Bucky's friend and protector, even if he didn't see it. Soon, your relationship developed into a romantic one. A very careful, romantic relationship that was kept secret so HYDRA couldn't use you against each other.

Eventually, the two of you settled in the abandoned apartment as you tended to Bucky's wounds. By now, Bucky was well enough to leave the apartment on occasion and he tended to leave every other night. You stayed behind, knowing that he wanted to be alone. He was desperately trying to reclaim some memories and he was determined not to have help so you begrudgingly let him go every night and every night, he would return around the same time.

Tonight was different though. Bucky was far later than usual and you were beginning to worry. Just as you were about to give up waiting for him and go to bed, your phone rang. You quickly answered it and heard Bucky's voice on the other end. "Y/N? I-I need your help," he said and you could hear the pain in his voice. "Where are you?" He told you breathlessly and you hung up before racing to where your boyfriend was. Rather than take your car, you decided to do something you rarely did. You used your enhanced speed.

You made it to Bucky in record time. Just in time to see a group of HYDRA agents closing in on him. You let out a growl and shifted. Your beautiful eyes turned a shade of red and your body began to contort into the wolf with fur and wings as black as night. You let out a snarl and lunged, throwing HYDRA agents off Bucky left and right. You didn't want to kill them, just get them away from you and Bucky.

As soon as you could, you scooped Bucky up and began to run with him on your back. There was no way the agents could keep up with you so you knew you could get somewhere safe. You found the run-down factory where you kept some extra supplies and entered it. You felt Bucky slide off and you quickly shifted back into your human form. "Bucky," you whispered. He was in terrible shape. He was bleeding and looked so broken.

You quickly found your first aid kit and moved to tend his wounds. He flinched away at first and you stopped your movements. There were times when Bucky forgot where he was and who he was with. "Bucky, do you trust me?" you asked him quietly, causing him to look up at you. For moment, he said nothing but slowly, he nodded. He didn't know why, but he trusted you from the first moment he met you after he escaped HYDRA.

You stared at Bucky and waited to see any other signs of mistrust, but found none. What you did see was shocking. Bucky was nearly in tears. Probably from the pain. You slowly peeled his shirt off of him so you could see all the wounds and then you went to work. You carefully cleaned each cut and bruise. Bucky's whimpers of pain filled the factory as you took care of him. As you finished and put everything away, Bucky watched you.

"Y/N..." he trailed off and you turned back to meet his beautiful blue eyes. "Yes?" He moved to stand and winced. You helped him get up and he asked, "Can we go home?" You nodded and made your way to your little apartment. When you got there, you put Bucky to bed and sat down next to him. "Come here," he whispered, taking your hand and gently pulling you down to lay next to him. This surprised you. Bucky usually didn't want you in the bed with him. "I trust you, Y/N and, I trust myself when I am with you." For the first night of many, you fell asleep in Bucky's arms.


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