Trying Not to Fall (Bruce Banner x fem!Stark reader)

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"Hey, Bruce," you greeted when you walked into the lab. "Morning, Y/N," the doctor responded seemingly without looking up from his task. You shrugged and set your bag down in your brother's chair. "Where's my charming twin this morning?" you asked Bruce. Bruce sat up in his own chair and sighed. "I'm not sure. Something about a dent in the suit." You rolled your eyes. "Of course. I guess he forgot we have a breakfast date this morning that doesn't included the whiskey from last night. Guess I'll go find him. See ya later, Bruce."

Once you left the room, Bruce let out a groan. Of all the people in the world, he just had to develop feelings for his best friend's sister. He had tried his hardest not to fall for you. He truly had, but he couldn't help it. You were charming, sweet and incredibly intelligent. In a lot of ways, you were even smarter than your genius twin and, where Tony tended to lack humility, you had it in spades. It was as if you didn't know how smart and beautiful you were.

Bruce took off his glasses and pressed his hands to his face. He shouldn't feel that way about you. He was too dangerous to be allowed to be in a relationship with you. He never knew when the Other Guy would make an appearance and he didn't want to hurt you.

He replaced his glasses as Tony walked in. "I just sent your sister after you," Bruce said looking back down at his project. "Yeah, I know. About that...I can't take her out this morning. I forgot and promised Pepper we'd go shopping with Nat and Sam for wedding rings." Bruce shook his head. "You really should stop making so many promises you can't keep." Tony smiled at his friend. "I know which is why I told Y/N that you would take her out for breakfast!"

Bruce's eyes widened. "Tony, no. I can't." Tony rolled his eyes. "Yeah you can." Bruce opened his mouth, but closed it again. Tony sighed heavily. "Look, Banner, I know you like my sister and I know that she likes you too." Bruce stared at Tony. How had he known? "You're pretty obvious."

"I'm sorry, Tony." Tony laughed. "For what? You don't have to apologize for liking Y/N. Personally, I think the two of you would be good for each other. As for the big green rage monster, I'm not worried about it. Y/N can take of herself. No go on! She's waiting for you downstairs." Bruce knew there was no sense in arguing with the billionaire, so he got up and made his way downstairs.

"Sorry about this, Bruce," you told him as the two of you walked toward the cafe for breakfast. "For what?" You gave a little shrug. "I'm sure you have better things to do than spend your morning with me. I'm sorry Tony forced me on you." Bruce shook his head vehemently. "I wasn't forced. Not really."

You let the subject drop for the time being and enjoyed your breakfast together. It was the most relaxed Bruce had felt in a very long time and he could tell that you were completely at ease. He watched you as you talked. Bruce admired the way that you didn't seem to care for appearances the way your brother did. Your hair wasn't perfectly styled and your face wasn't caked with make-up. You even had a spot of whipped cream in the corner of your mouth.

Without thinking, Bruce took a napkin and reached over to clean the drop of cream. You stared at him wide-eyed until he pulled back, embarrassed. He cleared his throat and apologized. You shook your head. "It's no big deal, Bruce," you assured him with a smile. Bruce breathed out a sigh of relief and you went back to talking as if it hadn't happened.

After breakfast, the two of you returned to the Tower with smiles on your faces. "You know, I'm glad Tony forgot our breakfast," you told Bruce, linking your arm with his as the door of the Tower came into view. "So am I. Honestly, I needed the time away from the lab."

You giggled and gave his arm a little squeeze. "We should do this again. By far, this has got to be one of the best dates I've ever been on." Bruce stopped and asked, "This was a date?" he asked and you dropped his arm. You gave him a Cheshire Cat grin and replied, "Wasn't it?" With a wink, you turned and entered the Tower, leaving Bruce standing on the sidewalk, smiling like an idiot.    

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