Tutor (Steve Rogers x fem!reader) College AU

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Steve sighed heavily as he looked down at the piece of paper in his hand. There was a name he didn't know on it. He'd really been hoping for a tutor he knew, maybe Stark or Banner. It was a science class after all and those two knew exactly what they were doing. But Steve wasn't that lucky. He glanced at the paper again. Y/F/N Y/L/N. You were his tutor and his advisor said he needed to meet you in the library. Steve was standing outside the library now.

"You just gonna stand there, Rogers or are you going in?" Tony asked him with a smirk. Tony knew who you were and he also knew that you were just Steve's type. So, when Steve told him he needed a science tutor, Tony immediately made it impossible for himself or Bruce to be available. "I think I'll just stand here. I can fail this one class...it's not like I need it for my major anyway," Steve retorted sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. Tony chuckled and gave Steve a gentle push. "Go on, Rogers. It'll be painless."

Groaning inwardly, Steve finally opened the door. He scanned the library for you, although he realized he had no idea what you looked like. Feeling a nudge in his ribs, Steve looked at Tony again, who pointed across the library. Steve followed Tony's gesture to where you were sitting and his eyes went wide. There you were, your (h/c) hair pushed out of your face as you pored over the textbook in front of you. Steve remembered seeing you before. You sat a couple rows in front of him in class, but he'd never had the opportunity to speak to you so he hadn't known your name.

"That's her?" Tony nodded and smirked again. "Go have fun. I won't wait up," his roommate told him, making Steve roll his eyes again. Steve slowly made his way over to you. "Y/N?" You looked up and gave him a smile. "Hello, Steve." Of course you knew who Steve Rogers was. The really sweet and charming all-American boy and a major hottie to boot. "May I?" he gestured to the seat across from you. "Well how else am I going to tutor you?" you asked with sly smile. Steve chuckled softly, not wanting to break the serenity of the room.

Steve sat and you immediately turned serious. As you tried to help, Steve realized that you really knew what you were talking about. You answered his questions with ease and put things into terms he could relate to. It didn't take you long to get through the material and, in between chapters, you and Steve would sneak in normal conversation. "I think you got it. We can meet again next week before finals if you'd like, but I really think you understand it all," you finally said with a sad smile after a couple of hours. You'd been enjoying your time with Steve and Steve seemed to be enjoying his time with you.

Steve returned the smile, trying to ignore the nagging voice in the back of his head telling him to ask you out on a date. There's no way you'd go out with him. The only reason you were even there with him now was because you were assigned to tutor him. Nothing more, nothing less. So, he slowly rose from his seat. "Thanks for all your help, Y/N." You smiled at him. Steve returned it and turned to walk away.

"Hey,Steve?" He looked back at you. You looked down at the table shyly, biting your lip. "Do you think you could tutor me in History?" Steve arched a brow. You had some of the best grades in the class. Why would you need a tutor? Then, he caught the look in your eye. Oh. OH! He couldn't stop the smile that made his mouth turn up. "Sure, Y/N. Friday?" You stood up,grabbing your bag and winking. "See you at 7, Rogers." Steve watched you walk away, the dopiest grin on his face. Meanwhile, across the library,Natasha was sending a text to Tony: 

Operation Matchmaker complete!b�'��>8-

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